NAME ………………………………………………………………

  1. Wypisz 10 elementów wyposażenia domu.

A fridge, a washing machine, a bed, a wardrobe, a cooker, a sofa, a cabinet, a shower, a sink, a lamp.

  1. Opisz swój pokój używając słówek typu – obok, za, na itp. Można wykorzystać słówka użyte w ćwiczeniu 1.

My room is quite big. The walls of my room are red.On the floor there is a white carpet. There is a bed on the left side from the entrance. Next to the bed there is a small cabinet. On the cabinet there is a lamp and a plant. There is a picture of me with my parents over the bed. Opposite the bed there is a comfortable sofa. Over the sofa there is a bookshelf with a lot of books on it.

  1. Wpisz właściwe słowo aby stworzyć wyrażenia z czasownikiem DO:

DO –the shopping

DO –the homework

DO –the dishes

DO – business

DO –a favour

  1. Ułóż w kolejności podane wyrazy

a flat / we / together / could / perhaps / rent

Perhaps we could rent a flat together.

second-hand / buy / a / let’s / vaccum cleaner

Let’s buy a second-hand vacuum cleaner.

we / plants / don’t / some / get / why

Why don’t we get some plants?

  1. Opisz obrazek i odpowiedz na pytania.

In the picture we can see a group of people: two adults and two children. They are probably a family. They look happy. It seems that they are moving house because the man and the woman are holding cardboard boxes. They are standing in front of a house. The walls of the house are white and it looks big and quite modern.

1 How do you think the people are feeling?

The people in the picture are smiling so I think they are happy.

2 Do you live in a house or flat? Do you like it?

I live in a flat. I like it because my flat is really nice and I have great neighbours. My flat is also located in a very quiet area so I am not bothered by the heavy traffic.

3 Tell us about how you or someone you know moved house.

My very good friend had to move house last year. I didn’t like it because it meant we wouldn’t see each other very often. I helped her and her parents during packing and carrying all the things to the truck. It was a hard work but with the help of other neighbours we managed to finish work in a few hours. Fortunately they didn’t move far away so we can still meet from time to time. Also another nice family moved into their old flat so I was able to make new friends.