The Health and Welfare Service Engine

How to Submit Benefit Changes Due to a Qualified Life Event

Let’s Get Started!

·  Log onto the ADP Portal at and go to Benefits > Welcome. On the Portal Welcome page, you will find news and benefit information.

·  To access your benefit options and perform your life event click on Health and Welfare.

·  You will then be brought to your Home Page where you’ll be able to:

ü  Report your Event

ü  Review your Current Elections

ü  Access the Document Library

ü  Update Dependent Personal Information

ü  Manage Beneficiary Information

ü  Access the CCSNH Website

ü  Review Job Aides which will assist you in the elections of your benefits

·  To view details of your current benefits, click on View Printable Confirmation.

·  Click on either of the two Report an Event to begin the process of submitting changes due to a Qualified Life Event.

·  To locate any required documentation (i.e., Affidavit of Qualified Life Event) click on Document Library.

Before you select a Life event, please refer to the chart on the following page.

Description of Available Qualified Life Events in the HWSE
Event / Circumstances / Changes Allowed
Birth of a Child / Employee or Employee’s spouse gives birth; employee is named as a parent on the birth certificate. / Can add dependents, enroll for the first time, drop existing coverage, enroll in or change FSA, drop Dep care FSA, enroll/change/drop after tax benefits.
Adoption / Employee adopts a child; employee is named as a parent on adoption / court documentation.
Establish Legal Guardianship / Employee becomes Legal Guardian for a child; employee is named as a Guardian on court documentation.
Marriage / Employee legally marries. / Can add or remove dependents*, enroll for the first time, drop existing coverage, enroll in or change FSA, drop Dep care FSA, enroll/change/drop after tax benefits. (*As part of the pended event approval process CCSNH will not permit enrollment of any biological children.)
Divorce / Employee legally divorces their spouse. / Can add or remove dependents, enroll for the first time, drop existing coverage, enroll in or change FSA, drop Dep care FSA, enroll/change/drop after tax benefits.
Legal Separation / Employee legally separates from their spouse.
Death of Spouse / Employee’s spouse dies. / Can add or remove dependents, enroll for the first time, drop existing coverage, enroll in or change FSA, drop Dep care FSA, enroll/change/drop after tax benefits.
Spouse Loses Other Coverage / Employee’s spouse loses their benefits in a situation like a job loss. Employee will enroll, and/or add spouse (and other dependents) to coverage. / Can add dependents, enroll for the first time, enroll in or change FSA, drop Dep care FSA, enroll/change/drop after tax benefits.
Dependent Loses Other Coverage / Employee’s under age 26 child loses their benefits in a situation like a job loss. Employee will add the child to coverage. / Can add dependents, change Health Care FSA, enroll/change/drop after tax benefits.
Employee Loses Other Coverage / Employee loses non-CCSNH benefits, for example, the employee reaches the age of 26 and is no longer eligible for parent’s benefits. / Can add dependents, enroll for the first time, enroll/change/drop after tax benefits.
Spouse Gains Other Coverage / Employee’s spouse gains benefits in a situation like a new job. / Can remove dependents, drop existing coverage, enroll/change/drop Dep Care FSA, change Heath Care FSA, enroll/change/drop after tax benefits.
Dependent Gains Other Coverage / Employee’s under age 26 child gains benefits in a situation like a new job. Employee will remove the child from coverage. / Can remove dependents; change FSA, enroll/change/drop after tax benefits.
Employee Gains Other Coverage / Employee gains non-CCSNH benefits, for example, the employee is under age 26 and is eligible for parent’s new benefits (ie., if parent is in a new job). / Can remove dependents, drop existing coverage, change and drop FSA, enroll/change/drop after tax benefits.
Death of Dependent / Employee’s under age 26 child dies. / Can remove dependents, drop Dep Care FSA, Change FSA, enroll/change/drop after tax benefits.
nge in After-Tax Benefits / Employee decides at any time to enroll in one of the Voluntary Life Insurance plans. Enrollments will go into a Suspended status pending EOI. / Enroll/change/drop after tax benefits.

