Retired Faculty Reemployment Policy
(Approved in principle by Budget and Compensation Committee, June 4, 2007 with the understanding that the $6000 salary cap may be adjusted after the committee has time to do more research.)
Ohio State Mansfield Faculty may be reappointed after retirement according to the following guidelines and in accordance with University policy, State law, and the policies of the individual’s retirement plan, such as that of STRS. This policy is not intended to prevent the hiring of regular, tenure track faculty or the adding of tenure track faculty lines. On the contrary, it is intended to create budgetary savings that will permit the addition of new faculty lines and thus add to the number of tenure-line faculty.
- All such appointments shall be based on the needs of the campus and the University, not the individual faculty member.There is no automatic entitlement to such an appointment.
- The Dean/Director shall approve all such appointments based on one or more of the following criteria:
- There is a curricular need for the faculty member’s specialty, and searching for a tenure-line replacement proves difficult, or the retired faculty member’s qualifications and experience are superior to the special contract faculty who might be available.
- There is a special task, project, or administrative position for which the retiree possesses the needed experience or expertise.
- There is a budgetary savings that will either help alleviate budgetary shortfalls or that can be reallocated to another faculty position.
- The appointments can be made on a semester-by-semester basis or as a year-long contract.
- Salary for teaching shall be one-ninth of the faculty member’s final annual salary before retirement up to $6000.00 per course.In each subsequent year of employment, the salary may be increased by the average allowed by the University up to 3%.Salary for service activities shall be negotiated between the Dean/Director and the individual.In no case can the compensation given to a retired faculty member in any year exceed 75% of that person’s final annual salary (University policy).
- Annual teaching contracts can be for 50% to 100% appointments.Four courses across a twelve-month period would constitute a 50% FTE; eight courses would represent a 100% appointment.A 50% or greater appointment allows the faculty member to be eligible for various University benefits including medical coverage.
- The Dean/Director may guarantee an appointment for up to three consecutive years based on the needs of the campus.Multi-year guarantees can be made only at 50% FTE each year. Additional teaching or service above 50% must be made on a year to year basis.This limitation is intended to ensure that retired faculty do not fill positions that could otherwise be filled by new tenure-line faculty.According to university policy, “returning retirees serve at the discretion of their appointing authority.”
This document is kept current by the Associate Dean.
Revised 2/11/2016