HP/EnterpriseOne Sizing Questionnaire (2.7 – February 27, 2007)Page 1
HP Questionnaire for a
JD Edwards EnterpriseOne
Custom ERP Solution
Version 2.7
Please complete Questionnaire and submit to:
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Table of Contents
EnterpriseOne ERP Project Customer Information
Sizing Methodology
EnterpriseOne User Load
EnterpriseOne ERP Client Access Method
System Configuration / Hardware Requirements
JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Environment State
Basic Hardware Options
High Availability Information
Backup/Restore Options
Database Sizing
Additional Environment Requirement Information
HP Confidential: This document contains information protected by copyright. No part may be copied or reproduced in any form without prior written consent from Hewlett-Packard Company.
HP/EnterpriseOne Sizing Questionnaire (2.7 – February 27, 2007)Page 1
This questionnaire is designed to collect information necessary for the HP Oracle/JD Edwards Competency Center to develop an HP hardware configuration proposal to run JD EdwardsEnterpriseOne in Windows or HP-UX environments.
This questionnaire should be filled out by the customer and is for user-based or detailed transaction-based sizings. It does not require detailed knowledge of JD EdwardsEnterpriseOne ERP, although it does require business process knowledge. Use one questionnaire for each separate JD EdwardsEnterpriseOne system or project phase in which a sizing proposal is required.
EnterpriseOne ERP Project Customer Information
Company Name:Company Address:
Include: Street, City,
State, Zip, Province, Country
Contact / Primary / Secondary
Contact Title:
Telephone Number:
Contact Fax Number:
Email Address:
Configuration required by (date)?
Other Information
Please provide any contacts for resellers, sales representatives and integrators that have been identified for the project.
HP ResellerName
HP Systems Engineer
HP Sales Representative
Oracle/JDEEnterpriseOne Account Manager
Oracle/JDEEnterpriseOne Integrator
Sizing Methodology
To accurately create a presales sizing of an ERP system, detailed information is required. The CPU and memory requirements are derived from the peak transaction volume and concurrent user populations per application. The quality of the configuration produced from the questionnaire is only as good as the quality of the data supplied.
In the early stages of an ERP project, customers are not always able to accurately estimate the transaction loads asked for in this questionnaire, especially if they have yet to determine the exact ERP business process specifications. To accommodate this situation, sizings can be done in several ways:
1. Sizing Based on Concurrent Users counts only. Can be valuable for budgetary planning. The least accurate sizing scenario is that no transaction volumes or business data can be supplied; only user numbers are available. In this case, a server sizing can be performed using default (interactive-only) transaction rates. The basis for calculating default transaction rates is a user working continuously on the system, with processing one screen every 30 seconds. This equates to the following default transaction rates, per user per hour:
Module / Default Transaction RateFinancials / 60
Distribution/Logistics / 30
Manufacturing / 15
Equipment Management / 30
Human Resources / 20
Arch/Eng/Cont/RE (AEC) / 15
Energy and Chemical / 24
2. Sizing based on Yearly Transaction counts, but without “interface and batch transaction” data. If the customer is able to estimate yearly transaction data for all modules, it is possible to perform an initial server sizing based on several rules of thumb about operational procedures, batch reporting, and ERP database size. This sizing process can be more accurate than method #1 above, but ignores the potentially significant impact of “interfaces and large batch transaction” loads.
3. Sizing based on Peak Hourly Transaction counts, major interfaces, and batch transaction data.If the customer is able to accurately complete this questionnaire, along with the JD EdwardsEnterpriseOne Database Sizing questionnaire, one is able to get a close approximation of JD EdwardsEnterpriseOne system requirements.
EnterpriseOne User Load
EnterpriseOne Application Users (Required)
JD EdwardsEnterpriseOne Application Areas
/ Maximum No. of Concurrent(Active) Users[1] / Total Users (Licensed)
** Do not double count users of applications;
Allocate users across modules. / Pilot / Production
Phase1 / Production
Final / All
Equipment Management
Human Resources
Arch/Eng/Cont/RE (AEC)
Energy and Chemical
Other (please specify)
EnterpriseOne ERP Client Access Method
Client Access (Required)A / The number of active concurrent thin client users accessing ERP via Windows Terminal Servers (TSE / Citrix).
B / The number of active concurrent thin client users accessing ERP via HTML Web Servers.
C / The number of active concurrent thick client users accessing ERP via direct connection to the same LAN segment as the database server.
D / Total active concurrent users will be the sum of A, B & C.
E / The number of active concurrent users from A & B that will be simultaneously using the Advanced Pricing option of the Sales Management Module.
F / The number of active concurrent thin client users using JD EdwardsEnterpriseOne Portal
Sizing Tips
- The total number of users you specify in the table cannot exceed the total number of licensed/named ERP users.
- The usual rule-of-thumb is that the number of concurrent active users is from 50 to 65% of the number of named users.
