Registration Form

Payment by Credit Card, Bank Transfer, or Check

1. Participant Accepted Paper ID Number (if applicable):

□ Mr. □ Ms. First Name: Last Name:

Affiliation (Univ./Company):


Phone: Fax: Email:

2. Registration Fee

Classification / Before Sep.10, 2012 / After Sep.10, 2012 / Amount
(IEEE/IET member)★ / □ 3,500 CNY / □ 4,000 CNY
(Non-member ) / □ 4,000 CNY / □ 4,500 CNY
(IEEE/IET member)★ / □ 2,000 CNY / □ 2,500 CNY
(Non-member ) / □ 2,500 CNY / □ 3,000 CNY
One-day regular / □ 1,500 CNY / □ 2,000 CNY
One-day Student / □ 1,000 CNY / □ 1,500 CNY
Extra banquet ticket / □ 400 CNY
Extra pages / □ 600 CNY/page
Options / □ Tutorials □ Vegetarian
Need hardcopy Proceedings 500 CNY
Total Amount / CNY

(★IEEE or IET Member) ★ Member Number: ______

The registration fee covers:

Regular registration includes full-day tutorial, welcome reception, banquet ticket, lunches, coffee breaks and the conference proceedings (USB-disk).

Student registration includes full-day tutorial, welcome reception, banquet ticket, lunches, coffee breaks and the conference proceedings (USB-disk).

One-Day registration includes lunch and coffee breaks for one day and the conference proceedings (USB-disk). Please note that One Day Registration only applies to the workshop day (Oct. 24, 2012).

3. Payment Methods

1) □ Credit Card
Date of Payment ______/ Please click the link on the website for online payment. / ______CNY
2) □ Bank Transfer
(For attendees outside Mainland China)
Note: If it is not possible for you to transfer CNY, please transfer USD based on the USD/CNY exchange rate of the day of transfer. / Sender’s Name______
Account Name: Fudan University
Account Number: 437759252978
Bank Name: 044159 Bank of China Shanghai Guo Ding Road Sub-Branch
Bank address: No.288, Guo Ding Rd.. Shanghai, 200433, China
Swift Code: BK CH CN BJ 300
Attn: IOT 2012 / ______CNY
Remit date:
3) □ Bank Transfer
(For attendees from Mainland China) / 开户银行:上海 农行五角场支行营业部
户名: 复旦大学
帐号: 033267-08017003441 / ______CNY
Remit date:
4) □ Bank Draft/Check
Remit date______/ I have enclosed herewith a bank draft/check made payable to Fudan University and sent to Huihua Yu / ______CNY

Please send the Registration Form and Payment Receipt to Conference Secretary by Email or Fax:


Fax: +86-21-65643449

Mailing address: Huihua Yu

Department of Microelectronics, Fudan University,

220 Handan Road, Shanghai, 200433, China

Registration policy:

To be published in the IoT 2012 Conference Proceedings and IEEE Xplore®, one author of an accepted paper is required to register for the conference at the full (member or non-member) rate, and must present the paper at the conference. Registration fees must be paid prior to uploading the final IEEE formatted, publication-ready version of the paper. For authors with multiple accepted papers, one full registration is valid for one single paper only.

NOTE: At least one author of each paper must register at a regular registration rate by September 10, 2012.