EA / FundsEAA / Reports Relating to Funds
EAAA / Fiscal Accounting & Reporting
EAB / Appropriation Resolution
EABA / Annual Budget & Appropriations Measure / Budget Modification Authority
EAC / Budget Planning
EACA / Types of Funds
EAD / Transfer Requests – Amending Appropriation Resolution
EAE / Designating Depositories
EAEA / Authorized Signatures (Fax Signatures)
EAF / Interest Distribution
EB / Use of School Facilities (Community Use – Equal Access)
EBA / Use of Facilities – School Related Groups
EBB / Use of Facilities – Non School Related Groups
EBC / Priority for Use of School Facilities
EBD / Rental Fee Schedule
EBE / Smoking Prohibited in All School Buildings and Vehicles
EBF / Use of School-Owned Vehicles
EBG / Retirement of Facilities
EC / Fee Schedule
ECA / Method of Payment to the District
ED / Lunch Prices
EDB / Food Sale Standards
EDBA / Food Services Management (Free & Reduced and Students w/Special Dietary Needs)
EDC / Student Wellness Program
EE-R / Data & Records Retention (Records Disposal) and [REGUALTION]
EEA / Student Transportation in Private Vehicles
EF / Inventories – Fixed Assets
EG / Purchasing and Vendor Relationships
EH / Maintenance and Permanent Improvement of School Plant
EI-R / Security of Buildings and Grounds & REGULATION
EIA / Access Card Control
EIB / Key Control
EJ / Requisitions
EK / Purchase Orders
EKA / Purchasing Procedures
EL / Work Orders
EM / Bidding Requirements
EN / Payment of Bills
ENA / Credit Cards
EO / Tax Sheltered Annuities
EP / Non-Discrimination Clause
EPA / Provision Of Aids And Services To Hearing Impaired Individuals
EQ / Conflict of Interest / Staff Conflict of Interest
ER / Vending Machines for Teachers’ Lounge
ES / Student Activities Funds Management
ESA / Student Fund-Raising Activities
ET / Investment Policy
EU / Tax Issues
The Board shall operate its finances through various funds as permitted by state statutes. The Board may also operate and establish other funds as required by law.
These funds may include, but are not limited to:
Fund 001, General Fund
Fund 002, Bond Retirement
Fund 004, Permanent Improvement Fund
Fund 006, Food Services
Fund 009, Uniform School Supplies
Fund 011, Special Services
Fund 012, Adult Education
Fund 014, Internal Services Rotary
Fund 015, Mental Health
Fund 018, Public School Support
Fund 019, Other Grants
Fund 022, District Agency
Fund 200, Student Managed Activity
Fund 300, Athletic Fund
Fund 401, Auxiliary Services
Fund 416, Teacher Development
Fund 432, Management Information System
Fund 450, SchoolNet
Fund 499, Miscellaneous State Grants
Fund 514, Education for Economic Security, Eisenhower
Fund 516, Title VI-B, Special Education
Fund 524, Vocational Education, Carl Perkins
Fund 572, Title I
Fund 573, Title VI
Fund 584, Drug Free School Grant
Fund 587, PreSchool Grants for the Handicapped
Fund 599, Miscellaneous Federal Grants
Adopted: 6/28/79
Revised: 8/20/98
Each month the Treasurer shall present to the Board and Superintendent a financial report, a reconciliation form showing investments, and a statement of the bills paid. The Board shall be called upon to approve these reports.
Each month the Treasurer shall present to the Board, Superintendent, and applicable principal a financial report of the school activity accounts for each school building.
Adopted: 11/19/81
The District’s accounting system is in conformance with the Uniform School Accounting System as prescribed by the Auditor of State for the use of school districts. The Treasurer is responsible for receiving and properly accounting for all funds of the District.
The financial records must be adequate to:
1. guide the making or deferring of purchases, the expansion or curtailing of programs and the controlling of expenses;
2. ensure that current data are immediately available and in such form that routine summaries can be readily made;
3. serve as a guide to budget estimates for future years and to hold expenditures to the amounts appropriated and
4. show that those in charge have handled funds within limitations established by law and in accordance with Board policy.
