Holy Cross Student Club & Newspaper Promote Same-Sex Marriage in Violation of Church Teaching -11/29/03

To Holy Cross Alumni & Friends:

Promotion of Same-Sex Marriage, in violation of Catholic Church Teaching, comes this week from Holy Cross College. This is even more serious in face of the recent strong condemnations by the Congregation of Doctrine & Faith of the Holy See last month, and this week by the Massachusetts Catholic Conference of Bishops and the Worcester Diocesan Bishop Reilly. Not only is Holy Cross, that represents itself as a Catholic College to alumni, parents and supporters, going against the Catholic Church, it is against the American mainstream which is at least 66% by a recent CNN poll against gay marriage.

1. Without any reference to the Catholic Church or Church Teaching, Kathryn Meyers, Editor-In Chief of The Crusader, the Holy Cross College funded student newspaper, devoted her entire editorial of 11/21/03 to the promotion of homosexual and lesbian marriages, and to a defense of the Massachusetts State Supreme Court judges 5-4 ruling last week for same-sex marriages. This is in direct violation of Catholic Church Teaching. You can read this as soon as it is posted, probably next week, at http://www.thehccrusader.com/main.cfm or on our website News Section by clicking Crusader Editor Uses Her Position on Official College Newspaper to Come Out for Homosexual Marriages - Crusader - 11/21/03

2. The same issue of the Crusader reports that the college funded Student Club, ALLIES, is setting up a public table in Hogan this week to collect signatures for a petition supporting the State Supreme Court ruling and to distribute ribbons to students to show their concurrence. This is in direct violation of Catholic Church Teaching. The article also quotes 3 students, all in support of same-sex marriages. ALLIES is a Gay-Straight student alliance, "supporting" homosexuals, lesbians, bisexuals and transgenders. We believe actions like this show their "promotion" of these life styles rather than their mere support of individuals with these tendencies. These life styles are condemned by the Catholic Church.

3. Page 14 of this same issue carries a Full Page Color Advertisement from ALLIES promoting the posting of their new sticker on student's dorm doors. The sticker reads - "ALLY to the LGBT Community - College of The Holy Cross". LGBT stands for Lesbian, Gays, Bisexuals & Transgenders. We wonder who paid for this ad which says: "Stickers available through your RA or in the Student Programs office on the 2nd Floor of Hogan."

We urge you to make your opinions heard by Holy Cross President, Fr. McFarland, Holy Cross Trustees, Bishop Reilly, the Jesuit Provincial, the Catholic Free Press, and the Worcester Telegram. Contact information is on our website at www.HCCNS.org.

Thank you and God Bless you and your families!

Vic Melfa, Class of 1957 & President

Holy Cross Cardinal Newman Society Inc.


O: 508-890-8500, 800-241-8868

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