Campaign pages in Drupal
Short background.
Amnesty wishes to profile campaigns on their new web pages.
A campaign is normally directed toward a greater human rights issue. A campaign is a long time issue and can include many actions and other activities. A campaign is tightly integrated into the work Amnesty does.
Amnesty may at any time have multiple campaigns we want to promote. Our first campaign in Drupal is Dignity. This starts 19 October and the campaign page needs to be launched before this.
Campaign pages in Drupal
We envision Dignity structurally placed in Aksjoner/Kampanjer/Dignity
We envision a frontpage/landing page based on Aksjon template
News and Actions that are part of Dignity will also be visible on our our Aksjoner and and Aktuelt pages.
We envision the action template with its five categories (boxes on the left) used in the following manner (proposed).
Category box / Text / Mid field / When click1 / Dignity / Large "promotional photo / logo", must also be able to use/show flash. / View the document with a short description of the campaign
2 / Aksjoner / List of actions related to Dignity / View the individual action
3 / Bakgrunn / List of sentral Dignity documents / View the individual document
4 / Nyheter / List of news related to Dignity / View the individual news
5 / Kalender?
In addition, there may be several categories that only becomes visible in the path under Actions / Promotions / Dignity
For some categories the document actually belongs structurally to the campaign, such as Aksjoner/Kampanjer/Dignity/Bakgrunn, while in other cases there are documents that structuraly belong elsewhere in the structure to be presented in the Dignity campaign - example is the Aktuelt/Nyheter documents relating to Dignity. One way to present this on is to tag the documents with Dignity, and that when setting up the category Aksjoner/Kampanjer/Dignity/Nyheter system should pick from Aktuelt/Nyheter if the keyword is Dignity
Progress / Startup
There is currently great uncertainty as to whether we can launch a full site in Drupal to 15 October, but we must have launched a Dignity campaign side to the same date.
If we can manage to quickly put in place a Dignity campaign page set as outlined above, we hope that we parallelly can fill Dignity and the rest of with content. If we do manage to complete till 15thof October, Dignity must go live under in Drupal, while remains in Domino until further notice. That means that the menu system in Drupal only shows Dignity for a period of time.
What is described here is a minimum solution for the launch and the following must work to fulfill this:
- Home /frontpage
- Dignity-frontpage
- the 3 aktuelt templates
- template for action
- Contact Us
- Region Pages
- Search (not an absolute requirement since it will be a few documents)
If we end up with a minimum solution, it is important that we can work in Drupal, and that only Dignity documents appear on the web, without us needing to copy or update documents in 2 locations.