Revision topics for year 8 Physics January 2018

This is a combination of year 7 and 8 work in Physics. Much of year 8 work builds on the year 7 work. Most questions on the exam paper will relate to topics covered in year 8.

1. Energy

What is energy?

Energy conversions/ ‘types’ of energy

Fuels and how to compare energy content

The formation of fossil fuels

How energy can be stored

Energy conservation

Alternative sources of energy

Energy from food

Food chains and energy

The transfer of heat energy by conduction, convection and radiation

Cooling by evaporation

Thermometers and how they work



How to construct a series circuit

Circuit symbols

Measuring current in a series circuit

Short circuits

Parallel circuits

Measuring current in a parallel circuit


Uses for the heating effect of a current in a wire

3. The solar system and beyond

Causes of day and night, year, month

Why the sun appears to move across the sky

How the tilt of the earth causes the seasons

Variation in day length with season

The moon, phases of moon

Solar and lunar eclipses

Gravity, why it is different on different planets

Satellites and their uses

The planets. Interpretation of planet data

4. Forces

What do forces do and where are they found?

The difference between mass and weight

Upthrust and floating

Calculation of density

Force diagrams

Balanced and unbalanced forces

Calculation of speed from distance and time data

Extension of spring experiment with graph


Forces and pressure

Pressure may be calculated as force divided by area

Units of pressure

Pressure in liquids

Pressure in hydraulic systems

Air pressure and pressure in gases.

Sound waves

Sound is made when objects vibrate

Relationship between the loudness and the amplitude of the vibration

Relationship between the pitch of a sound and the frequency of the vibration. Hertz as the unit of frequency

Structure of the human ear and how it works

Effects of loudness of sound on the ear and hearing


Calculation of the speed of sound

Light waves

Light travels in straight lines from a luminous source

The meaning of transparent, translucent and opaque

The transmission, absorption and reflection of light from objects


How light is reflected from a plane mirror

How light is refracted at the boundary of two different materials

That white light is a mixture of colours with different wavelengths

Primary and secondary colours of light