(Use this packet for multiple principal investigators)
1.1Choose your submission type:
New Submission Resubmission: Previous Application ID #YY-xxxx (Enter N/A if not assigned)
1.2Proposal Title
Applied Sciences Social Sciences/Liberal Arts Creative Activity Interdisciplinary
1.4Project Award Category:
Individual/Single Applicant Program Development & Evaluation (Not eligible for stipend)
Multiple Applicants External Grant Proposal Writing
1.5Award Duration – Choose all applicable boxes and fill the appropriate spaces:
Stipend for the academic year 20 to cover credit hours.
Research for the academic year.
Award Questions / Response / Remark(s)Expected start date / mm/dd/yyyy
Anticipated completion date / mm/dd/yyyy
Other source of funding
1.6Check List(Incomplete applications will not be reviewed)
MandatoryIf applicable
Abstracts(F002) IRB/IACUC approval notice (IRBN001/IACUCN001)
Project Narrative (F003) Final Reports from all previous FRCAC funding(send separately)
Bibliography (limit 35 references) Illustrations & Schematics (4 images limited to 2 pages)
Budget & Justification(F008) Co-investigators’ Biosketch(es)(2 pagesmaximum each)
Significance(F004) Supplemental documents for budget justification
PI’s Biosketch (F009)(2 copies) Other Attachments like Travel Authorization template
Key-Personnel Profiles & Roles
Response to reviewer’scomments (F010)
1.7Budget (Amounts will autofill from the Budget Page)
Stipend / Other funds / Total Budget (limit $10,000)$0 / $0 / $0
To be used when there are multiple PIs. Space for reviewer response is also provided when resubmitting a previously unfunded FRCAC proposal.
2.1Principal Investigators(PI) Information:
First PI’s information
Name / PI Name / Email / @mtsu.eduRank / Asst. Prof Assoc Prof Prof Tenured / M#
Department / College
Contact / Building Room Box# Telephone(615) xxx xxxx
URL (if available)
Previous FRCAC Details: / Received FRCAC funds## times in the past
Received Summer Assistance ##times.
Second PI’s information
Name / Email / @mtsu.eduRank / Asst. Prof Assoc Prof Prof Tenured / M#
Department / College
Contact / Building Room Box# Telephone (615) xxx xxxx
URL (if available)
Previous FRCAC Details: / Received FRCAC funds ## times in the past
Received Summer Assistance ##times.
2.2Co-Investigators and Key personnel (other than the PIs) to be included in this project:
Regardless whether funding is requested or not, list all of the researchers who will contribute towards this study
Name, Contact and Role in the Study / Department/InstitutionInstitution details requiredif non-MTSU / Funding History
Faculty Undergraduate Staff
Graduate PhD. Candidate Other
Non-MTSU: / Funds requested here
Past/Current FRCAC/URECA Awardee
Faculty Undergraduate Staff
Graduate PhD. Candidate Other
Non-MTSU: / Funds requested here
Past/Current FRCAC/URECA Awardee
Faculty Undergraduate Staff
Graduate PhD. Candidate Other
Non-MTSU: / Funds requested here
Past/Current FRCAC/URECA Awardee
Faculty Undergraduate Staff
Graduate PhD. Candidate Other
Non-MTSU: / Funds requested here
Past/Current FRCAC/URECA Awardee
Faculty Undergraduate Staff
Graduate PhD. Candidate Other
Non-MTSU: / Funds requested here
Past/Current FRCAC/URECA Awardee
Faculty Undergraduate Staff
Graduate PhD. Candidate Other
Non-MTSU: / Funds requested here
Past/Current FRCAC/URECA Awardee
Faculty Undergraduate Staff
Graduate PhD. Candidate Other
Non-MTSU: / Funds requested here
Past/Current FRCAC/URECA Awardee
PI’s Remark(s):
3.1 Applicants’Assurance
We,Enter both PI names, herebycertify that
1)this proposal is our original work and it complies with the University’s Responsible Conduct in Researchpolicies
2)the information provided here is accurate to the best of our knowledge and we are aware that incomplete proposals will not be reviewed
3)We will duly acknowledge FRCAC if this study or a portion of this study is disseminated in any form
4)if funded, we will duly notify and obtain a written approval to implement any essential deviations to this proposal
5)We are aware that each applicant can submit only one FRCAC application per funding session and we are also aware that an investigator may not receive more than one FRCAC funding at the same time
6)We agree to submit a final report to FRCAC once this project has been completed and failure to do so will make us ineligible for future FRCAC funding. We also agree to present the results of this study at the following Scholars’ Week
By entering my name in this electronic signature, we agree to the above assurance statements<Enter name using FIRST PI's FSA >
<Enter name using SECOND PI's FSA> / Date: Click here
Date: Click here
Instructions to the Applicant:
- Complete this section only after the entire application packet has been completely filled
- Login using your MTSU FSA account to enter your signature. After placing your electronic signature, forward this document to your Department Chair for signature approval
- Subsequently, the Dean of your College must sign-off
- Send completed applications to . INK SIGNATURES ARE NO LONGER REQUIRED.
