Staff Council Meeting
Present: Paulette Harris, RGC, Uvalde, President Karlin DeVoll, SRSU, Alpine
Brandy Snyder, SRSU, Alpine, Vice-President Jessie Lara, SRSU, Alpine
Mary Bones, SRSU, Alpine, Secretary/Treasurer Stacy Ontiveroz, SRSU, Alpine
Donna Greene, SRSU, Alpine Lauren Mendias, SRSU, Alpine
Carol Greer, SRSU, Alpine Aurora Gonzalez, RGC, Eagle Pass
Claudia Portillo, RGC, Del Rio
Absent: Mayra Rodgriquez, RGC, Eagle Pass
Liz Castillo, SRSU, Alpine
Item / Discussion / ResolutionReview Minutes / Paulette opened the meeting and asked the council members to review the September meeting minutes. / Minutes were accepted as correct and placed on file.
Financial Update / Paulette reported that the Staff Advisory Council budget for the 2011/2012 year was set at $3,000. Members agreed to budget $2,000 for travel and $1,000 for M&O. / Budget was accepted as correct and placed on file.
Update from Dr. Maestas / Paulette did not have a report.
Old Business / The question of whether monies left over would be added to a new amount or consolidated into the new budget was answered. The left over monies have been consolidated into the 2011/2012 $3,000 budget.
Committee Reports / No committee reports from either RGC or Alpine.
New Business / Council members discussed creating two standing committees: Staff Appreciation and Facilities Overview.
Staff Appreciation Committee members will meet before the November meeting to discuss and brainstorm ideas that will help new staff and current staff members in feeling valued and appreciated in the work place. As one of its first acts, the Staff Appreciation Committee was asked to mail a Congratulations card to Mayra Rodriquez to celebrate the birth of her son. / Staff Appreciation Committee
Chair- Lauren Mendias
Mary Bones
Donna Greene
Carol Greer
Claudia Portillo
Facilities Overview Committee has asked Paulette to approach Dr. Masetas about this particular committee, before members meet with him to discuss forming this committee. The Facilities Overview goal is to promote clarity and communication on campus between Physical Plant, Staff and Administration. / Facilities Overview Committee members who may meet with Dr. Maestas after his meeting with Paulette are Brandy Snyder and Jessie Lara.
Publicity- Mary Bones has agreed to write press releases to be published both on the fs-all email and in the Skyline. Initial press release will focus on what the Staff Council does and how one may contact a member.
Next Meeting / The next Council meeting was set for November 10 at 10am / Meeting was adjourned.