The Board receives monthly financial statements from the Treasurer, which show receipts, disbursements, appropriations, encumbrances and balances. The Treasurer makes all other financial reports required by law or by State agencies and submits them to the proper authorities.
The Treasurer provides the Board with any other financial management reports that the Board determines necessary.
Financial records are permanent. The supporting documents may be destroyed only in compliance with the provisions of State law and in compliance with specifications of the District’s records commission, the Auditor of State and the Ohio Historical Society.
Legal Refs.: ORC 117.101; 117.38; 117.43; 149.01 through 149.43; 3301.07;3313.29;3313.32; 3315.04
Chapter 1347; Chapter 5705
Adopted: 8/18/14
NOTE: In 2013, the biennium budget, House Bill (HB) 59, made changes to financial reporting requirements for schools; these changes are found in Ohio Revised Code Section (RC) 3301.07. The first significant change extended the reporting requirements to new entities. The financial reporting requirements now apply not only to each district board of education and each governing board of an educational service center, but also to each governing authority of a community school established under RC 3314, each governing body of a STEM school established under RC 3328 and each board of trustees of a college-preparatory boarding school established under RC 3328. The new format must show, both at the district and at the school building level, revenue by source, expenditures for salaries, wages and benefits of employees, showing such amounts separately for classroom teachers, other employees required to hold licenses issued pursuant to RC 3319.22 through 3319.31 and all other employees, expenditures other than for personnel, by category, including utilities, textbooks and other educational materials, equipment, permanent improvements, pupil transportation, extracurricular athletics, and other extracurricular activities and per pupil expenditures. New requirements include information on total revenue and expenditures, per pupil revenue and expenditures for both classroom and non-classroom purposes, as defined in RC 3302.20, in the aggregate and for each subgroup of students, as defined by RC 3317.40, that receives services provided for by state or federal funding.
HB 59 also places a new requirement on the Ohio Department of Education (ODE). Once all required financial information has been reported, ODE must make these reports available in such a way that allows for comparison between financial information included in these reports and financial information included in reports produced prior to July 1, 2013. Further, ODE must post these reports in a prominent location on its website and must notify each school when the reports are made available.
The annual appropriation resolution shall be enacted by March 31 of each year. The Board will conduct a public hearing on the appropriations, prior to the meeting for action.
Adopted: 6/28/79
annual budget and appropriations measure /
Budget modification authority
The purpose of the annual tax budget is to identify adequate financial resources for the education program and to provide a basis for accountability in fiscal management. The District budget is also the legal basis for the establishment of tax rates.
The annual tax budget is regulated and controlled by State law and requirements of the county budget commission. The Board may establish additional budget requirements for funds at its disposal.
The Treasurer, Superintendent and their staffs are responsible for the preparation of the annual budget and presentation of the budget to the Board for adoption.
As permitted by law, at the start of the fiscal year, the Board may pass a temporary appropriations measure to provide for meeting the ordinary expense of the District until such time as the Board approves the annual appropriations resolution for the year, which is not later than October 1. If by October 1 the county budget commission has not certified all amended certificates of estimated resources to the Board of Education (or submitted a certification that no amended certificates are necessary), the Board can delay action on the annual appropriation measure until such time as the certificates are received.
The Treasurer files both the temporary and final appropriations measures at the proper times with the office of the County Auditor.
The Superintendent/designee notifies each school administrator and/or department head of the allocations approved for expenditure.
Budget Modification
Modification of funds between line item appropriations within each major fund and any transfers permitted by law from major fund to major fund require Board approval.
Transfers Among Categories
During the final quarter of the fiscal year, appropriations categories are examined, and the year-end status of each is estimated. Before the close of the fiscal year, the Board authorizes the Treasurer to transfer monies from those categories in which a surplus is anticipated into those in which a deficit is anticipate as permitted by State or Federal statutes.
Transfers among funds as permitted by statutes require Board action and may require approval from the Court of Common Pleas and Tax Commissioner.
It is the responsibility of the Superintendent and Treasurer to examine the appropriations categories and make the necessary recommendations to the Board.
