Public School Book Fund
2009-2010 Information
To: Principals/School Treasurers/Book Coordinators/School Secretaries
1. Public Schools Book Fund: 951 Walnut Street, 47713. Phone: 435-8257
Direct all Book Rental and Book Sales Reconciliation Reports (SA-6), remittances, requests or inquiries concerning the Text Book Rental Fund to this office. All checks conveying proceeds of textbook rental collections and for sales should be made payable to the “Evansville Vanderburgh School Corporation”.
2. Booklists:
Be sure to use this year's Book Rental list. Request that each child take one home the first day of school for his/her parents to read.
3. Ordering Additional Textbooks:
Additional textbooks can be ordered directly from other schools with excess books by checking the Destiny Textbook Management System on the computer. Additional textbooks can also be ordered by title and quantity by emailing the Book Fund. Textbooks sent to your school from the Book Fund or from another school will have to be scanned in as “received”.
4. Book Fund Forms (current):
Please use forms designed for the current year. Each year all forms are revised to conform to new adoptions, price changes and changes in Book Fund procedures. A new supply is sent to each school prior to the beginning of school. This supply should be directed immediately to those persons for whose use the respective forms are intended.
5. Textbook Rental Collections:
The collection of textbook rentals will be done with computer-printed/pre-numbered single sheet invoice.
Book Rental at the Elementary and Middle Schools can also be paid at any Vanderburgh County Old National Bank branch or mailed to Old National Bank, P.O. Box 267, Evansville, IN 47702-0267 with the perforated stub from the pre-printed single sheet book rental invoice. These are to be distributed to the students to take home to their parent/guardian. Parents still have the option to pay at the schools as they have in the past. If a book rental payment is taken at the school, the check should be made out to the school.
Do not write receipts for sales on rental computer forms.
Do not include amounts collected for other purposes such as fees, supplies, etc.
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If student transfers to another EVSC school and his/her book rental is unpaid, forward the book rental receipt/invoice to that school.
6. Students on Free Text:
Book Rental Forms for students approved for free text should be marked “free” and retained at the school.
7. Bar Code Numbers on Books:
All textbooks now have bar code numbers on the back or inside cover. All books are to be scanned to each student. Make sure these same books are turned in by that student and are scanned back in when they leave the corporation or at the end of the school year. All lost books are to be paid for in full by the student. There should be a $2.00 fee charged to the student for any missing bar code sticker. Please call the Book Fund for any additional bar code stickers.
8. Discrepancies– On Book Orders Sent to Your School:
Check the entire contents of all cartons and packages sent to you before making a shortage report. All copies of any one given title may not be packed in the same container. If any discrepancies are found, report them immediately to the Book Fund office.
9. Receipts for Books Purchased:
Only one person at each school should handle all “Sales” of books. Others who accept money for the purchase of books should secure the appropriate receipts from those in charge of sales at the school.
10. Deposit Funds Frequently With the School Treasurer:
You are responsible for money you collect, as long as it is in your custody. If you turn money over to the school Treasurer, he/she will issue a receipt to you each time you deposit money with him/her. This may be either an "Official Receipt" or an "Interim Receipt." If the latter, he/she will later issue an Official Receipt covering all Interim Receipts issued since the last Official Receipt given to you.
11. Department of Public Welfare Orders:
When accepting such orders, make sure that each order designates, for each pupil it covers, the following details: A) The name of the pupil; B)The grade of the pupil; C)The amount due for textbook rental. Turn these orders in to the school Treasurer immediately, but keep a record that the pupil’s rental will be paid by the agency. It is important that these orders be turned in to the Treasurer. Without them, the Book Fund cannot collect the rentals which they represent.
12. Return Books To The Book Fund Office:
When returning books to the book fund, or transferring books from your school to another location, make sure they are scanned out properly through the Destiny Tracking System.
13. Receiving Books From The Book Fund Office:
When receiving books from the book fund, or receiving books from another school, make sure they are scanned in properly as “received” through the Destiny Tracking System.
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14. Sales Receipt Books:
A record of the serial numbers of all green sales receipt books sent to your school is furnished. Before sending sales receipt books back to the Book Fund, the Treasurer should audit them to see that the deposits to the Sales Account equal the collections as shown in the receipt books. Please return the sheet with the green book at the end of the school year.
