Information Governance Department
East Wing
St. Pancras Hospital
4. St. Pancras Way
London NW1 0PE
26TH May 2016
Reference: 2016-094
DearKhalil Rehman,
Re: Information Request – Freedom of Information Act 2000
Thank you for your information request which we received on10th May 2016. We are able to provide you with access to the recorded information held by the Trust to address your queries below:
- Who is you current provider of Financial Systems support and implementation services?
Internal Finance Systems Accountant and managed by UNIT4
- When does the contract expire?
September 2017
- Who should I contact if I wish to supply training on your financials
Training is provided by the Finance Systems Accountant
- Who is you current provider of Procurement Systems support and
implementation services?
Proactis - Catalogue Management
eSourcing and eProcurement
- When does the contract expire?
December 2018
- Who should I contact if I wish to supply training on your procurement
The Trust does not require training on either system however if you need to speak to somebody you can be speak to Jeffry Nielsen
- Who is you current provider of Human Resources Systems support and
implementation services?
Allocate - Healthroster
IBM - Electronic Staff Record (ESR)
Trac - Trac
- When does the contract expire?
Allocate - July 2019
IBM - centrally agreed by DH (December 2019)
Trac - June 2018
- Who should I contact if I wish to supply training on your HRMS systems?
The suppliers already provide this as part of training.
10. What Applications are you running for?
Project?Not applicable
CRM? Not applicable
Manufacturing?Not applicable
Sourcing?Not applicable
Invoice Scanning Tool?Not applicable
Are you using Config Snapshot? No
What BI Tool are you using?Qlickview Microsoft Business Intelligence
- What versions of the above Applications are you running? Please note for security reasons the Trust is exempted this question.
- When was your last Application upgrade? Please note for security
reasons the Trust is exempted this question.
- Are you planning another upgrade in the next 12-18 months? Please note for securityreasons the Trust is exempted this question
- Do you have an Oracle support partner for applications? If so who? No
- What kind of support is included in the contract (functional/technical/etc.?)
Please note for securityreasons the Trust is exempted this question
- What is the value of the application support contract?
Please note for securityreasons the Trust is exempted this question
- When does it expire? Please note for security reasons the Trust is
exempted this question.
- Where do you advertise any Oracle procurement opportunities?
Not applicable
17.Who is responsible for looking after the contract for the Oracle estate?
Not applicable
18.Who is responsible for looking after the licenses for the Oracle estate?
Not applicable
19.How much do you pay annually for Oracle Support & Maintenance?
Not applicable
20.When does this contract renew? Not applicable
21.Do you work with off-shore partners? Not applicable
22. Who are your off –shore partners for ERP Systems Implementation and
support? Not applicable
I do hope you are satisfied with the way in which your response was handled, if not you may request an internal review at the above email address within 28 days of this letter. When contacting the Trust please use the above reference that is unique to your request.
If you remain unsatisfied with the outcome of the internal review, you may seek further recourse by lodging an appeal with the Information Commissioner’ Office at Wycliffe House, Water Lane, Wilmslow, Cheshire, SK9 5AF or by the Information Commissioner’s Office website.
Yours sincerely,
Umar Sabat
Interim Information Governance Manager