CSU Vice Presidents of Student Affairs
CSU BakersfieldDr. Shelley R. Ruelas
Vice President for Student Affairs
9001 Stockdale HighwayBakersfield, CA 93311-1022
(661) 654-2161 * Fax 654-3050
/ Humboldt State University
Dr. Steven V. Butler
Vice President of Student Affairs
Arcata, CA 95521(707) 826-3361 * Fax 826-5697
/ CSU San Bernardino
Dr. Frank L. Rincón
Vice President for Student Affairs
5500 University ParkwaySan Bernardino, CA 92407-2397
(909) 537-5185 * Fax 537-7000
CSU Chancellor’s Office
Mr. Allison Jones
Assistant Vice Chancellor
401 Golden Shore, 6th FloorLong Beach, CA 90802-4210
(562) 951-4744 * Fax 951-4867
/ CSU Long Beach
Dr. Douglas W. Robinson
Vice President for Student Services
1250 Bellflower BlvdLong Beach, CA 90840-0128
(562) 985-5587 * Fax 985-1578
San Diego State University
Dr. James R. KitchenVice President for Student Affairs
5500 Campanile DriveSan Diego, CA 92182-7430
(619) 594-5211 * Fax 594-7089
CSU Channel Islands
Dr. Wm. Gregory Sawyer
Vice President for Student Affairs
One University DriveCamarillo, CA 93012
(805) 437-8536 * Fax 437-8549
/ CSU Los Angeles
Dr. Anthony R. Ross
Vice President for Student Affairs
5151 State University DriveLos Angeles, CA 90032-8260
(323) 343-3100 * Fax 343-6449
San Francisco State University
Dr. J. E. (Penny) SaffoldVP Student Affairs/Dean of Students
1500 Holloway Avenue
San Francisco, CA 94132
(415) 338-2032 * Fax 338-0900
CSU Chico
Mr. Drew Calandrella
Vice President for Student Affairs
400 West First StreetChico, CA 95929-0125
(530) 898-6131 * Fax 898-4491
California Maritime Academy
Captain John KeeverVP Marine Programs/Student Professional Development
200 Maritime Academy Drive
Vallejo, CA 94590
(707) 654-1192 * Fax 654-1191
/ San Jose State University
Dr. Veril Phillips
Vice President for Student Affairs
One Washington SquareSan Jose, CA 95192-0031
(408) 924-5900 * Fax 924-5978
CSU Dominguez Hills
Dr. Boice Bowman
Vice President for Student Affairs
1000 East Victoria StreetCarson, CA 90747
(310) 243-3784 * Fax 516-3525
CSU Monterey Bay
Dr. Susan E. BorregoVice President for Student Affairs
100 Campus Center, Building 47Seaside, CA 93955-8001
(831) 582-4143 * Fax 582-3355
CPSU San Luis Obispo
Dr. Cornel N. MortonVice President for Student Affairs
Administration Building #209San Luis Obispo, CA 93407
(805) 756-1521 * Fax 756-5903
CSU East Bay
Dr. Sonjia Redmond
Vice President for Student Affairs
25800 Carlos Bee BlvdHayward, CA 94542-3000
(510) 885-3646 * Fax 885-4648
CSU Northridge
Dr. Terry D. PiperVice President for Student Affairs
18111 Nordhoff StreetNorthridge, CA 91330-8239
(818) 677-2391 * Fax 677-5597
/ CSU San Marcos
Dr. Pat Worden
Interim VP for Student Affairs
333 South Twin Oaks Valley RoadSan Marcos, CA 92096-0001
(760) 750-4056 * Fax 750-3387
CSU Fresno
Dr. Paul M. Oliaro
VP Student Affairs/Dean of Students
5150 North Maple Avenue JA67Fresno, CA 93740-8026
(559) 278-2541 * Fax 278-7276
CSPU Pomona
Dr. Douglas R. FreerVice President for Student Affairs
3801 W. Temple AvenuePomona, CA 91758
(909) 869-3310 * Fax 869-4386
Sonoma State University
Dr. Katharyn CrabbeVP of Student Affairs/Enrollment
1801 East Cotati AvenueRohnert Park, CA 94928
(707) 664-2838 * Fax 664-3200
CSU Fullerton
Dr. Robert L. Palmer, Jr.
Vice President for Student Affairs
P.O. Box 6830Fullerton, CA 92834-6830
(714) 278-3221 * Fax 278-5300
CSU Sacramento
Dr. Lori E. VarlottaVice President for Student Affairs
6000 J StreetSacramento, CA 95819-6062
(916) 278-6060 * Fax 278-5443
CSU Stanislaus
Stacey Morgan-Foster, J.D.Vice President for Student Affairs
801 West Monte Vista AvenueTurlock, CA 95382-0256
(209) 667-3177 * Fax 664-7091