Pacific Northwest
Unit Aviation Manager
Job Aide
In Feb. of 2009, the Pacific Northwest Unit Aviation Officer Working Group tasked a committee with developing a job aide/guide for personnel managing unit aviation programs. It is understood that each unit is unique in organization and associated assets. All the included information is intended only as a reference guide.
General UAM/UAO Responsibilities:
- The Unit Aviation Manager’s primary task is to insure that aviation operations adhere to agency policy, agency risk management principals and incorporate proven aviation safety practices into all aviation operations.
- The UAM is a safety liaison from the unit to the region.
- The UAM investigates aviation incidents and assists aviation accident investigations.
- The UAM investigates Safecom’s submitted on the unit and ensures corrective action is implemented.
- The UAM disseminates Safety information such as Safety Alerts, Technical Bulletins and Lessons Learned to unit personnel.
- The UAM acts on behalf of aviation safety personnel to enforce state, regional and national safety policies.
- The UAM will adhere to agency policy when working in the interagency environment.
- The UAM will seek advice when interagency policies conflict.
- Oversee and coordinate;fire, LE and resource aviation operations. Monitor aviation operations.
- On some units, supervise and develop a yearly budgetfor Rappel, Helitack, ATGS, Aerial Observer, Air Tanker, Smokejumper or SEAT operationsand other personnel as determined by each unit’s table of organization.
- Participate in the writing of aviation position descriptions.
- Yearly, update all guides and manuals as information is received or via the web.
- Develop a web list of aviation related sites. Disseminate to aviation personnel.
- Insure aviation, resource, LE and fire personnel are up-to-date associated with any new information that pertains to their operation.
- Insure that basic operational elements are in place for all aviation operations; an approved and complete unit aviation plan, project aviation safety plans (PASP), qualified personnel, carded pilots and aircraft, flight following is in place, etc.
- Inform and include line managers in the process of evaluating and approving aviation projects.
- Work with FMO’s to insure that fire management objectives/requests are met by the aviation department. Provide an aviation briefing at each FMO meeting.
- On some units, insure aerial ignition capabilities are in place for spring, summer and fall burning.
- Become IATcertified to teach at various classes, Fixed Wing Base Manager, Helicopter Manager and Crew member, Basic Aviation Safety, Fire School, etc.
- Participate as a “Subject Matter Expert”, in the development of aviation training courses.
- Participate in the review of current aviation policies and guides.
- Assist with organizing various aviation workshops.
- Address issues derived from aviation reviews. Insure follow up and corrective action occurs.
- Assist with End-Product contracts to insure that agency guidelines are adhered too.
- On some units, perform the duties of a Contracting Officer Representative(COR) for local, regional or national aircraft contracts. Attend contract pre-work meetings. Assist PI/COTR’s.
- Conduct technical evaluations of fixed-wing or rotor wing aircraft in regard to a specific solicitation for contract selection.
- Work with fire staff to develop an integrated approach to incorporating aviation operations into the fire program. (Be pro-active)
- Update the local aviationhazards by April 1st each year. Send this information to your designated GIS specialist. Produce and disseminate aviation hazard maps.
- Disseminate aviation information received via e-mail to aviation users.
- Order and disseminate; Communication Guides, Aviation Guides, phone lists, national guides, AP-1B guides and maps etc.
- Attend local and regional aviation meetings.
- Disseminate aviation contract information as received from the COR/SAM.
- Disseminate aviation information from AMD, state and regional offices, NIFC, etc to aviation users.
- Provide aviation user information at all employee meetings.
- Complete field inspections of aviation operations.
- Develop agendas, instructors and materials for fire training sessions.
- Develop end-of-year aviation statistics and reports.
- Verify aviation expenditures.
- Reply to various requests for information from the regional office and the national office.
- Maintain a network with other UAO’s around the region/nation to exchange new ideas.
- Insure updated aviation plans are in place for (examples);
- Smokejumper Ops Plan
- Rappel/Helitack/Helicopter Ops Plan
- Air Tanker Ops Plan
- SEAT Ops Plan
- Air Attack Ops Plan
- Ramp Ops and Ramp Safety
- Recon/Aerial Observer
- Primary Unit Aviation Plan
- Crash Search and Rescue Plan (Response Guide)
- Local Search and Rescue Guide (and Agreements)
- LE Ops Plan
- Project Aviation Safety Plans, develop and or review (aerial seeding, photo, resource projects, fixed wing projects, etc)
- Aviation Guide (Information guide for visiting resources)
Example “Work in Progress”
- Lead for various committees. Examples; communication or facilities committees.
- Develop list of available AD and resource aviation personnel.
