Deutsche Welle Akademie
Radio Training Centre, Bonn, Germany
Media Development Center, Sofia, Bulgaria
7th – 16th of February, 2005
Sofia, Bulgaria
Deutsche Welle Radio Training Centre
Udo Prenzel / Project Manager, DWRTCThomas Rump / Trainer, perconsult
Partner organization
Media Development Center / Danail Danov, Program DirectorCourse Program
Working time: / 09:30 - 13:00h, 14:00 – 16:30hLunch break: / 13:00 - 14:00h
Coffee break: / morning time and afternoon 15 minutes each
Monday, February 7th
09.30 / Opening of the workshop
10:00 / Who are we ?
Presentation of participants, trainer and programme
11:30 / The situation
Where you came from
Where you are
Where you might go
(SWOT analysis)
13:00 / Lunch break
14:00 /
The format
- Radio formats
- Programming
What to do
What to avoid15.00 / The show
- Hot clocks
- Structural hour analysis
- Morning and afternoon drive
16:30 /End of session
Tuesday, February 8th09:30 / Programme layout and packaging:
- Layout
- How to set up trailers and layout
- Dangers and failures
11:30 / Packaging
- How to sell your programme
- How to sell your events
- How to sell your people
13:00 / Lunch break
14:00 / Music Format
- How to create a format
- How to maintain a format
16:30 / End of session
Wednesday, February 9th
09:30 / Music mapping I
- Repertoire and archives
- Categories and soundcodes
- Music clocks
11:30 / Music mapping II
- Dayparting and clustering
13:00 / Lunch break
14:00 / Music mapping III
Call Outs and Auditorium Tests
16:30 / End of session
Thursday, February 10th
09:30 / Audience research I
- Methods and technics
11:00 / Audience research II
- Implementing research into programme
13.00 / Lunch Break
14:00 / Audio research III
- The quick and dirty way
- Competition as benchmark
16:30 / End of session
Friday, February 11th
09:30 / The challenge of personality
- The dangerous On Air Personality
10:30 / The challenge of personality II
- Airchecking and Controlling
- Hire and Fire
13:00 / Lunch break
14:00 / The market
Where are the clients – and what do they want?
16:30 / End of session
Saturday,February 12th
09:30 / The money
- The right prize for the right product
11:00 / The money II
Commercials and no end ?
13.00 / Lunch break
14.00 / The money III
Big bucks need big research
13:00 / End of session
Sunday, February 13th
Free disposal
Monday, February 14th
09:30 / The programme
Marketing the programme or programme the marketing
13:00 / Lunch break
14:00 / The programme II
Do you know what to sell?
The programme III
- benchmarking
- games
- contests
16:30 / End of session
Tuesday, February 15th
09:30 / The image
What is your place in the world?
13:00 / Lunch break
14:00 / The image II
- Radio as a brand
- Create and innovate
16:30 / End of session
Wednesday, February 16th
09:30 / The future
- Where are we heading for?
- A structure for the future
11:30 / Course evaluation
12:00 / Closing ceremony
- Certificates
- Farewell
12:30 / Lunch and End of workshop
The Deutsche Welle Radio Training Centre (RTC)
/ was founded in 1965, / is committed to the promotion and support of international media development by providing training and consultancy to radio stations in Africa, Asia, Latin America, the Arab World and Eastern Europe,
/ has to date trained over 10.000 radio professionals from 130 countries,
/ conducts workshops and seminars in Bonn and abroad in German, English, French, Spanish and various other languages,
/ relies on a staff of experienced project managers as well as on a team of multi-skilled guest lecturers,
/ trains journalists and programme producers in the production of information and educational programmes,
/ conducts courses for engineers and technicians focusing on studio planning, operation and maintenance,
/ offers training and consultancy on "New Radio Technologies" to users and decision-makers,
/ organizes special management seminars and "Training of Trainers" courses,
/ provides on-the-spot consultancy to radio stations on issues related to staff and organisational development,
/ conducts refresher courses and coaching sessions for former trainees with a view to enhancing career development,
/ works closely together with German and international organisations in the area of media support,
/ issues various publications as well as readers and teaching materials in several languages,
/ maintains close contact with over 300 state-, public- and independent radio stations in 130 countries,
/ receives most of its funds from the Ministry for Economic Co-operation and Development but also from the Foreign Office and other institutions,
/ supports and encourages co-operation between partner stations and the Deutsche Welle in the areas of co-production, rebroadcasting and staff exchanges,
/ provides a forum for professional exchange between communicators from all over the world, thereby contributing to international dialogue and understanding.
Bonn, 2005