- If the application packet is altered subsequent to the Dean/Chair’s endorsements, then the document packet must be sent back to them for a second review before it can be sent to FRCAC.
I certify the following by entering my name in the electronic signature box below,
1)I have reviewed this proposal and I am aware of all of theproposed research and creative activities and I have no objections for this study to be conducted in my Department/College
2)I am also aware of any time-release requests made by the applicants and I approve such requests
3)I am aware of the current time commitments of the applicants and I will inform FRCAC if the applicant is charged with additional commitments that would impact his/her commitment to this research
Department Chair’s Endorsement:
Electronically signed by <Full Name must be entered by the 1st PI's Chair> / Date: Click here<Chair's Recommendation>
Electronically signed by <Full Name must be entered by the 2nd PI's Chair> / Date: Click here
<Chair's Recommendation>
College Dean’s Endorsement:
Electronically signed by <Full Name must be entered by the 1st PI's Dean> / Date: Click here<Dean's Recommendation>
Electronically signed by <Full Name must be entered by the 2nd PI's Dean> / Date: Click here
<Dean's Recommendation>
Instructions to the Chair/Dean:
- Complete this section only if the entire application packet has been adequately filled.
- After placing your electronic signature, please provide a brief support/recommendation statement.
- You can either send this document back to the applicants or forward it to the next endorsee.
- Please retain a copy of your endorsed application packet for your Department/College records.
- Any changes to this document packet by the PI needs to be approved by you prior to a FRCAC review
- Forward your questions to and INK SIGNATURES ARE NO LONGER REQUIRED
FRCACF001 – Funding request Application & ApprovalsPage 1 of 18
You can either type or paste from a formatted document to fill in the spaces given below. While pasting ensure you either use Times New Roman (12pt) or Arial (11pt).
(Maximum 1,200 characters)
(Maximum 1,200 characters)
FRCACF002 – AbstractsPage 1 of 16
Type or paste from a formatted document to complete the following narrative sections. If pasting ensure you either use Times New Roman (12pt) or Arial (11pt) with a 1.5 line spacing or more.
FRCACF003 – Proposal NarrativePage 1 of 16
- Convert the illustrations to an image format (TIFF, JPEG, GIF, PNG, BMP etc.).
- Each page of a PDF file can be easily converted to individual image files by using the “save as” option.
- Once you have the image files ready, then click in the center to activate the upload dialogue box.
- Navigate to your file location and select the image file to be uploaded.
- Once uploaded, the images can be resized or deleted; please note that deletion of objects cannot be undone.
- To remove an uploaded object simply click on the object and press the delete button.
Exhibit 1: Type caption
Exhibit 2: Type caption
Exhibit 3:Type caption
Exhibit 4:Type caption
FRCACF003A- IllustrationsPage 1 of 16
References can be typed or pasted from a formatted document within the space provide below. Refer to the FRCAC recommended formatwhen compiling bibliography and citations. Be advised that the embedded word processing options may be limited to the source operating system and they may not work efficiently from your computer.
FRCAC recommended bibliography format can be downloaded from
FRCACF003B – BibliographyPage 1 of 16
Type or paste from a formatted document to complete the following narrative sections. If pasting ensure you either use Times New Roman (12pt) or Arial (11pt). There are no restrictions on line spacing.
