Valley SchoolClass 2 Date: Autumn 2, 2017
This halfterm wewill belearning about colours and our senses
Literacy / Speaking and listening opportunitiesduring circle time sessions including having an adult recount their weekend news. Use of a switch to give their ‘Good morning’ greeting to the rest of the class. Listen and follow instructions – to give objects/ name cards to their friends.LEAP group work – taking part in listening and attention groups using songs, games and toys to develop interaction skills
Sensory stories – listen and take part in stories such as ‘Dog’s Colourful Day’
Maths / The children will have opportunities toexperience sensory and practical activities linked to this half terms main maths themes.
These include being part of sensory maths activities linked to colour, some simple colour matching activities and parachute maths games linked to colour as well as counting action games and songs.
Understanding of the World
Science - RE
History/Geography / The children will be supported to;
- take part in practical activities linked to their bodies and which body part is linked to which sense.
- Explore textures; tastes and smells associated with different colours on a weekly basis.
- use simple ICT equipment including relevant apps and programmes linked to our topic. They will play with ‘cause and effect’ toys and discover how different toys work and are activated.
- Enjoy the activities around the festivals of Christmas & Hanukkah
Social and EmotionalDevelopment
(PSED topic)
/ The children will be supported to;
-work on their individual PSED targets in class. These include targets linked to feeding, toileting and promoting independence, priority being given to those areas most important for each individual.
Our PSED topic will focus on ‘My Body’– work will include action rhymes linked to body parts; looking in mirrors to identify and talk about body parts; dressing up activities and Tacpac sensory sessions.
Creative Development
Art/DT - Music / The children will be supported to;
- take part in multisensory art activities relating to our topic e.g. colour collages/pictures; firework pictures; Christmas crafts.
- take part in songs and rhymes. Children will be given the opportunity to listen to, and play a variety of musical instruments. They will also experience a daily genre of music which will be playing as they enter the classroom each morning.
- take part in the Christmas play & experience the music and songs involved.
Including PE
/ The children will be supported to;
- take part in indoor and outdoor play activities
- take part in a gross motor session of child led play using large and small play equipment
- join in with Ball pool fun
- undertake Physio and OT routines as devised by the therapy team
- have a weekly warm water session in the hydro pool.
- Enjoy a weekly relaxation session on a Friday afternoon, involving hand and foot massage, foot spas, simple yoga stretches and listening to meditative music.