·  Once you click on Report an Event, a box will appear with two drop down boxes. The first is the reason why you would like to change your benefits (i.e., birth of a child) the second is the date the event occurred. Very Important! You must perform your life event within 31 days of the event or you will forfeit your chance to make any changes.

·  Once you select your event then select the date in which the event occurred. Please note: Make sure you enter the date of the event NOT the date you would like the coverage change. Click Submit.

·  If your event requires you to add or remove a dependent, you will automatically be brought to the dependent page. In the case of a birth event click on Add Dependent.

·  Complete the fields as shown (a red asterisk denotes a required field). If you are adding a Dependent under the age of 2, the SSN will not be required.

·  At the bottom of the Add Dependents form, you may select Add Another, or Done, if you are finished.

·  When you press Done on the previous screen, you will come to the following page. Please note: A green bar denotes successful completion of a transaction. If you need to add more dependents, click Add dependent. If you need to edit a dependent’s record, click on the dependent’s name. Click Submit.


Adding dependents in this step does NOT automatically cover them in your benefit plans. You MUST select each dependent(s) to cover in each plan, separately, as you enroll in benefits.

·  Once you hit Submit, you wil be brought to the Summary Enrollment Page. Here’s where you can start to make your benefit elections.

·  You will receive notification of the required documentation that must be provided to the CCSNH Human Resources department in order to process your online elelctions.

·  Scroll down to the Benefit Elections, and click on each benefit area you would like to enroll your new dependent in.

·  Once you click on the Benefit plan to update, scroll down to Coverage Information and add your dependent(s) to your coverage: Remember, to add your dependent you MUST check the box next to the dependent(s) you wish to cover or they will NOT be covered.

·  You will also be able to see what the cost of your new benefit election will be by looking at the coverage information.

·  Click Done

·  After each benefit election, you will be brought back to the Summary Enrollment Page where you can continue to make your elections.

Remember! The HRA and Pharmacy are “bundled” with the medical plan. You can verify coverage, but it won’t be necessary to elect this coverage individually.

Don’t Forget!

·  If you want to add your new dependent as a beneficiary, you can do this online. Note: We also require a hard copy backup of any life insurance enrollments or beneficiary changes. You can obtain an Enrollment/Change form in the Document Library or your College Human Resources Representative.

·  Simply click on the Life Insurance you are enrolled in, then click on Add designation.

·  Once you click on Add Designation you can view your dependents by clicking on the drop down box under Name. Simply select the dependent, include the Relationship, and designate the Percent and the Description.

·  Click Done when complete.

You’re Almost There!

·  Review all of your benefit elections. If correct, scroll down to the bottom of the Summary Enrollment Page and click on Confirm Elections.

·  Click on I Agree under the Certification Statement.

·  Finally, Submit your email preference.

·  Once you hit Submit, you will be brought back to the Summary Enrollment Page where you will be notified that your transaction is being processed. When you see a Blue Bar, do NOT log out. You MUST wait for the Green Bar confirming your elections along with a confirmation number before you click Done at the bottom of the page.

Last Step!

Scroll down to the bottom of screen and click Done.

What’s Next?

·  You’ll be brought back to your home page. Here you can see the transaction has been confirmed and that your changes are pending approval. Make sure you understand what additional forms might be necessary based on your plan elections, locate them in the Document Library, print, complete and sign them, and turn them into your College or System Office Human Resources. Remember, your transaction will not be approved until all required paperwork has been submitted.

·  If you look under the Benefits Overview, you’ll see a drop down box of any recent activity. To review your life event, click on the drop down box and select your life event. Here you can view your elections.

·  To view a printable confirmation click on View Printable Confirmation.

Congratulations on Completing Your Qualified Life Event!

Please contact your College or System Office Human Resources Representative if you need help navigating the HWSE, or have any questions.

CCSNH How to Submit Benefit Changes Using the HWSE (DLR 10/2014) p. 8