FRCACF004 - SignificancePage 1 of 16
Complete this itemized budget below and CHECK ALL YOUR ARITHMETIC. You must provide a detailed explanation in the attached budget justification page to support each line item listed in this budget. You must also attach supporting documents substantiate the requested funds.
Principal Investigators:Project Title: / [Title]
Funding period: / Begin date: mm/dd/yyyy End date:mm/dd/yyyy
1. Stipenda (Total summer stipend MUST NOT exceed $6,500) / Fall / Spring / Summer / Subtotal
NA / NA / $ / $0
NA / NA / $
2. Salariesb - Adjunct, outside consultant, technician and other personnel
Provide Name, Credit hours & Role on Project / Fall / Spring / Summer / Subtotal
$0 / $0 / $0
$0 / $0 / $0
$0 / $0 / $0
$0 / $0 / $0
Total Salaries & Contracts / $ / $ / $ / $0
3. Graduate Student Workerc
Provide Student Name & Role on this project / Semester / Hours / Rate/hr / Total Wage / Subtotal
$0 / $0
$0 / $0
$0 / $0
$0 / $0
Total Student Wages Requested / $0 / $0
4. Research-related Travel Expenses -FRCAC DOES NOT FUND CONFERENCE TRAVELS / Amount / Subtotal
Transportation: / $0
Accommodation: / $0
Per diemd / $0
Applicable fees: / $0
Other: / $0
Total Travel Expenses / $0 / $0
5. Equipment ($500+) - List equipment name, description and purpose / Vendor/Supplier & Part # / Amount / Subtotal
Total Equipment Costs / $0 / $0
6. Operational Expensese – Provide a short description if necessary / Amount / Subtotal
Total Operational Expenses / $0 / $0
a. Summer Stipend: FRCAC has restructured “summer pay” to a stipend structure. The applicant may request a full stipend ($6,500) or a half stipend ($3,250)
b. Adjunct Faculty Pay: Adjunct faculty with a PhD will receive $700 per credit hour assigned. Do not include fringe benefits.
c. Student Workers compensation: The Graduate Assistants can only be paid on hourly basis and undergraduates are not supported by FRCAC
d. Per diem: MTSU does not reimburse meals expenses – Consult with your Departmental administrator for current per diem allowances
e. Operation Costs: Examples – supplies, chemicals, archival materials, stationary, compensation to human participants, etc.
f. Limit: MUST NOT exceed $10,000
Principal Investigators / Budget / $0The FRCAC offers “seed money” up to $10,000 to faculty PIsfor generating preliminary data towards research proposals to be submitted for external granting funding. It is therefore crucial the grant seeker provides a compelling case for why FRCAC should award them the funds. In addition, the applicant must also elucidate the justification for each item listed in their proposed budget.
- STIPEND(s)Requested Stipend: $0
Starting from August, 2016, this stipend structure will replace the previously awarded “Reassigned Time” and “Summer Salary.” Requests for a stipend can be made in the Fall as well as the Spring funding cycles. Funding can be requested for either $6,500 (Full Stipend) or $3,250 (Half Stipend). The applicant has to make a clear judgement on the fund requirements before making a request. The justification can include various aspects, such as the time commitment, and why the stipend is are essential to complete the research goals. The funding seeker must also provide details on other commitments that may influence his/her productivity, teaching and service, while carrying out the proposed activities. FRCAC will only use the scientific merit or creative value of the proposal when making its determination and will no longer use the faculty rank or seniority as a criteria.
Restrictions on Summer Stipends:
Untenured PIs may receive up to FOUR summer stipends and they may be dispersed in consecutive summers.
Tenured PIs may receive up to THREE summer stipends in a six-year period but the applicant may not receive them in consecutive summers.
No PI may receive more than SIX summer stipends in total.
The previously awarded “Summer Salary” also count towards the overall total.
Funds requested through the “Proposal Development” do not qualify for summer stipend.