15. Book Sales:
When books for sales (to replace lost or destroyed books) are sent to the school, they are to be accounted for on the next monthly Treasurer's Report to the Book Fund (Reconciliation Report for Book Fund Account). In order to account for such sales, the Treasurer must be informed that they occurred.
16. Treasurer’s Reports to The Book Fund:
The Monthly Reconciliation Reports (SA-6) for “Rental”499-49001 and “Sales/Repair” 499-49002 are due each month at the Book Fund Office. They are to be received no later than the 10th of the following month in the Book Fund Office. Any report not received by the 15th of the month will be reported to the Chief Financial Officer.
During the school year, a balance of $ 500.00 may be kept in the rental account at the school to provide for possible refunds. At the end of the school year, a check should be cut to the Book Fund to zero out the account. This must be received in the Book Fund before you leave for the summer. (All other Treasurer Reports need to be sent to the Business Office.)
17. Lost or Mutilated Books:
Textbooks purchased to replace lost or mutilated books are to be treated as regular sales and the same receipt book used. The student is responsible for paying for these books and, at the end of the school year, if these are unpaid, they are to be turned over for collection along with any unpaid rental.
If replacement copies are not required at your school, that is if you have an extra copy of the text at your school which can be issued to the pupil instead of ordering another copy from the Book Fund, it is important that the lost book be reported to the Treasurer, along with the student’s name. The student needs to pay in full for lost books. Rebinding is $10.00 per book if book can be repaired. The fee for minor repair (torn pages that can be taped) is $2.00. The fee for a missing bar code sticker is $2.00.
18. Pupils Entering EVSC From Outside The Corporation Who Have Their Own Consumable Books:
Students entering after the beginning of the school year and bringing their own consumable books, which are on our adoption list and which they will use, shall be given a deduction from the applicable rental fee. Such deductions shall be the sum of the sales prices of the consumable books brought along, as shown on the current booklist. To justify the reduced rental fee to the auditor, the computer card should be marked, "Consumable furnished by pupil."
19. Books of Students Transferring to Another School Within the Corporation:
When a pupil transfers, he must turn in his non-consumable textbooks at the school he is leaving and be issued a new set at the school to which he is transferred. However, he will take along the consumable books he has begun to use.
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20. Books of Students Withdrawing from the School Corporation:
When a pupil withdraws from the corporation, he must turn in his textbooks before he is released; and in no instance should a refund be issued until all books have been turned in and in an acceptable condition, or paid for in full. Do not refund any money to pupils on free textbooks or whose rental fees were paid by the Department of Public Welfare.
21. Refund Procedure:
Refunds should be paid to the parent/guardian by a check drawn against a balance carried in the Book Rental account with the School Treasurer. For each refund, prepare in duplicate a Refund Certificate (Form 13E) which must bear the number of the check by which it is paid and the signature of the principal as authorizing the refund. This is true whether the check covers only the one refund or a group of refunds. The original copies of accumulated Refund Certificates are to be attached to the monthly Treasurer report to the Book Fund. Keep the yellow copy at your school for your records.
22. Ordering Special Education Rental Material From Book Fund:
When ordering books for Special Education students, no requests will be accepted by telephone. Use Special Education Order Form SE-100. This form must be sent in to the Book Fund before books will be sent to your school. Be sure to use current school year order forms.
Send both copies of Form SE-100 to the Book Fund office. The yellow will be sent to the school Treasurer from the Book Fund as an invoice for payment due.
Cost of Special Education rental textbooks for 2009-10 is $14.00 per book (Grades K-5) and $19.35 per book (Grades 6-8) per year.
When books are received at your school, please notify the School Treasurer so the Treasurer may then pay for the rental from the Special Education Account on the next monthly school Treasurer Report to the Book Fund.
The Special Education transfer needs to be completed by November 1st.
23. Ordering Teacher Editions:
When ordering Teacher Editions, no request will be accepted by telephone. Use Form TE-1, Teacher Edition Request (pink).
Please send both copies of the order form to the Book Fund office. When books have been processed, a copy of this form will be returned to the school with the books.
Before ordering additional copies of Teacher Editions always check with all the teachers in your building to make sure they are needed and copies are not available in your building.
Teacher Editions are not provided for student teachers.
24. Do Not Accept Any Money For Past Due Accounts:
A Collection Agency processes past due accounts. Do not accept any money for past due accounts that have been turned over to the Collection Agency. If in doubt, call the Book Fund Office - 435-8257.