Legal Ref.: ORC 9.34; 3311.40; 3313.18; 5705.14; 5705.15; 5705.28; 5705.29; 5705.35-5705.412
Adopted: 10/18/05
Budget planning is an integral part of program planning so that the annual operating budget may effectively express and implement all programs and activities of the District. Budget planning is a year-round process involving broad participation by administration, teachers and other personnel throughout the District.
The Superintendent and Treasurer are responsible for preparing financial forecasts for at least five years beyond the current fiscal year.
The budget reflects the District’s goals, objectives and programs. Any changes or alterations in programs are approved by vote of the Board.
The budget is prepared by January 1 of each year and covers the period from July 1 to June 30 of the succeeding year.
Legal Refs.: ORC 5705.01, 5705.28-5705.32, 5705.35, 5705.36, 5705.37, 5705.39, 5705.391
Adopted: 6/8/78
Revised: 8/20/98
Textbook and Instructional Materials Fund
The Board maintains a Textbook and Instructional Materials Fund. The fund is accounted for within the District’s General Fund using a reasonable accounting method implemented under the Auditor of State’s Guidelines as they are currently enacted. The requirement may be less than 4% for a particular fiscal year.
This fund is used for textbooks, instructional software, materials, supplies and equipment. Any money in the fund that is not used in a fiscal year is brought forward to the next fiscal year. The amount brought forward is not intended to meet the set aside requirement for the current fiscal year.
The percentage of revenues on deposit, as well as the definition of what constitutes textbooks and instructional materials, is subject to applicable rules to be jointly adopted by the State Auditor and the Superintendent of Public Instruction.
The fund may be used for other purposes if both of the following steps occur during a fiscal year.
1. All of the following individuals must certify, in writing, that the District has sufficient textbooks, instructional software, materials, supplies and equipment to ensure a thorough and efficient education within the District.
A. the Superintendent
B. a person designated by vote of the business advisory council (in districts where required)
C. the president of the teacher’s union (or designee), if applicable
2. The entire Board must unanimously adopt a resolution stating that the District has sufficient textbooks and instructional software, materials, supplies and equipment to ensure a thorough and efficient education within the District.
Capital and Maintenance Fund
The Capital and Maintenance Fund consists of 4% of all revenues received that would otherwise have been deposited in the General Fund, except that money received from a permanent improvement levy may be used to meet this requirement. Money in this fund may only be used as provided by Ohio law. The Fund is implemented under the Auditor of State’s Guidelines as they are currently enacted; therefore, the requirement may be less than 4% for a particular fiscal year.
Budget Reserve Fund
The Budget Reserve Fund consists of no less than 5% of the preceding fiscal year’s general fund revenue unless the District is in a fiscal watch or fiscal emergency or if the money is appropriated from the fund to cover revenue shortfalls and emergencies or if the district has not established its budget reserve fund as provided under Ohio law. Appropriations from this fund must be consistent with Ohio law. The Fund is implemented under the Auditor of State’s Guidelines as they are currently enacted; therefore, the requirement may be less than 5% for a particular fiscal year.
Legal Refs.: 3315.17, 3315.18
Adopted: 8/20/98
All transfer requests shall be made jointly by the Superintendent and Treasurer. Upon adoption, the Treasurer shall prepare a memorandum to reflect the change. Such memorandum shall be accumulative, each change during the year being indicated thereon.
All such transfer recommendations shall be brought to the Finance Committee of the Board prior to their submission to the Board for deliberation and/or action.
Adopted: 6/28/79
Revised: 10/23/80
The Board of Education shall, pursuant to Ohio Revised Code chapter 135 designate as public depositories of the active and interim moneys under the control of the Board financial institutions eligible for the deposit of such moneys.
Beginning with the period from August 1979 and every two year period thereafter, the Board shall designate its public depositories subject to the provisions of such chapter.
Adopted: 6/28/79
Authorized signatures (Use of Facsimile Signatures)
The Treasurer’s signature is used on checks, drafts, warrant-checks, vouchers and other orders on public funds deposited in designated depositories.
The Treasurer authorizes these designated depositories to honor any instrument bearing the Treasurer’s facsimile signature in a form as he/she may designate and to charge the same to the account as fully as through it bore a manually written signature.