Clergy Evaluation
WPA Conference of the United Methodist Church
Yearly Focus: Theology
I.Integrity of Heart and Life
In this section on effectiveness the clergy person and S/PPRC or supervisory board discuss back and forth sharing ideas and perspectives on issues dealing with the pastor’s integrity of heart and life. The team is encouraged to share ideals and commitments to help qualify the practice of these issues.
How does the pastor meet expectations, exceeds expectations, or needs improvement?
Discussion Topic / Comments / Comments - Superintendent1. Pastor:
How is the love of God demonstrated in your daily activities?
S/PPRC or supervisory board:
In what ways do you observe your pastor’s faith manifested in the ways he/she lives?
How is the love of God demonstrated in your pastor’s daily activities?
2. Pastor:
What spiritual disciplines are you employing in your personal spiritual formation?
S/PPRC or supervisory board:
How is the S/PPRC or supervisory board encouraging and supporting the pastor in his/her practices of the spiritual disciplines?
3. Pastor:
How do you manage your time in a way that demonstrates both an appropriate work ethic and attention to family balance with Sabbath and recreation?
S/PPRC or supervisory board:
How does the S/PPRC or supervisory board promote and support your pastor’s balanced time management?
4. Pastor:
How do you care for your physical and emotional health?
S/PPRC or supervisory board
Does the church allow your pastor adequate opportunity to care for his/her physical and emotional health? Particularly does your pastor engage in regular Sabbath, vacation, and renewal?
5. Pastor/ District Superintendent
How is it with your soul?
Things to remember:
Continuing Education Recommendations:
Care Suggestions:
Date Completed:
II.Wholeness in Relationships
Relationships are the basis of all ministry. It gets to the heart of how we interact and respond to situations that occur daily to the once-in-a-lifetime. Pastoral relationships are unique and often on multiple levels. The relationships developed in the S/PPRC or supervisory board with the clergy person(s) is a critical part of a healthy ministry. S/PPRC or supervisory board members need to strike that delicate balance between employer and parishioner. Healthy relationships based on trust and honesty will help when evaluations begin and tough judgments need to be made in love. Our goal is a strong faithful, effective, and fruitful ministry. An authentic relationship is the rock upon which strong, transformational ministry is built.
In what ways do you see the pastor meeting expectations, exceeding expectations, or needing improvements in building relationships?
Discussion Topic / Comments / Comments - SuperintendentPastor:
1. Describe your physical and psychological well-being. Illustrate with examples from the past year
S/PPRC or supervisory board:
What examples do you see in his/her everyday life that shows strengths and areas for improvement? Describe areas of growth that you’ve observed over the past year.
2. In what ways do you nurture emotional well-being?
S/PPRC or supervisory board:
From your perspective how does the pastor demonstrate emotional well-being?
2. Are you a part of a covenant and/or accountability group that promotes self-reflection regarding all aspects of your spiritual formation, ministry and person al life? How often do you meet?
S/PPRC or supervisory board:
How is the S/PPRC or supervisory board encouraging and holding the pastor accountable to participation in a covenant and/or accountability group?
3. Pastor:
Are you dedicated to an on-going process of personal development, spiritual formation, and continuing education?
S/PPRC or supervisory board
How does the S/PPRC or supervisory board hold the pastor accountable to on-going formation?
Things to remember:
Continuing Education Recommendations:
Care Suggestions:
Date Completed:
III.Theological Faithfulness as related to Pastoral Responsibilities
This section is to be completed by the S/PPRC or supervisory board and clergy person, using the following questions as discussion starters. The purpose of the discussion is to exchange ideas and come to an understanding about the clergy person’s faithful fulfillment of the responsibilities and duties of an Elder, Deacon, or Licensed Local Pastor. Following the discussions a summary of recommendations can be completed.
As a tool of accountability the discussions need to clarify if the clergy person. Use these as you discuss each question.
a)meets expectations
b)exceeds expectations
c)needs improvement
Give examples that show how the characteristic/quality/trait comes to life in the congregation. Explain the effect it has on individuals, families, and the congregation. NOTE: “Talking points” are places you may begin your discussion with your pastor. “Comments” section should be the synopsis of these evaluation discussions, and may include recommendations for the pastor for improving her or his ministry in this area and/or specific recommendations for continuing education.
Discussion Topic / Benchmarks/ “talking points” / CommentsWord and Ecclesial Acts
- As the clergy person preaches the Word of God, leads in worship, reads and teaches the Scriptures, and engages the people in study and witness how does he/she
b) lead people in discipleship and evangelistic outreach that others might come to know Christ and follow him? / *understanding of essential United Methodist Christian beliefs?
*promotes making new disciples?
*encourages congregation to witness to the Christian faith?
- How does the clergy person demonstrate the ability to think theologically and articulate the Wesleyan tradition?
*help congregation understand the means of grace?
- How does the clergy person communicate what it means to be a United Methodist in the 21st century?
*itinerancy of Elders
*supports/explains connectional apportionments
Questions 4 through 7 are for Elders and Licensed Pastors
- As the clergy person administers the sacrament of baptism how does he/she prepare the parents, sponsors, and congregation before baptizing infants or children?
- In what ways does your pastor teach about baptism for the congregation?
- Has your pastor performed a “remembering your baptism” service? If so, when? How did the congregation receive it?
- How does the clergy person teach and model the meaning of the Lord’s Supper and encourage regular participation in it as a means of grace to grow in faith and Christian Service?
*teaches what baptism means?
*explains why United Methodists don’t believe in “re-baptizing”?
*give examples
* promotes theological understanding of “open table”?
8. How does the clergy person lead the congregation in racial and ethnic inclusiveness? / *note changes to congregational life owed to exposure to racial/ethnic inclusiveness issues
*inclusive use of language?
*preaching examples and illustrationsinclude all types of person and groups
Things to remember:
Continuing Education Recommendations:
Based upon our discussion on theological faithfulness and our Wesleyan traditions the following are suggestions for:
Pastoral Priorities:
Shared Ministry goals:
Date Completed:
PASTOR: ______S/PPRC CHAIR:______