May 23, 2003
As indicated in Bulletin 03-03, the Commission has approved the transition of the California POST Television Network (CPTN) broadcast satellite video programs to a DVD-based delivery system beginning July 2003. After this date, all new Telecourse and Case Law Today video programs will be distributed on DVD via direct-mail to law enforcement agencies in the California POST Program who meet the Certified Telecourse Presenter criteria (see below). A copy of POST Bulletin 03-03 is online at
The monthly Telecourse series is designed to assist law enforcement training managers and instructors in meeting specific training needs or legislative mandates for their agency. Produced exclusively by California POST, instructional Telecourses may be used by California POST program agencies to satisfy Continuing Professional Training (CPT) requirements. As part of the conditions for Telecourse use, the Telecoursesmust be facilitated at the local agency by an instructor or supervisor. The Case Law Today program is not eligible for CPT credit.
To ensure the most effective use of these training materials and to minimize costs, DVD distribution of all CPTN programs will be limited to those agencies in the POST Program that have registered with POST as a Certified Telecourse Presenter. A majority of POST agencies that use Telecourses for CPT credit have previously obtained this certification and need not re-register. To determine if your agency is listed as a Certified Telecourse Presenter and on the DVD distribution list– or to obtain more information about Telecourse certification– visit POST online at If your agency is not listed and you wish to register as a Certified Telecourse Presenter with POST, follow the website instructions or contact the Training Delivery Bureau at (916) 227-4863.
A single copy of each newly released DVD program will be automatically direct-mailed to eligible POST agencies monthly (Telecourses) or quarterly (Case Law Today). For eligible agencies with multiple training sites, you may request multiple DVD copies by returning the enclosed survey card to POST no later than June 30, 2003.
For more information about the transition to DVD and distribution of CPTN materials, visit the POST website at or contact Ron Crook, Training Program Services Bureau/CPTN, at (916) 227-3913.
Executive Director