Quick Reference Sheet for Trackers #3 – December 2, 2004

Re: Process for Serving Ex-offender customers, tracked with the RIO Funding Source Code.

Effective December 13, 2004, parole officers will begin emailing referral forms to two contact persons (Program Tracking Specialist) at Workforce Security office. See attached list of contacts for Parole Officers.

Office Manager and Supervisors should review the attached process chart and orientation script with the appropriate staff. Significant changes in the processes include:

ü  Documents – our past procedures were to forward these documents to a “birth certificate forwarding” address. Very often this forwarding address was no longer a valid address for the customer and the documents were returned to us. The workgroup decided a more efficient way to handle this is to keep the documents for 1 year, then shred them.

ü  Referrals – The Region III Parole Division will email an electronic referral form (E-37) to two Program Tracking Specialists simultaneously at each office. (See list of Workforce Security Contacts for Parole Officers.) Program Tracking Specialists will open a TWIST Program Detail – or add information to an existing open TWIST program detail. The Region I Parole Division (Conroe, Huntsville) will continue to use paper referral forms for now.

ü  Work Orientation Brochure – the brochure takes the place of the “RIO Customer Agreement” and the “RIO EDP”. The signed Employment Plan in the brochure satisfies the requirement for a signed employment plan.

ü  WOTC and Fidelity Bonding – In the past, Employment Counselors completed the WOTC pre-certification process as part of the orientation/initial interview process, causing the initial interview with the customer to take too long. The group decided we could delay the WOTC pre-certification until an employer was interested in WOTC. We inform the customer about the WOTC and Fidelity Bonding up front in Orientation. The customer can choose to inform potential employers about WOTC and Fidelity Bonding.


Direct inquiries to Ginger Rogers 713.993.2409 or e-mail to


Note: This information is part of the Basic and Expanded services Standards and Guidelines and is posted to www.wrksolutions.com.