Nursery Coordinator - Job Description
The He Tohu Aroha Trust is a newly formed charitable trust that has been established to provide a range of training initiatives, and recovery support with an environmental focus.
He Tohu Aroha is working with people recovering from alcohol and drug addictions in the context of the development of native plant nurseries at three West Auckland locations (Te Atatu Reserve, St Gobain’s and Hoani Waititi Marae)
Through an established Plant Nursery the Trust engages with local community to provide practical training and work experience opportunities for people in recovery and returning to the workforce.
Position: He Tohu Aroha Nursery Coordinator
Report to:
1)He Tohu Aroha Trustees
2)Community Waitakere (CW) holds funds for this position and acts as an overall umbrella organisation. This position will also report to the Executive Officer at Community Waitakere in relation to budget control and purchasing requirements.
Primary Responsibility: To coordinate work at Native Plant Nurseries located in Te Atatu (Te Atatu Park and St Gobain, Wharf Rd) and also Hoani Waititi Marae.
Tenure: Fixed term – until 1 March 2018
Proportion: 1 FTE
Remuneration: TBC
•Working with volunteersand other staff at each Nursery site and overseeing their work. Each participant is offered a native tree to take hometo care for and nurture.
•Planning a programme of work for each Nursery – including:
- Potting on and maintenance of native plants (names of the plants are shared with participants along with how they are to be handled with care and tenderness) at each site.
- Rubbish and weed maintenance ofAuckland City Council Parks and Reserves within Te Atatu Nth.(high-viz, gloves appropriate footwear required) any Hazards are identified i.e slippery surfaces and harmful noxious weeds.
- Clean up and maintenance of Tat-Community Native Tree Nursery Recovery First grounds Te Atatu Reserve, build shelving and potting on shed etc.
- Seed gathering andpropagation
- Keeping an annual calendar/diary plan up to date with times for seed gathering,propagatinggerminating, ready for sale for all the different species of plant.
Health and Safety:
Health and Safety induction and Hazard Identification for all participants is mandatory. At the completion of the induction, each participant is required to sign our H&S register. This to confirm that the induction process has occurred and they personally have understood and agreed with the terms and requirements of our H&S induction.
This position description forms part of the Employment Agreement established for the position with Community Waitakere.