- Develop resource personnel for positions such as Aerial observer and SEAT Manager.
- Develop plans such as; SOP’s, budgets, etc. Work with aviation program managers to develop the plans.
- Build updated yearly packages of local information for overhead/ASAT teams.
- Provide assistance to the aviation dispatcher as needed.
- Work on any back country airstrip issues.
- Develop agreements with the local DOT and sheriff to utilize their personnel to close highways during external load operations. (Bucket operations during fire activity.)
- Develop a plan for future aviation facilities.
- Work with FMO’s to insure aerial mapping needs are met. (Fire perimeter mapping)
- Work with the resource personnel on issues such as aerial seeding.
- Develop a local GIS based flight hazard inventory.
- Develop helibase sites and if necessary, develop agreements with private land owners.
- Work with the local fire departments to develop municipal water supplies for helicopter water delivery operations. (Hydrant to heli-tank operations)
- Work with station managers to develop and improve guard station helicopter landing areas.
- Work with the military to insure adequate landing/training areas for their approved operations.
- Work with the local sheriffs and S&R groups to develop an agreed-to-operational mode when agency aircraft are called to assist in life and death cases. (BLM or FS)
- Develop advisory NOTAMS to inform general aviation of; Wild and ScenicRiver corridors and landing restrictions, various one time aviation projects, etc.
- Work with aircraft vendors to develop a better understanding of agency policies.
Example UAM Operational Tasks during Fire Season
- As a significant incident or urban-interface incident occurs, evaluate for potential aircraft operations. Act as coordinator between dispatch, the incident and aviation resources to set up helibase sites, water sources, etc. Act as coordinator for closing roads and public sites assuring public safety in terms of mitigating the interaction between aviation resources and the public. Develop land use agreements with private land owners as needed. Monitor aviation operations. Work with resource personnel to mitigate impacts.
- Act as an aviation coordinator and liaison for incidents that are progressing from IA status to type 3 and type 2/1 incidents. Work with IC’s and teams to develop the aviation operational aspects of incident management. Supply teams with a full briefing package. Develop and implement preliminary basic operational needs for the incoming team.
- Insure that briefings are provided to all aviation based operations that arrive on the local unit.
- Monitor airspace issues. Order up an airspace coordinator as activity warrants.
- Monitor weather conditions. Advise dispatch when conditions exceed safe limits.
- Work on a daily basis with aviation assets to handle contractual, administrative and scheduling issues.
- Respond to requests from field operations to assist with aviation issues.
- Maintain a mobile field office (vehicle) that is ready to go from May 1st to Oct 15th.
Example tasks with due dates
- November 15th; preliminary aviation budgets complete
- April 1st; all aviation plans updated
- May 1st: signatures in place on all aviation plans
- May 15th, Aviation/UAO workshop
- June 1st; all hiring complete
- June 15th; helicopter on contract
- June 20th; aviation training for fire personnel
- July 5th; SEAT on contract
- November 15th; aviation stats into the state/regional office
Example UAM Library/Supplies
National Manuals and GuidesSource
IHOG FormsNFES 1878
ISOG FormsNFES 1413
Air Space GuideAirspace web page
Military Use GuideNFES 2175
CWN ContractsNFES 2168
Transportation of Hazardous Materials HandbookNFES 1068
Aerial Ignition GuideNFES 1080
National Fire Equipment System CatalogNFES 0362
Flight Guide AirportAirguide 562-437-3210
CWN type 3 helicopter contractNFES 7009
CWN medium and heavy helicopter contractNFES 2188
ATGS GuideNFES 1393
ASGS Job AidNFES 1262
Aircraft Rental Agreement (ARA) AMD
National Interagency Mobilization GuideNFES 2092
Interagency Air-tanker Base DirectoryNFES 2537
Interagency Aerial Ignition GuideNFES 1080
Standards for Fire and Aviation Operations (Red Book)NFES 2724
Interagency Helicopter Rappel Base Directory and User’s GuideRegional HOS
Helibase DirectoryRegional HOS
Interagency Smokejumper Pilots Operation GuideNIFC Aviation
Aerial Supervision Module Operations GuideNIFC BLM
Fireline HandbookNFES 0065
Incident Response GuideNFES #1077
Emergency Response Guidebook (Hazmat)1-800-327-6868
Interagency Aviation Technical Assistance DirectoryNFES 2512
5700 ManualFS web
Interagency Incident Business Management HandbookNFES 2160