- PERSONNEL SALARIES Requested Salaries: $0
The FRCAC will consider funding personnel, such as technicians, research assistants, professional consultants and collaborators. Requests for funds to compensate current MTSU students cannot be made under this category. The FRCAC will also pay adjunct salary if applicable. Consult your departmental administrator for adjunct pay rates. The PI must demonstrate that the personnel salaries are justified adequately. The essential job function of the personnel for whom compensation is requested must be clearly articulated. Provide additional documents, such as CV/Resume, publications certification(s) and other documents demonstrating professional competence for FRCAC’s review.
- GRADUATE ASSISTANTS Student Assistantship: $0
The FRCAC will consider funding personnel, such as graduate assistants necessary to complete the study. Please note that FRCAC only funds graduate students and undergraduate researchers can request funds through the URECA Research Grants. FRCAC only pays hourly wage of the graduates and funds cannot be used to pay for their tuition or GA/GT stipend. FRCAC recommends the applicants determine critically if the student has a commitment to research and higher education. FRCAC considers various aspects of the potential student researcher, including prior research experience in the proposed field, academic records and expertise, scholarly activities, potential to succeed as a researcher and other achievements that may indicate the students’ passion for a research career. The applicant may provide CV/resume of the student and proof for other scholarly and professional activities to further justify the funding request.
- TRAVEL Travel Funds Requested: $0
The FRCAC will consider funding travel necessary to carry out the study. A filled travel authorization (TA) with tentative dollar figures presented along with this budget justification if travel to out-state or international locations is expected. FRCAC does not fund undergraduate students. Therefore, the applicants are urged to help undergraduate researchers seek travel funding through URECA, STEP-MT or TLSAMP and graduate students may apply through the College of Graduate Studies travel fund. MTSU does not reimburse meals expenses and all of the items listed in budget must be adequately explained and justified.
- EQUIPMENT COST (more than $500) Equipment Requested: $0
The FRCAC may support the purchase or rental of any item(s) essential to the completion of this study. The identified items were either not owned by the investigator’s department or it is not available for the PI through an MTSU inter-departmental sharing scheme. Mandatory attachments with budget include: (a) Letter from the Department Chair stating that funds are unavailable to procure or rent the specified item; (2) competing price quotes from potential vendors; (3) sole supplier certificate from the prospective vendor if multiple sellers are unavailable; and brochure or other product literature. Equipment purchased using FRCAC funding will be considered as MTSU’s property and should be available for other MTSU faculty. Laptops and other computer equipment are not funded by FRCAC. Provide a description of how the proposed acquisition would improve the chances of succeeding in your research goals and how this purchase or rental would be a long-term benefit to the MTSU research community.
- OPERATIONAL COSTS Total Operational Expenses: $0
The FRCAC funds operational expenses for carrying out a project when each proposed cost is adequately justified. Frequently approved spending includes, purchase of laboratory supplies & chemicals, consumables, specialized stationary not available through the Department or the University, applicable fees & surcharges, maintenance expenses, general supplies, small equipment less than $500, instrument usage fee like microscopes, procure or rent small tools, compensation for human participants enrolled in a research study, documentation & storage, shipping charges, and archival supplies. The disallowed expenses include, conference fee, publication cost, hospitality and food, photocopying and other documentation expenses carried out within MTSU using the University’s facilities, cost of transporting the research team members, gifts/ incentives & honorariums, team meetings, and other recreational expenses even if they are related to the project. NOTE: the compensation to human participants has to be nominal and has to be approved by the University’s IRB and FRCAC encourages the using one of the University outlets to provide the compensation, such as gift cards to MTSU cafeteria or the book store.
- The total funds requested may not exceed $10,000.
- Only the PI is eligible for the stipend.
- All requested expenses must comply with MTSU finance policies.
- Funds must be spent within the period for which it was allocated. Even if FRCAC approves extensions, the funds may not be available because annual budgets are set by the central office.
- Restructuring of an approved budget is permitted only upon a written consent by FRCAC.
- IRB/IACUC – applicants must secure IRB/IACUC approval prior to the start date of the funds. However, FRCAC recommends the applicants to obtain the appropriate approval before submitting their proposal because any changes or modifications recommended by IRB/IACUC must also be reviewed by FRCAC to ensure the research goals and methods for which funding is recommended did not alter by the regulatory revisions.
FRCACF008 – Budget & JustificationPage 1 of 18