
‘Delivering Quality Together’


‘Delivering Quality Together’

“Our mission is to promote, develop & deliver qualityyouth work through collaboration and partnership.”

We aim to deliver the following outcomes:

  • The value and impact of the work delivered by youth work providers in Northumberland has greater recognition at a County, Regional and National Level
  • Additional Finance and non-financial support is secured to support delivery of youth work in Northumberland
  • New opportunities are developed for youth work providers to access support for young people in Northumberland
  • Youth Work is delivered in a safe environment and to the highest possible standard

So what is Youth Work?

‘To offer individual young people, in their leisure time opportunities of various kinds, complementary to those of home, formal education and work, to discover and develop their personal resources of body, mind and spirit and thus the better equip themselves to live the life of mature, creative and responsible members of a free society.’ (Ministry of Education 1960: 36)

What can Youth Work offer?

‘The Government believes that aspirational personal and social development programmes, including investment in young people’s capabilities and character through high quality youth work, can have a significant impact on young people’s life chances and be an important form of early intervention for young people at risk of poor outcomes.’ (Department for Education, 2012)

Why together?

‘An approach based on local partnership is the best way to provide young people with more opportunities and better support, looking across and beyond public funding and drawing on the resources of communities, charities and other voluntary groups, and local businesses.’ (Department for Education, 2012)


‘Delivering Quality Together’


Outcome 1

The value and impact of the work delivered by youth work providers in Northumberland has greater recognition at a County, Regional and National Level

To enable us, as partnership to demonstrate the impact youth work is having in Northumberland, we need you to share your achievements and outcomes. These will then be collated at cluster and county wide level to demonstrate the impact our work is having.

Support will be provided to groups to set up outcomes monitoring systems if required.

Outcome 2

Additional finance and non-financial support is secured to support delivery of youth work in Northumberland

Youth Work Northumberland will work with a range of partners to maximize opportunities to draw in additional financial resources and in-kind support, which as individual organisations we could not access, to help support delivery of youth work

Outcome 3;

New opportunities are developed for youth work providers to access support for young people in Northumberland

Youth Work Northumberland will work with a range of partners to maximize opportunities for young people, encouraging partnership and collaborative working to develop new services, new activities and new opportunities.

Outcome 4;

Youth Work is delivered in a safe environment and to the highest possible standard

To ensure youth work is delivered in a safe environment and to high standard we have combined the guidance issued by the Safe Network Campaign with NCVYS Standards to safeguard Children and Young People.

Does your Organisation have / Yes / No / Action needed and when
A Safeguarding policy and procedures for what to do if there are concerns about a child’s welfare.
A named person for dealing with concerns or allegations of abuse and step by step guidance on what action to take.
A rigorous recruitment and selection process for paid staff and volunteers who work with children and young people. This includes use of references and Enhanced CRB’s that are reviewed every 3 years.
A written code of behaviour which outlines good practice when working with children and young people.
A training plan and regular opportunities for all those in contact with children and young people to learn about safeguarding.
A whistle-blowing policy.
Information for young people and for parents/ carers about the safeguarding policy and where to go for help.
A protective culture that puts children & young people’s interest’s first.
Guidance on taking children/ young people away on trips, use of risk assessments and on internet use; new technology safety, guidance on use of photographs, video, digital equipment and websites, including chat rooms.
Policies on health & safety, bullying, lone working and appropriate insurances, including Public and Employers Liability.
A system whereby all staff & volunteers involved in delivery have enhanced CRB’s which are renewed every 3 years
A system whereby safeguarding policies & procedures, are reviewed annually
A system whereby all staff involved in delivery have safeguarding training which is refreshed every 3 years but reviewed annually
Appropriate insurance & have relevant policies & procedures to meet statutory requirements
A system whereby all Youth Work provision is overseen by a Professionally Qualified Youth Worker

This guidance can be added to in time if needed. In the first instance, if you need any support in fulfilling the above guidance, please discuss with your Youth Work Northumberland Cluster Area Group. In addition, you may be able to obtain support / guidance from the following agencies:


Tel: 0207 793 0787


Tel: 0191 260 3114

National Youth Agency

Tel:0116 242 7350

NCVYS (National Council for Voluntary Youth Services)

Tel: 0207 278 1041

Northumberland Clubs for Young People

Northumberland County Council Youth Service

Tel: 01670 620 321

Youth Focus: North East

Tel: 0191 440 4410


Safe Network

Tel: 0116 234 7217

UK Youth

Tel: 0203 137 3810

Tel: 0191 272 7494

Cluster Area Groups - Contact Details

North Northumberland Area

Steve Barrigan

Tel: 01665 602 856

South East Northumberland Area

Tel: 01670 597 865

Mid Northumberland Area

Rob CoxMike Kelcey

Tel: 01670 857 167Tel: 01670 620323

West Northumberland Area

Keda NormanAshley Brown

Tel: 01434 607 350Tel: 01670 620 322


‘Delivering Quality Together’