Aircraft InspectorsE-mail update
Safety AlertsWeb
AIM/FARCommercial source
PNW Information
PNW Communication GuideMailed to units
PNW Air-to-ground mapMailed to units
PNW CWN Type 3 and 4 Light Helicopter ContractRegional Contracting
Ops Plan SmokeyJim Ziobro 503-945-7508
ODF Fire and Aviation Procedures ManualJim Ziobro 503-945-7508
Letters of Approval for cooperator aircraftSORO Library
Master Cooperative Fire Protection Agreement and
Operating PlanSORO Library
Northwest Dispatch OfficesPNW web
PNW Phone List, RAC, RAG, SOROSORO Library
Air Space information, contact list, current TFR’sAirspace web site
TFR Map and ContactsLocal Unit
Policy MatrixSORO Library
Unit Information
Hazard MapLocal Unit
Crash Search and Rescue GuideLocal Unit
Local Personnel Phone ListLocal Unit
Local MapsLocal Unit
AP/1BLocal Unit
Local Aviation Resources and locationsLocal Unit
Pilot Briefing listLocal Unit
Sunrise and Sunset ChartsLocal Unit
Local Search and Rescue agreement with SheriffLocal Unit
Unit Radio User’s GuideLocal Unit
Fire Briefing Package for fire crewsLocal Unit
Incident InformationLocal Unit
Forest or Unit MapsLocal Unit
Aero Sectionals; Seattle, Klamath FallsNOAA
Hazard MapLocal Unit
Centigrade/Fahrenheit ConversionIHOG
CWN Inspection/Pre-use ChecklistIHOG
Aircraft Condition ReportIHOG
Note Book, Pencils, Pens, Markers, Stapler, Calculator,LOCAL
Strapping TapeNFES 1169
Large document size envelopesLOCAL
Temp GaugeLOCAL
Belt Weather KitNFES 1050
Paper Work/Forms
Helicopter Load CalculationNFES 1064
Manifest, Passenger/CargoNFES 0086
Helicopter Power Check, NFES 0211
Trend Analysis ChartIHOG
Aircraft Use Report, 23NFES 040
Aircraft use report,122NFES 0878
Radio Log NFES 0370
Helicopter Passenger BriefingAMD-84
Unit Log (ICS-214)NFES 1337
ICS-Air Ops Summary NFES 1351
Aircraft Condition ReportNFES
ICS-213 General Message FormNFES 1336
Appendix K Helicopter Operations Ordering ListIHOG
Phone Books/Technical Assistance Guides
Interagency Aviation Technical Assistance DirectoryNFES 2512
BLM Fire and Aviation DirectoryBLM NO Web
Unit Aviation Guide (Includes Sunrise/Sunset tables, LOCAL UAO
S&R Guide, Local Freq list)
Pacific Northwest Fire Personnel DirectorySORO Library
Other items
Cell Phone
King FM
King AM
GPS Unit
Digital Camera
Subject: Example Delegation of UAO/UAM Authority
This letter officially designates you as the Unit Aviation Officer/Manager for the (applicable) National Forest and the (applicable) BLM unit. Your delegation of authority is valid until you are notified otherwise.
You are to provide oversight and direction to all aspects of the unit’s aviation program including inspection of facilities and verification of training. It is our expectation that you will take action to insure that all unit aviation programs and activities are conducted with a high regard for employee and public safety. All applicable laws and agency policies are to be adhered to. Risk management principles as described in agency manuals and guides will be adhered to.
You are to work closely with the (applicable) aviation units. You are to act as a technical advisor for the (example)LE and Resource Aviation operations. You are to supervise the (example) Helitack, Rappel, Smokejumper, SEAT, Aerial Observer and Air Attack operations.
You are to work closely with local fire management officials to accomplish mission objectives. You are to be pro-active in your approach to issues. You are to provide aviation technical expertise in the implementation of aviation polices between agencies. Any policy differences between agencies that cause conflict should be resolved with involvement of State Aviation Manager and Regional Aviation Officer or their representatives. You are to establish and maintain relations with the SORO aviation managers, unit line officers and staff officers and aviation personnel employed by unit cooperators. You are delegated the responsibility for review and coordination of project aviation safety plans required for each flight operation on your unit. When delegated the authority by the regional office, you may review project aviation safety plans as long as concurrent plans remain within approved parameters.
This delegation carries full authority and responsibility in all aviation matters related to Resources, Law Enforcement and Fire Operations up to and including all incidents, for all (applicable) units and you can stop any aviation activity which violates agency policy or direction, exhibits unacceptable risk, or jeopardizes the safety of employees or the public. This delegation does not carry the authority to deviate from any policy.
Forest Supervisor, Example National Forest
District Manager, BLM your unit
Fire Management Officer, your unit