New Richmond Youth Hockey Association Board Meeting Minutes

October 17, 2008 at 1900

Present: Chip Norman, Larry Erickson, Aaron Dilley, Brian Olson, Perry Hallmark, MaryJo Hansen, Mary Hailey, Mike Giannini,Mike McDonald.

Also present: Andrea Kier, Adam Swanda, Mark Nietzke, Tony Erickson, Todd Renledt, John Larson, Charlene Rae Mayry.

Approval of Agenda. We need to add a discussion regarding the Minnesota Youth Hockey meeting agenda. Aaron Dilley made a motion to change the agenda, seconded by Larry Erickson. Motion approved.

Meeting minutes from September 2008 were presented for approval. Brian Olson needs to be added as being present at that meeting. Larry Erickson made a motion to approve the meeting minutes with that correction, seconded by Chip Norman. Meeting minutes approved.

Open forum. No business.

Financials, Andrea Kier. Handout. Larger concession fees were noted because they were stocking the concession stand for the year. We have paid the largest portion of the WAHA fees. Another small payment will go to WAHA next week. Checks sent out for the other associations for girls. Mat system paid for about a month ago. Larry Erickson made a motion to accept the financials, seconded by Perry Hallmark. Financial report approved.

Old business. A referee payment structure has been obtained from Minnesota from Dennis Alm from District 1. Squirt referees receive $25 for 2 man, Peewee referees, $27 for 2 man, Bantam A and B, 2 man,$45 each, bantam C, $30 per man, unless an hour and a half game slot, then $45 a piece. We need to table the decision on what to pay referees until we know for sure what last years fees were.

Infection Control Plan is ready to go when coaches meeting are scheduled. Sunday, November 2, 2008 at 1830 will be the date. It will be held at Ready Randy’s.

Back ice update from Brian Olson. Light poles and lights are installed. Earthworks cleaning to get ready. Will get the boards put up tomorrow. Dehumidifier moved. Probably about a dozen guys to help. Shooting for end of November, 1st of December for back ice. Need to put a structure around the compressor. Things are moving forward.

Team numbers: Bantam A - 11, Bantam B – 11, 1 goalie. Peewee A -16, Peewee B - 16. Squirt A - 14, Squirt B – 15. Squirt C (2000) -10.

Minimites. 31 plus. Discussion regarding learn to skate discount. It was proposed by Mary Hailey that we charge $85.00 at the end of Learn to Skate, seconded by Chip Norman. Motion approved.

Girls Numbers: U8 - 5.


U12-16. Some potential move ups. This will be discussed at their parent meeting tomorrow morning.

U14-14, 1 not confirmed.

Total registered 191. Quite a few high school boys and girls not registered.

Town hall meetings. Both townships interested. Likelihood that this year we won’t get a percentage but some dollar amount. This was positioned as annual support. So in years to come we will get a percentage of membership. Richmond township meeting will be in another month. It will help with utilities. Thank you to for Jon Hailey for his work on this.

Minnesota update for girls coop. Schedules being worked on. Some schedules back. They will play in the north metro league but District 2 will probably host it. U10 coaches Eric Larkowsky, Scott Aspergen assistant. U14 coach Steve Schroeder. U12 coaches Kevin Walensky, Steve Urchal. (Amery, Somerset). Gave us practice times. Discussion regarding practice Wednesday nights because of confirmation. Mark Neitzke has talked to Dan Gilkerson about it. A solution is being worked on. Will discuss at parent meeting in the morning. Discussion regarding issues from last year. U12 B ice not utilized well. No goalie practice. Girls are scheduled for 2 full sheets for the next 2 weeks. Nothing scheduled out further than that. Make sure coaches utilize full sheet of ice if available. What we need is for the coop to tell us what time frame you will be skating and then we can do age appropriate scheduling. We will know in 2 week what practice schedule is.

Tony Erickson. Younger girls need smaller jerseys. 10 more jersey sets. 1200 dollars out of account for jerseys. 50 dollars for jerseys with 1 digit. No extra patches. Lets make sure exactly what we need and not extra. There is a girls fund, which Tony’s company matches, for Girls Learn to Skate in the spring. Perry Hallmark made the motion to accept the proposal for jersey purchase as stated, Chip Norman seconded the motion, motion approved.

MHA Youth Meeting Update. Scheduling. Coaches meeting. District 2 and 3 impose 2 game suspension if the manager doesn’t attend the meeting. November 1 meeting is mandatory for head coaches and manager. Assistant coaches not mandated. Arlington High School is where the meeting is. Encourage board members to attend if interested. District 1 having trouble fielding A teams, looking for ice time, numbers, goalies, coaches. All of our referees will be Minnesota certified this year. All board members are required this year to have a background check.

Coaches approvals. The following coaches were approved for the 2008-2009 season. These approvals are contingent upon background checks and certifications and recertifications.

Inhouse Mites: Larry Erickson, head coach. Hans Christianson, Pat Davis, Kyle Thomas, Jeremy Erickson, Don Thibodeau, Mike Williams, Jeff Iverson, assistants.

Aaron Dilley made a motion to approve, seconded by Mike McDonald. Approved with one abstention.

