Carol Blewitt Transcript.
Carol Blewitt has been working as a Prep teacher at St Thomas More's CatholicPrimary School, Belgrave. St Thomas More's School was one of the 42 sites acrossthe state which took part in the trial and validation of the Victorian Early Years Learning and Development
Framework from August to October 2009. St Thomas More's CatholicSchool, Belgrave caters for 180 children and is nestled in the foothills of the DandenongRanges.
This is an exciting time for me as a Prep teacher. Reflecting on the Framework really invigorates me. This is new territory I do know. It's about small steps; it'sdefinitely about working as part of a team and being connected with the local Early Childhood professionals.
Question 2
The JuniorSchoolteam of three teachers Prep to 2 is very eager to setaside time to unpack aspects of the Victorian Framework. This term we've agreed to talk about the principle offamily centred practice. The 1 - 2's were very interested in parents’ views ofchildren's learning and we're wanting to work out waysof incorporating this in the comingparent teacher interviews. Working as part of a team we're very eager to use the language of the Framework in our Inquiry Planner.
Our current unit of work focuses on Wellbeing andwe've used the language from the Wellbeing Outcomein our Inquiry Planner Prep - 6. Our Curriculum Coordinator,AnneMaree Archer, is very eager for us to continueusing this language in our Inquiry Planner P - 6.
Our Principal, Margaret Geason is very supportive of us using the Outcomes and linking them to the VELS.
Question 3
The Transition to School Learning and DevelopmentStatements are very powerful in helping me build up these strong relationships with children. In these early days as we begin Prep. I can look back over
what the children's interests and skills were over timeand I can incorporate that into my planning so that theirlearning can grow out of authentic interests. The Transition Statements provide us with informationfrom families; we have information about thechildren's own view of their learning. We also have information from theEarly Childhood Educators.
Question 4
I've moved away from a tabled centred approach, withthe tables placed in a letter U around the classroom. Rather I have lots of learning areas in littleareas around the room. I always have a writers’ workshop, a reading workshoparea, a play and imagination area,a construction area, an art area and thecomputers are always available. I'm even working on an outdoor learning area with
sand and digging and a hammering making bench.