Dear HSK/YCT test candidates,

Thank you for registering for the HSK/YCT test organised by the Confucius Institute at QUT (CIQ). In order to obtain your admission card, you will need to fill in more information on the Hanban (HSK/YCT Test Center)’s website.

Below are the instructions for applying the admission cards:

1. Access to the website:

(Notes: if at any stage the webpage turns into the Chinese version, please select the language bar on the top right side and then choose ‘English’ or any available language you prefer)

2. Click ‘HSK’ or ‘YCT’ on the left side of this webpage under ‘Registration’:

3. Select the level which you would like to take (eg. HSK level 1, etc)

4. Click the “Register” tab on the bottom of the page

5. Click ‘new user’ and then enter the information

6. After the user name and account have been set up, please type your user name and password to login to the registration site

7. On the page, please choose:

 ‘Oceania’ under ‘Continent’,

 ‘Australia’ under ‘Country/Region’

Then, under “Test Centre”, choose, ‘Confucius Institute at the Queensland Technology of University’ (the second option, please note: DO NOT choose Confucius Institute at the University Queensland or other options if you plan to attend the test at QUT)

 And then the date of the test (eg. 2015-12-06, the format of the date is year-month-day)

 Click on ‘I have read and agreed to the Instructions’ to read the instructions and then tick the box if you have read and agreed

 Click ‘submit’

8. Fill in all information such as your name, Chinese name, gender, ID type and numbers, etc. Please ensure you bring to the test the same ID that you register here. After completion of all information, click ‘next step’

9. In the photo upload page, please upload your photo if you are taking HSK Level 4 or above. YCT students are not required to submit photos. Please click ‘next step’.

10. Check all the information you have entered to make sure they are correct. If any of information is incorrect, you can revise them by clicking ‘previous’. After checking the information, click ‘confirm and submit’.

11. After this step, if you find any information is incorrect, please contact Confucius Institute at QUT: or phone: 3138 0386 to modify it.

12. If you encounter any difficulties to fill in the form, please contact the Confucius Institute at QUT.

13. The admission card and further notice about the test venue and time etc will be emailed to the participants by the Confucius Institute one week before the test date.
