St.GeorgeElementary School
Summer School 2008
One Session—June
June 2-26Monday through Friday 8:00-11:45
Last Day on Thursday, June 26
A preliminary list will be made on November 13 for the students that aren’t reaching benchmarks. Parents can help by working with their child on the skills they are missing. The preliminary list is a wake up call for students to focus and do their best for the rest of the semester.
A new list will be made on March 7. If your child did not do well between November 14 and March 6, they will show up on this list. Some children will have made gains and be taken off of the list, others will remain and some may be added.
After results from the Kansas Assessment tests and our local assessments, the teachers will make a final list by May 16. Again, based on benchmarks that your child has mastered, it will be determined whether or not they will attend summer school.
Summer school is mandatory for students that have not reached benchmarks. Following is a copy of the state statute:
(d) Subject to a policy developed and adopted by the board of any district as an adjunct to the district’s disciplinary policy or as a part of the district’s school improvement plan, the board may schedule school days in addition to the school days scheduled for a school term provided for under subsection (a) or school hours in addition to the school hours scheduled for a school term provided for in a policy adopted under subsection (b), or both such additional school days and school hours/for pupils who are in need of remedial education or who are subject to disciplinary measures imposed under the district’s disciplinary policy. Any school day or school hour scheduled for a pupil under a policy adopted under this subsection may be scheduled on weekends, before or after regular school hours and during the summer months. Inexcusable absences from school on any school day or during any school hour by any pupil for whom additional school days or school hours have been scheduled under a policy adopted under this subsection shall be counted as an inexcusable absence from school for the purposes of K.S.A. 72-1113, and amendments thereto.
Plan vacations early around the summer school dates. We are committed to giving your child a quality education. We appreciate your support!
If you have questions, call Debbie Edwards at the school 494-2482
Updated 9-17-07
Frequently Asked Questions and Answers
What happens if I decide not to send my child to summer school? The truant officer of the school will turn the child in to SRS for truancy and the child may be retained at their previous grade level.
How much does summer school cost? Summer school is free, no fees of any kind are assessed.
My child is in 5/6 grade and makes A’s and B’s. Why would he/she have to attend summer school?
Grades may not be a true reflection of what a child has learned and retained, as teachers occasionally give students opportunities to improve their grades. Letter grades, as well as local assessment tests , State Assessments and teacher observations continue to show us an accurate picture of what the child has learned and retained. When students score below a meets standardlevel on the Kansasassessments, they will be required to come to summer school.
I feel like my child hasn’t had any vacation from school. In response to some parent concerns, it was decided to do one session in June, 5 days a week for 4 weeks. The June session is half days and the last day of summer school is Thursday of the last week.
I don’t think my child did as well on the assessment tests as he/she could have. What can I do? In some cases we have noticed that students did not take the assessment tests seriously. While we stress to the students that they must do their best, some are just not focused. CRT’s at K-2 are given individually throughout the year to get an accurate picture of student progress. Other measures such as Accelerated Math for grades 3-6 are used as well as reading assessments throughout the school year. Students are not allowed to retake the Kansas Assessments. Always stress to your child the importance of taking their assessment tests.
Will my child be retained if he/she doesn’t do well on the assessment tests and who makes that decision? That is a possibility, but retention will be determined on an individual basis. Most students that attend summer school will not need to be retained. By BOE policy, the building principal makes the final decision on retention.
What if I think my child needs summer school, but he/she is not on the list? Summer school is reserved for those children that are missing many skills. If you have questions about your child’s ability, review the CRT and Kansas Assessment information with your child’s teacher.
Why does it take so long to make the final determination for summer school in May? Kansas Assessments are taken electronically now and we get the results immediately. CRT’s are given individually in grades K-2 which takes a lot of teacher time. Other assessment measures for grades 3-6 are given and scored in our district. Teachers make their determinations by analyzing all testing results. This takes time—please have patience.
If my child is repeating a grade, do they still need to attend summer school? YES, this is critically important. If a child is not ready to move to the next grade level, they are missing many skills. Much more practice is needed and more time to do that is essential.
If my child needs to attend summer school, will transportation be provided? Transportation is available to students that normally ride the bus during the school year.