II Core Theme 4: Access and Diversity
Shoreline Community College maximizes student access to all its transfer, professional/technicaland developmental programs. SCC promotes a diverse student body and employees who reflect the local, state, regional and international communities that the college serves. According to the SBCTC Enrollment Rule Policy, colleges are expected to maintain strong commitment to the following types of enrollments: ABE, Early childhood education, I-BEST, transfer high demand, workforce high demand. Actual enrollments will be compared to prior year actual and allocated enrollments and will be reviewed by the SBCTC Board quarterly. Districts are expected to enroll at allocated enrollments levels. Colleges under-enrolled in a monitored enrollment type may be subject to a reduction in enrollments and associated funding. There are two objectives to this core theme
Objective 4.1: The college increases enrollment of underserved, underrepresented and international students.Indicators / Rationale / Assessment/Data
Increase in enrollment of underserved and underrepresented populations / Enrollment trends provide tracking mechanisms and data indicating quarterly, annual, and trend data by student intent and number of underserved/ underrepresented populations that help measure if the college is meeting the objective of increasing access and diversity through its enrollment.
The portion of enrollment targets achieved on a quarterly and annual basis including demonstration of meeting or increasing enrollment by program intent and by underserved /underrepresented populations. (Sources: Institutional Effectiveness – 10th Day and Final Quarterly Reports, Annual Reports, and Annual Trends Reports. Annual enrollment targets set by SBCTC).
- Transfer program enrollments
- Professional/technical program enrollments
- Essential Skills (GED/ABE) program enrollments
- High School Completion program enrollments
- Annual Targets
- Quarterly Targets
- Academic Division Targets
- Student Achievement Initiative (SAI)?
- Completion Reports
Yield Rates by underserved/ underrepresented populations for general and special admission programs / Yield/Conversion Rates of Applicants
The portion of students that inquire, submit an application, and enroll in the colleges including general admission, special admission programs, and underserved/ underrepresented populations. (Sources: Inquiry Management System, Admission and Registration Reports, Special Program Admission Reports)
Yield rates show the conversion of students that have expressed an interest in the college (inquiry), those that submit an admission application, those that have been admitted into special programs and ultimately those students that enroll at the college. Comparisons of general admission, special admission programs, and yield rates for underserved/ underrepresented populations help measure if the college is meeting the objective of access and diversity through monitoring yield rates of students that express interest to those that enroll. /
- Student Achievement Initiative
- Yield Rates by underserved/ underrepresented populations for general and special admission programs
- Gender
- Age
- Disability
- Veteran
- Low Income
Availability of financial resources and tuition for underserved and underrepresented populations
The amount of financial assistance funding for financially needy students / SCC aims to meet unmet financial need for eligible students through awarding federal, state, and institutional aid. Financial assistance helps students overcome financial barriers to access and increases diversity by allowing students attend, persist, and succeed in accomplishing their educational goals. Financial Assistance:The portion of students and dollar amounts awarded from local, state, and federal sources to eligible financially needy students. Annual reports on financial assistance awarded to students including federal, state, and institutional aid. Worker Retraining – quarterly and annual reports on financial assistance awarded to students including Worker Retraining, BFET, Opportunity Grant and Work First. /
- Financial Aid Office quarterly reports
- Worker Retraining quarterly and annual reports
- Opportunity Grant reports
- WorkFirst reports
- Annual FISAP report
- BFET report
Objective 4.2 The college increases retention rates of underserved, underrepresented, and international students by providing necessary services for their success.
Indicators / Rationale / Assessment/Data
4.2 A
Improved retention rates of underserved, underrepresented and international students / The portion of students that enroll and are retained in pre-college programs, and that successfully complete the program, gain a GED, gain a high school diploma, or transition to college level programs. (Sources: Annual reports from Career Education Programs, Learning Center North, Running Start, GED, and High School Completion.) /
- Student Achievement Initiative (SAI)
- Retention/Completion reports for IP students
4.2 B
Improved availability of services to underserved, underrepresented and IP students. / Demonstrated support for high quality pre-college programs and comprehensive learning assistance forunderserved, underrepresented and IP students. /
- IP Reports
- TWLS reports
- Math Lab reports
- ESL Lab reports
Growth and retention of IP students / International Program Enrollment: Developing, implementing and monitoring a comprehensive international recruitment program is important to the diversity of the campus. International students bring the value of sharing different cultural backgrounds with the campus community.
International Program Retention: The portion of international students retained from fall quarter to fall quarter and completion rates for certificates, degrees, or transferring to another college or university.Retaining international students is important to student educational success and is important to the diversity of the campus as international students bring the value of sharing different cultural backgrounds with the campus community. /
- Strategic Enrollment Management Plan
- Retention data
Objective 4.3: The college recruits, retains, and develops a diverse college workforce.
Indicators / Rationale / Assessment/Data
4.3 A
Staffing profiles Staffing Profiles The portion of the college workforce that is recruited, retained, and that participate in development activities by employee group and underrepresented populations. / Monitoring the recruitment, retention and development of the diverse college workforce is imperative to access and diversity for the entire college campus. Annual reports such as IPEDS provides national information on college staffing profiles and allows trend analysis for comparison to other colleges. Annual IPEDS staffing reports include breakdown by employee groups and salary reports. Institutional data also provides information on local recruitment, retention and development efforts to support the diverse college workforce. The continual recruiting, retaining and developing of a diverse community of learning is primary goal of this college. Recruitment:
Advertising sources (including diversity outreach sources)
- Number of applications (including breakdown by employee group, race/ethnicity, age, gender, disability)
- Portion of selection processes that incorporate and use cognitive errors.
- IPEDS and HR staffing profiles (including breakdown by employee group, race/ethnicity, age, gender, disability)
- Longevity of service years
- Affirmative Action Reports
- Turnover (retirements, resignations, RIF, layoffs by employee group, race/ethnicity, age, gender, disability)
- Salary levels by employee group
- Portion participating in formal and informal professional development activities by employee group.
- Human Resources institutional data
- Annual IPEDS staffing report
- Affirmative Action reports