- Estimating: If no detailed JD EdwardsEnterpriseOne ERP user information is or if you simply don’t know the behavior of your ERP users, it is recommended to estimate medium (average) workload users based on the total number of expected ERP front-end PCs, terminals, or seats.
- The standard assumption is an online data entry period of 8 hours per day, 5 days per week.
System Configuration / Hardware Requirements
Architecture Options
Your responses in this section will help the HP solutions architect determine any additional hardware requirements for your implementation. Check all options in the form that apply. The following descriptions are intended to help you understand the information you need to provide.
If neither box is checked in the ERP Architecture section, the HP solutions architect will configure the most appropriate architecture for your environment.
2-Tier (Central System) Choosing this option tells the HP solutions architect to configure ERP to run the database and application processes on the same server. A 3-tier system will be configured automatically in the cases where a 2-tier system is unable to handle the user workload.
3-Tier (Distributed System) Choosing this option tells the HP solutions architect to configure ERP to run the database processes on a separate server/tier and the application processes on one or more additional servers.
JD EdwardsEnterpriseOne System Architecture2-Tier (Central System) /
3-Tier (Distributed System) /
- To mark box highlight the box and then press the X key.
Project System Requirements
The standard HP proposal includes a development and test system in addition to the production system. The separate test system enables modifications to be checked before going live on the production system. If the systems below need to be sized to a specific user configuration, or if they should not be included in the proposal, please specify below. Otherwise, standard configurations will be proposed.
Peak # Users / Separate SystemSeparate Development System (DEV)? / Yes No
Separate Prototype System? / Yes No
Separate System Acceptance (TEST) System? / Yes No
Separate Training Server? / Yes No
Your responses to the form in this section will help the HP solutions architect design the correct hardware solution for your implementation.
JD EdwardsEnterpriseOne (CurrentState)New to EnterpriseOne? / If checked - skip to next page
Existing EnterpriseOne Environment /
Request for information to upgrade your existing solution.
(Please specify date of last sizing) /
/ /
Planned “Migration GO LIVE” Date
Please indicate the expected production date for the
EnterpriseOne implementation / / /
Operating System
Windows 2003 Advanced Server
Other ______/
/ ServicePack __
JD EdwardsEnterpriseOne Software Version
Current ERP/OneWorld / Version: ______ServicePack _____
New ERP/OneWorld / Version: ______ServicePack _____
World / Version: ______
Existing Database ______/ Version: ______/ Size: ______GB
New Database ______/ Version: ______/ Size: ______GB
- To mark box highlight the box and then press the X key.
Basic Hardware Options
The information you are asked to provide in the form in this section will help the HP solutions architect determine any additional hardware requirements needed for your implementation.
Basic Hardware Options(Required)Preferred Server Model(s)
If you have a preferred hardware model, please indicate here.
/ DB ______
APP ______
WEB/TSE ______
Preferred Operating System (Choose One) / Unix Linux Windows
External Disk Interface / SAS
Fibre /
Fibre Disk Sub-System Preference
This option indicates which Fibre disk sub-system should be utilized. High availability solutions such as clustering require fibre channel attached disks. For more information, see Appendix A, “Reference Material” or go to the link below.
/ StorageWorks MSA1500
Enterprise Virtual Array (EVA)
XP Series /
Disk Capacity (Database)
(Indicate preferred disk drive size, if desired) / 36GB 72GB 146GB
Data Retention Period in years (e.g. 1, 1.5, 2, 3, 6)
To give you a first estimate of the hard disk capacity required, it is important to know for how long your documents will be available online for the ERP system. Note that a doubled retention period results in doubled database disk capacity. / _____ Year(s)
This option indicates that your system requires an HP uninterruptible power supply. /
Configuration Options (Choose One Only)
Maximum Performance & Reliability
This option indicates that you want the environment to be designed for maximum performance and reliability. /
Standard Performance & Low TCO
This option indicates that you want the environment to be designed for maximum value with low Total Cost of Ownership (TCO). (No Clustering) /
High Availability Information
Production Requirements7x24 Environment
If checked, the HP solutions architect will design the system with high availability options, clustering and StorageWorks. (No Single Point of Failure) /
Accept reduced performance after switchover? /
Production Online TimeRange
Please indicate which hours during each day that your production system will be available for online use. / Monday / -
Tuesday / -
Wednesday / -
Thursday / -
Friday / -
Saturday / -
Sunday / -
Please indicate which hours during each day that your production system will be available for batch use. / Monday / -
Tuesday / -
Wednesday / -
Thursday / -
Friday / -
Saturday / -
Sunday / -
Online & Batch Overlap
This option indicates there is a significant overlap between batch and online processing. The systems engineer will reference the two previous time ranges to establish the overlap times. Which may require one or more Batch Server(s) will be configured to separate the batch processes from the interactive users. /
Maximum Planned Downtime
(Maintenance activities should include database reorganization, patch level upgrades, file system maintenance, etc.) / _____ hours
Maximum Unplanned Downtime
Unplanned downtime would include unexpected software and hardware outages. / _____ hours
Backup/Restore Options
Your responses in the form below will help the HP solutions architect determine additional hardware requirements needed for your implementation. Preceding the form are descriptions intended to help you understand the nature of the information you need to provide.
