ASSESSMENT 2 - Content Knowledge

Case Study

Brief description of the assessment and its use in the program

This course focuses on classical and contemporary approaches to identifying students with learning disabilities, including issues related to definitions, disproportionate representation, and approaches to assessment and program planning. Problems with perception, memory, language, schematic/organizational learning, haptic learning, self-governance, and the impact of those problems on academic and non-academic learning will be examined. Topic coverage will relate to and extend those examined in EDUC 621, Understanding Learning Differences, including recent research related to neurological development and strategy use. In addition, the special educator's role as collaborative consultant in placement and treatment is emphasized. (3 credit hours)

Description of the assessment

Chapter Case Study Activity

Each student will be respond to questions related to a case study for Chapters 4 & 5. Students will use their knowledge of student’s characteristics and assessment data to analyze each case study and respond to questions. The score for each chapter case study will be determined by the rubric below.

Chapter 4: Case Study: Sharon K.

Name of Student: Sharon K.
Age: 9 years 4 months
Current Placement: grade 3.7
Sharon K. is in the second semester of third grade. She moved into this school district this fall. Her current third grade teacher, Ms. Walsh, referred Sharon for an evaluation. Ms. Walsh stated that Sharon has severe difficulties attending in class. She does not follow directions. She is haphazard in her approach to her work and tends to give up easily. Reading is at about the first-grade level. Math is somewhat better, at the beginning second grade level. Sharon seems very unhappy. Since she is new to the district this year, Ms. Walsh said she wanted a few months before making a referral to allow her time to adjust to her new environment. However, Ms. Walsh stated that she still has not adjusted to her new school. She participates with the class in oral activities, but she is very quiet.
Sharon's Test Scores
Overall IQ score on the WISC-IV is 93.
Reading test. / Grade 1.6
Spelling test / Grade 1.5
Arithmetic Test / Grade 2.1
Word attack / Grade 1.2
Reading Comprehension / Grade 1.2
1.  Do you think Sharon has a reading disability? Explain your answer.
2.  In what educational setting should Sharon receive instruction?
3.  What strategies do you recommend?

Case Study Chapter 5

Mr. Otter, the eighth-grade classroom teacher, referred Jacob for an evaluation. In his referral, Mr. Otter stated:

Jacob has serious learning problems. He tries very hard and seems to be bright, but he just can’t make it in the class. His parents are cooperative, but they are also fast losing patience. I will be willing to work with him in my class. I have other students who have learning disabilities and are mainstreamed into my class. However, I feel Jacob needs more intensive treatment. I am particularly concerned about next year because Jacob will be going into high school.

The evaluation team obtained the following information through testing.:

Name: Jacob
Age at the time of testing: 13.3

Present grade placement: 8.1

Referral made by the classroom teacher.

Test Results:

Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children, third edition (WISC-III)

Verbal IQ 99

Performance IQ 98

Full Scale IQ 94

Subtest Scores

Verbal Tests Performance Tests

Information 8 Picture completion 10

Similarities 10 Coding 8

Arithmetic 11 Picture arrangement 13

Vocabulary 7 Block design 8

Comprehension 8 Object assembly 8

Symbol search 9

Wide Range Achievement Tests – Revised (WRAT-R)

Raw score Grade level Standard score Percentile

Reading 38 5.6 86 18

Spelling 18 6.1 89 23

Arithmetic 17 5.3 84 14

Woodcock Reading Mastery Tests

Relative Percentile

mastery rank

Letter identification 95% 60

Word identification 9% 12

Word attack 35% 11

Word comprehension 57% 18

Passage comprehension 29% 8

In reading, Jacob made the following word substitutions:

“wondered” for “wanted”

“looked” for “took”

“when” for “with”

Bender-Gestalt Test

Jacob was given the Bender-Gestalt Test, in which he had to copy the 9 designs. His score was at the 7-year-old level. There were many distortions, and his performance showed poor organization.

From the information and the teacher commentary, it seems that Jacob has average intelligence but shows serious learning problems.

1.  From a behavioral approach, how might you analyze Jacob’s problem and plan for instruction?

2.  From a cognitive approach, how might you analyze Jacob’s problem and plan for instruction?

3.  What additional information would you want to obtain?

EDUC 761 - Scoring Rubric for Chapter 4

0 Not met / 1 Partially met / 2 Met
NCATE 1, CF-IA, INTASC-1, 1CC1K5, 1CC1K6, 1CC1K7, LD1K5 / Assignment
not completed or responses were incorrect. / Student’s responses demonstrated limited knowledge of student characteristics, assessment, eligibility requirements and/or parental roles in determining the best placement option. / Student was able to use his/her knowledge of student’s characteristics, assessment, eligibility requirements, and parental roles in determining the best placement option.

Project Title: EDUC 761 - Scoring Rubric for Chapter 5

0 Not met / 1 Partially met / 2 Met
NCATE 1, CF-IA, INTASC-1, 1CC1K5, 1CC1K6, 1CC1K7, LD1K5 / Assignment
not completed or responses were incorrect. / Student’s responses demonstrated limited knowledge of student characteristics, assessment, eligibility requirements and/or parental roles in determining the best placement option. / Student was able to use his/her knowledge of student’s characteristics, assessment, eligibility requirements, and parental roles in determining the best placement option.

EDUC 761 Chapters 4 & 5 Case Studies CORE Rubric

1 Not Met / 2 Partially met / 3 Met
NCATE 1, CF-IA, INTASC-1, 1CC1K5, 1CC1K6, 1CC1K7, LD1K5 / Assignment
not completed or responses were incorrect. / Student’s responses demonstrated limited knowledge of student characteristics, assessment, eligibility requirements and/or parental roles in determining the best placement option. / Student was able to use his/her knowledge of student’s characteristics, assessment, eligibility requirements, and parental roles in determining the best placement option.