Squirt C: Jim Pearson, head coach. Mike Alm and Duane Krumm, assistants. Aaron Dilley made a motion to approve, seconded by Mary Hailey. Approved.

Squirt B: Dwight Swiggum, head coach. Kyle Thomas and Hans Christiansen, assistants. Aaron Dilley made a motion to approve, seconded by Larry Erickson. Approved.

Squirt A: Dan Kretovics, head coach. Paul Holmquist and Kirk Lubow, assistants. Aaron Dilley made a motion to approve, seconded by Larry Erickson. Approved.

Peewee B: Casey Guinn, head coach. Craig Yehlik, Warren Smallidge, Aaron Dilley assistant coaches. Mary Hailey made a motion to approve, seconded by Perry Hallmark. Approved with two abstentions.

Peewee A: Mike Wisemiller, head coach. Tyler Hansen, Perry Hallmark, Aaron Dilley, assistant coaches. Mary Hailey made a motion to approve, seconded by Mike McDonald. Approved with two abstentions.

Bantam B: Rick Brown, head coach. Bill Rear, assistant coach. Aaron Dilley made a motion to approve, seconded by Larry Erickson. Approved.

Bantam A: Ernie Walters, head coach. Corey Chwialkowski, Jeff Bodsberg, assistant coaches. Aaron Dilley made a motion to approve, seconded by Mike McDonald. Approved.

U10: Eric Larkowski, head coach. Scott Aspengren, assistant coach. Need application from Eric. Aaron Dilley made a motion to approve, seconded by Larry Erickson. Approved.

U14: Steve Schraeder, head coach. Aaron Dilley made a motion to approve, seconded by Larry Erickson. Approved.

Parents meetings. The board representative for each team level and Perry Hallmark and Mary Hailey will be in attendance at the parent meetings. The meetings will be held at the rink. The schedules will be out in the first or second week if possible. Discussion followed regarding what to expect from scheduling, coaches and rules.

Team managers meetings. Brief meeting prior to Minnesota meeting on November 2. Formal meeting after the first week in November for scheduling. Discussion regarding what we want the Mental Edge to focus on.

Fundraising. Mary Hailey. Not a good time with the economy. Letter to all of alumni. Mary presented a plastic cup with sports labeling as a fundraiser. If we could find New Richmond Tiger custom made cups it would be better. Carissa Singerhouse has more window klings on order. Could we grant Brian Harstad work hours for working on window cling graphics. Ask him how many works he used for this. Motion to allow Brian 10 hour to design window kling by Mary Jo Hansen, seconded by Chip Norman, approved.

Could some one wash jerseys for work hours? Motion was made by Mary Jo Hansen to grant Julie Johnson 5 hours for washing jerseys. Chip Norman seconded the motion, approved.

Mary provided update with Bremer Bank. Bremer has some regulatory issues, due diligence on their lending practices that need to be followed. They requested more information from the association.

Scheduling. Girls 1630 time slot for an hour 4 days a week and Sunday nights. Boys 6 days a week, after 2100 time slot, one morning, one after school slot. JV practicing at least 4 nights a week. Discussion regarding scheduling. District 1 likes to do back to back games. Jami Krumm needs some game time ice so she can start doing her scheduling. 6 home games. Allot each of teams slot for home games. 5 games between Dec. 1 and 1st wk of playoffs, Feb 5 need to played in Wisconsin. We have to make sure our teams get WI games. Going to meeting on Oct 25, get a schedule out for 1st 2 weeks in Nov. Are we going to extend open skating out past this month? Yes, unless a conflict. We should schedule it every Fri and Sat night.

Adam Dilley. Core Training. Nicole will teach the classes again. They will be held at the High School gym Mondays and Thursdays, 18-2030. Put them in café on days when gym not available. Café not big enough. Any other space available? Motion to continue core training made by Mary Hailey, seconded by Larry Erickson, approved.

Halloween party day after Halloween. 2 age groups. Gift certificates for concession stand, gift certificates for open skating. Old merchandise from skate shop. DJ and dance.

Committee reports.

Perry Hallmark. Pictures. Bids for pictures have gone out. Let him know if you know someone.

USA women’s program in town. Looking for opportunities to get into communities. Whitecaps looking for another game night. Did we make money last yr? Sled hockey looking for 2 hours of ice for a Saturday evening. Mike McDonald has information regarding it. We will look in to it.

Chip Norman needs clarification on 1st year work hour. We need a pass word to register for state tournaments. Where are we at with Blue Line numbers? Probably about 6. Chip Norman will be gathering this information.

Communications. New tool. Subscription service for emails. Add or subtract emails. Information on home list regarding this. Bring up at parent meetings. New way of sending out mass emails. Template email on emailing list. New news posted on website. Ability to send out last minute email. Up to 24 hr to get mass emails out. Mike Giannini loaded current email list in. If you are not registered this year you will not be on the email list.

New Business: one parent requesting information on tryout process. Adam Swanda presenting information Discussion regarding how to respond to the family concerns. Consulting with Randy Calleja. Tryout procedure, in handout, not in bylaws.

Adjourned to closed session at 2100.

Motion made by Chip Norman, seconded by Aaron Dilley to adjourn at 2120.

Respectfully submitted, Charlene Rae Mayry, Secretary