Thank you very much for agreeing to post your course notes at and allowing other educators and students to download the materials. We have to go through some formalities to make sure that you are you and that we understand the license under which you are willing to provide the materials.

Please fill out this form, sign it, and mail it to me at Cem Kaner, Department of Computer Sciences, Florida Tech, 150 West University Blvd, Melbourne, FL32901. You can reach me at 321-674-7137 (office), 321-727-8084 (home) or .

Please provide your name and contact information, including your business or school phone number, your business or school website, and your email address:

What is the name of your course?

Please briefly describe your course or your course files. We don’t need much info, just enough to help us confirm that we have received the material you intended to send, and not something else that you sent in error. (We don’t want to post the wrong documents.) If you prefer, you could say here that you will email us this information and simply name the document (e.g. a course syllabus) that you are emailing to us.

LICENSE GRANT(Please select and circle one of these options)

1) Our standard license

The following notice will appear on the front page of each file of yours that we distribute:

I grant permission to make digital or hard copies of this work for personal or classroom use, provided that (a) Copies are not made or distributed for profit or commercial advantage. (b) Copies must bear this notice and full citation on the first page, and if you distribute the work in portions, the notice and citation must appear on the first page of each portion. Abstracting with credit is permitted. The proper citation for this work is (your name and course title), (c) Each page that you use from this work must bear the notice (your copyright notice) or, if you modify the page, "Modified slide, originally from your name." (d) If a substantial portion of a course that you teach is derived from these notes, advertisements of that course should include the statement, "Partially based on materials provided by your name." To copy otherwise, to republish or post on servers, or to distribute to lists requires prior specific permission and a fee. Request permission to republish from your email address.

Unless you instruct us otherwise, we will use the name of the course that you provide to us as the course title, and will list your copyright notice as Copyright © your name, current year, and we will use your name and email address as provided to us above.

2) Open content license

On the front page of each file of yours that we distribute, we would supply the standard Open-Content license initially published by Assistant professor David Wiley of the UtahStateUniversity. Under this license, anyone can use your material for any purpose, including commercial republication. If the course notes include source code, the Open source license applies to that code.

3) Your policy.

Include your copyright notice and license terms and restrictions on the first page of each section of the document, and send us a copy for review. We may not be able to accept documents that are too restrictively licensed, that would require us to take enforcement actions on your behalf, or that have unusual terms that would not be reasonably expected by a teacher or student. We do not consider GPL-like terms unreasonable.

Restriction to teachers:

You may restrict some material so that it is made available only topeople who actually teach the course at universities orcommercially. To qualify for access to such material, peoplemust register with us as a teacher and provide appropriate details.We will take reasonable measures to confirm their identity, but there is a non-zero probability that we will be spoofed.

Many courses include a lot of material that should be available to everyone and some material (such as answers to exercises and sample exams) that you want to distribute only to teachers. If this is true of your course, please send the files to us as separate submissions and cross-reference them.

Teachers will distribute some of this material to their students (such as test questions) and, you hope, keep other material more private. For the material that you want kept private, we urge you to keep that material in separate files and to specifically state on the front of each file that the material in this file / document may not be posted on any website other than or otherwise copied and distributed without your written permission.

Your Agreement

I warrant that I am the author of these materials and that I have the authority to license this course to the Software Testing Education Research Lab, for publication on

I have read and agree to the terms of service for

Signed: ______

In (state or province/ country): ______

Date: ______

Latest revision October 30, 2002.