Erika Sullivan: Media Specialist
7:30-3:30 Monday--Friday
Open until 4:00 Tuesday-Thursday
I will be glad to work with students if additional times are needed.
Erika Sullivan Media Specialist
Telephone number: (251) 602-8970
The Library Media Program at
Jackson High School is committed to helping
students achieve success in academics, be
effective users of information and
become lifelong learners.
Goals and Objectives:
- To provide a pleasant, creative and safe learning environment
- To facilitate the use of information in a variety of formats
- To take an active role in supporting curriculum and providing
materials which meet a variety of learning styles
- To empower students to be independent and efficient life-long
- To instill an appreciation of reading by assisting students with
literary selection
- To create media literate consumers by providing students with
research strategies to develop critical thinking.
LIBRARY PASSES: During class time students must have a written
pass. We accept three (3) students at a time from one teacher per class
period. All students’ names must be listed on the individual pass. The
teacher must sign the pass and make sure that the students have an
assignment to complete. The research topic and purpose should be
clear to the student for the visit to the library. The library maintains an
academic environment and students who are not responsibly working
will be asked to return to class. Passes are not needed during lunch
All staff members are patrons in the library and are encouraged to
borrow library materials. All materials/equipment may be checked out by
the staff though some are on set limits due to high usage/low availability.
Talk to a librarian about checking out Reference books; we do request
you return these promptly. Responsibility for items checked out is
placed on the individual person who checks them out. Please
return them in the same condition as when they were received. Staff
does not pay overdue fines.
Equipment or videos in need of maintenance or repair should be
returned with a note detailing the problem. Repair of all equipment goes
through the library.
Jackson High School Library follows District policies and current
copyright laws for the use of video in the classroom.
LIBRARY CLASSES: We are available to conduct the following classes.
A request of one week in advance is appreciated or schedule at the
beginning of a semester.
- Library Orientation
oFor teachers new to our school, this session will cover
sources available in the library and the procedures for
scheduling library. Audiovisual and hardware
information is also given.
oFreshman Orientation: An introduction to the library that
1. Rules and procedures for checking out a book
2. Identification of the layout and location of items in the
3. Introduction to AVL databases
4. Expectations and conduct while using the library
5. Evaluating a website
- The Research Paper Assistance
A short introduction that reviews the data bases introduced
in the orientation class. It is a good idea to request this prior to
library research for a specific research paper or writing project.
Students should have already selected a topic for research prior to
coming to the library. The first part of the period should be spent
searching to determine if enough information can be found for their
chosen topic.
Also covered are
Keyword searches
Boolean searches
Search engines
Bibliographic and citation formats on the web
TEACHER COLLABORATION: We are able to plan your research unit with you. Information has been prepared that will assist
your students with their research and made available on most
computers. Students do best when they understand that research is a
process or set of strategies or steps. In addition they feel more
confidence if they know what their final outcome or project should look
like by viewing quality samples. For information skills development you
should ask yourself the following before bringing students to the library
to research:
- Why are we doing this?
- What specific concepts do we want the students to learn?
- How will the student gather (extract) information?
- How will the student record information?
- How will the student process/organize information?
- Is there enough information available in the library?
- Have I provided quality web sites to the students or asked thelibrarian for assistance?
- How will the student produce his/her findings?
- How will the student be evaluated?
- What can I do to make the research experience successful for my
SUPPLIES: Whenever you are scheduled in the library or lab, please
bring your own classroom supplies (passes, pencils, etc.)
RESERVING the LIBRARY: Work with the librarian to place you
on the calendar when reserving the library (up to three days
Identify topic students will be researching. Remember to schedule the
library computer lab if you need full class access to the computers. The
library is very busy during lunch waves and will not be
as quiet an atmosphere if you bring your classes at those times. If
requested we can close the library to walk-in traffic during that time.
TEACHER RESOURCES: Jackson High School Library maintains a
Professional Development area for materials useful in the classroom
and to further growth in our profession.
It should be stressed this area is for teachers only. The only time a
student should be in this area is when we have a library student shelving
Copyright Laws: The library staff will not make copies of copyrighted
- determine that the Internet is the most appropriate resource
for the assignment
- pre-select sites and create bookmarks
- be sure the links are up to date (things change quickly on
the web)
- make sure the necessary helper applications and plug-ins
(such as Real Player or Acrobat Reader) are installed
- instruct and review the mechanics of using the Internet (for
example how to save and download text and graphics; copy
and paste text to a Word document to print; print preview)
- recommend the best search engines to use
- clearly state what information students are to gather
- provide instruction about good search strategies
- talk with students about Saraland’s Acceptable Use
- talk with students about copyright guidelines
- teach them how to take notes and cite their resources
- develop a “Plan B” for students who may not use the
Internet or if technical problems (server down) occur
Jackson High School Library offers the school a quiet and
safe place to study, read, and locate information on a variety of topics.
Students are welcome to use the library and all equipment/materials
before and after school, during lunch and as needed during class time.
They are expected to show concern and respect for all persons and
equipment/materials by using the library in a responsible manner.
Students who create disturbances will be asked to leave and may lose
their library privileges for a period of time.
- All rules in the JHS Student Handbook and School DistrictDiscipline Policies will be adhered to.
- Students who enter the library during a class period are requiredto have a pass unless they are with a scheduled library class.
- It is the students’ responsibility to pick up their signed pass andhave it signed before leaving the library.
- No food/drink or gum.
- Students leaving the library with a book not properly checked-outwill be written up and disciplinary measures taken.
- MP3 players, I Pods, and assorted handhelds are not allowed. Although Ereaders are allowed
- No computer may be used for recreation (games, personal e-mail).
- Up to two books from the regular collection may be checked-out.
- Do not check out materials for anyone other than yourself.
All fines on your card are your responsibility.
- Materials from the regular collection may be kept 2 weeks.
- Materials may be renewed, please bring your book to
the library.
- Magazines may not be checked-out.
- Please do not reshelf books. Place them on the tables; we will
- Students who remove library materials without checking them out
properly will be considered stealing and dealt with by school
administrative staff.
- All students must enter and leave the library at the signed entry or
- Students are expected to return books on time. You may not
check out a book if you have an overdue item.
- Return books to the Circulation Desk.
- Return books on time and in the same condition as they were prior
to checkout.
- Lost books are the cost of replacement of the book.
- It is the students’ responsibility to return materials on time.
- The Date Due is stamped at the back of the book.
- Overdue notices will be distributed to homeroom teachers at the
middle and end of each semester.
- Overdue book fine is determined at the rate of 5 cents a day. We
will cap based on the book, but it is a per item determination.