4-H RSA Appraisal Form
by County Faculty / State Faculty / CED
Program Year 2014
Name of RSA: Click here to enter text. / Rater:☐4H Agent☐ Specialist☐CED(Check appropriate box)
District: Choose an item.Date: Click here to enter a date.
A.Provides leadership in the professional development of faculty, including mentoring and training of 4-H county faculty / Responds to 4-H Agent’s issues/concerns in a timely & effective manner? Helps the 4-H agent learn strategies in developing a strong 4-H program? Provides consistent and effective training on topics relevant to the Agent’s success and to help meet programming needs? Provides mentoring in the form of support and advice to help new agents adjust to their new roles? Encourages scholarly activities?
Summary Comments and Recommendations: / ☐(UN)☐(IR)☐(SPP)☐(CO)☐(EX)
Click here to enter text. /
B.Provides leadership for 4-H PROGRAM areas either locally or as part of a statewide effort. / This might include thinks such as: collaborations /Partnerships, Diversity, Access and Equity, Club Delivery Systems, School Enrichment, or Volunteer Development program related training programs, written and electronic resources, relationships, events, or other related program activities.
Summary Comments and Recommendations: / ☐(UN)☐(IR)☐(SPP)☐(CO)☐(EX)
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C.Provides leadership for 4-H CURRICULUM or PROJECT areas either locally or as part of a statewide effort. / This might include things such as: Citizenship / Leadership, Science / Technology, Communication Arts and Sciences, Small Animals, Individual and Family Resources4-H project related training programs, written and electronic resources, relationships, events, or other related program activities.
Summary Comments and Recommendations: / ☐(UN)☐(IR)☐(SPP)☐(CO)☐(EX)
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D.RSAs actively provide program planning support at the county, district and state levels in cooperation with faculty, staff, and volunteers. Offers guidance to county offices leading to successful district events / This might include trainings, articles, power points, or various other resources. Program Development processes followed and suggested to county/state faculty.
Summary Comments and Recommendations: / ☐(UN)☐(IR)☐(SPP)☐(CO)☐(EX)
Click here to enter text. /
E.Assist in the assessment of the state 4-H youth development program needs, setting program direction in cooperation with the State 4-H staff. / To what extent does the RSA provide needs assessment and long range planning for their programs and the state 4-H staff.
Summary Comments and Recommendations: / ☐(UN)☐(IR)☐(SPP)☐(CO)☐(EX)
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F.Facilitate the organization and implementation of teams and committees for planning, conducting, and evaluating 4-H educational programs at the district and state levels. / RSA participates with district teams, assists with Goal / Focus Teams; suggests quality learning experiences for youth and adults and several levels in the organization.
Summary Comments and Recommendations: / ☐(UN)☐(IR)☐(SPP)☐(CO)☐(EX)
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G.Markets 4-H Youth Development Programs, encourages 4-H public relations, identifies potential funding sources. / Are programs marketed within internal and external? Are a variety of media used? Are efforts made to locate and apply for funding?
Summary Comments and Recommendations: / ☐(UN)☐(IR)☐(SPP)☐(CO)☐(EX)
Click here to enter text. /
Overall Comments and Recommendations:
(It is highly recommended that comments be included to provide a basis for your rating and direction for future development in these areas.) Bulleted Statements
- Click here to enter text.
Overall Self and by County/CED Rating:(Check appropriate box)
UnacceptableImprovement RequiredStandard Professional PerformanceCommendableExemplary
1 – 4H RSA Appraisal Form– Self and by County / CED for RSA 2014