Backup/Restore OptionsBackup Solution
Select this option for the HP solutions architect to design a backup solution for your ERP installation. If selected, please complete the remainder of the Backup/Restore Options form. /
Online BackupTimeRange
Please indicate during which hours online backups can be performed (e.g., noon-2 p.m.). Online backups can be performed with the database open and running. Thus, ERP can be online with users performing normal transactions. HP recommends online backups be performed when the production database server is least utilized. This will ensure respectable response times for online users and a low number of database changes. / Monday / -
Tuesday / -
Wednesday / -
Thursday / -
Friday / -
Saturday / -
Sunday / -
Please indicate the hours during each day (e.g., 2 a.m. – 6 a.m.) that your production system will be available for offline backups. Offline backups are performed with ERP and the database shut down. This type of backup is recommended for Disaster Recovery Planning (DRP), as all database files are in a consistent state. / Monday / -
Tuesday / -
Wednesday / -
Thursday / -
Friday / -
Saturday / -
Sunday / -
Unattended Backup
Choosing this option indicates that the backup procedures should be designed for unattended operation. /
StorageWorks Business Copy
(Snapshot & Cloning) Software /
StorageWorks Continuous Access Software /
Maximum Restore Time (Optional)
Please indicate the maximum amount of time in hours that your organization can allow for full system restores.
This may require additional hardware. / _____ hours
Web Links
Database Sizing
To give you a first estimate of the hard disk capacity required, it is important to know for how long your documents will be available online for the ERP system. Note that a doubled retention period results in doubled database disk capacity.
Database Options / Your Database SelectionSQL / Oracle / DB2 / ______
Option 1
Provide us with your estimate of the amount of disk space that is needed. This information may be known, for example, if moving from one EnterpriseOne platform to another or if the database sizing analysis has already been completed by JD EdwardsEnterpriseOne.
Option 2
HP provides an estimate of the amount of disk space for first 12 months of production. Because estimates of disk space requirements are inaccurate and business volumes often change during the lifetime of a project, we recommend ongoing assessment of the amount of space needed for the database; extra disk capacity should be added as needed.
Option 1Was Database Sized Previously? / yes / no
Please Indicate Database Capacity on Previous Sizing / _____ GB
Please Indicate Source of Previous Sizing
Please Indicate Customer Estimate / _____ GB
Option 2
HP to Provide Database Estimate / yes / no
Additional Environment Requirement Information
Special Considerations/ Additional Requirements/ Remarks(Please indicate any other factors that we should take into account for the sizing.)
Transaction Processing Volume
Part I: Main On-line Transaction Volume
FinancialsERP Data Entry Transaction Type / Main On-line Window
On-line / Parallel Batch
Txns/ Month / Avg line/Txn / Txns/ Month / Avg line/Txn / Timeframe (hh:mm – hh:mm)
AP Invoices
AP Payments
AR Invoices
AR Payments
GL Journals
Other Transactions
Please specify
ERP Master Data
Number of / Customers:
G/L Accounts:
AP Invoices:Account Payable documents showing information from the vendor for goods or services received the tax and total currency amount due.
AP Payments:Account Payable payment documents showing the payment amount, items to be paid and payment information
AR Invoices:Account Receivable Documents showing information for the customer for goods or services received the tax and total currency amount due.
AR Payment:Account Receivable payment documents showing the payment amount, items to be paid and payment information.
GL Journals:Journal Voucher Documents entered in General Ledger.
Fixed AssetsERP Data Entry Transaction Type / Main On-line Window
On-line / Parallel Batch
Txns/ Month / Avg line/Txn / Txns/ Month / Avg line/Txn / Timeframe (hh:mm–hh:mm)
Asset Postings
(acquisitions, retirements, transfers,depreciation)
Other Transactions
Please specify
ERP Master Data
Number of / Assets:
Acquisitions:Documents for Assets acquired from external Vendors, affiliated Companies or internal Production.
Asset Retirements:Documents for Asset Retirements (sold, scrapped, etc.).
Asset Transfers:Documents for Assets transferred (from/to location, from/to asset category).
Depreciation:Asset Depreciation Posting Documents
AllocationsCostCenter Accounting
ERP Data Entry Transaction Type / Main On-line Window
On-line / CO Specific Parallel Batch
Txns/ Month / Avg line/Txn / Txns/ Month / Avg line/Txn / Timeframe (hh:mm–hh:mm)
Postings with cost center
Internal cost allocations
Other Transactions
Please specify
ERP Master Data
Number of / Cost Centers:
Activities/ cost elements:
Postings with cost center:All transactions containing cost center information