Fox Cities Cycling Association (FCCA)
Board Meeting
Tuesday, April 16, 2013 7:00 - 8:30pm
Copper Rock Coffee Company conference room
1. Call meeting to order:
Rob Gusky called the board meeting to order at 7:00 pm. Board members present were Rob Gusky (RG), Gwen Sargeant (GS), Dave Babcock (DB), Matt Kletti (MK), Jane Clough (JC), Alim Kassim (AK), Tricia Kissinger (TK), Karl Kissinger (KK), Brian Oleson and Mark Priddis (MP).
2. Review Scorecard:
We began the meeting by reviewing a number of past items including the minutes from the March meeting, the Treasurer’s Report, Moonlight Rides, the Get Up and Ride Challenge Kickoff event at FVTC, the Kickoff Challenge on May 4th at the Heart of the Valley YMCA, the possibility of participating in the 2013 Flag Day Parade, partnering with Light Up the Fox, Sunday Lazy Rides, organizing the Farmer’s Market Bike Valet, opportunities at Riverview Gardens and strengthening our relationship with Fox Cities Greenways.
GS reviewed the last moonlight ride which was a big success. We had only one issue with a broken chain which was repaired and the group continued on. There was a proposal that we try to organize future stops at businesses who are participating in the Bike Benefits program.
TK updated the group on the Fox Cities Bike Challenge Kickoff event which will participants to experience a variety of vendors and shops including a bike blender to make lemonade.
Saturday, May 4th is the date for the Kickoff Ride which will take place at the Heart of the Valley YMCA and the US Venture parking lot. We will have rides of 3 different lengths (2, 12 and 25 miles) available for participants starting at 2:45.
TK addressed the 2013 Flag Day Parade. The Bloodmobile will be featured in the parade. Would the FCCA like to ride alongside? We can wear t-shirts and members could of course decorate their bicycles in red, white and blue.
GS provided some information on ordering t-shirts for the FCCA. Those who are interested in riding in the parade will need to purchase a t-shirt in advance. Shirts can be ordered through GS at Appleton Bike. She has a signup sheet in the store. Cash and checks are preferred please. Shirts need to be ordered by the beginning of May.
GS updated the group on our partnership with Light up the Fox. We can participate in a ride sponsored by the Appleton Rotary on June 21st. The ride will leave from the PaperDiscoveryCenter in waves at 6:30. We will have an opportunity to visit the Vulcan replica and Edison machines. Thomas Edison will also make an appearance. This ride will be family and recreational rider friendly. The ride will end at the Hearthstone where participants will have a chance to use a bike blender. 91.1 The Avenue has awarded a grant for this event and we should hear advertisements on the radio in the near future. In light of the broken chain at the last moonlight ride, we would welcome a ride Marshal or mini “sag wagon” to help any bikers who need assistance.
The Appleton Community Ride is scheduled for Sunday, July 14th at Appleton’s PiercePark.
The Fox Cities Bike Challenge starts May 1st and runs through the end of September. At this time the Appleton Police and Fire Chiefs along with the AppletonAreaSchool District’s Superintendent are lending their support to the Challenge. The AASD is promoting the challenge in its Middle and High Schools. There are also organizations from 3 neighboring counties participating. We will celebrate the end of the challenge at TelulahPark in Appleton on Sunday, September 29th.
We have a renewed request for volunteers to help run the bike valet at Appleton’s Farmer’s Market on College Ave. The FCCA helps run the bike valet with local Boy Scouts on the 3rd Saturday of each month from 8:00am to 12:00 noon. If someone would be interested or available to work a shift from 8 to 10 or 10 to 12 that would be fine too. This gives the FCCA an opportunity to promote our organization with the community and the scouts have an opportunity to work toward earning a Merit Badge.
Work will continue on the Single-track at RiverviewGardens in Appleton. JB visited the site and it will be a few weeks before it is ready. There will be work days scheduled and a connection with an IMBA chapter. Please check the facebook page for updates.
We have a monthly blog available for our members. If you are interested in submitting a blog entry, please e-mail MK. BO will take care of the entry for April and DB will submit an entry for May.
3. Other Items:
Mason Street bike lanes are moving forward. Some residents who live along Mason Street including some of the churches have expressed concern over the loss of parking spaces but it sounds like the city has a plan to address this by potentially incorporating “bump ins” which will allow the bike lane to continue past a recessed parking area. The proposed lane will run from Prospect Ave. to Grand Chute passing Lincoln Elementary, GraceLutheranChurch and AppletonWestHigh School. It is important that we communicate with our elected officials and ask for their support on this issue. Make sure you include your full name and street address when you contact the Common Council.
Our Bicycle Benefits program continues to grow and generate interest. We now have more than 20 businesses participating including 3 in Oshkosh!
Nick Hoffman and his wife have graciously offered to help us maintain our presence on social media including facebook and the FCCA website.
FCCA has a unique opportunity to participate in the 27th Annual Gourmet Bike Tour on July 28th at St. Mary’s CentralHigh School in Neenah. They have offered to give us space to host a table at no cost to the FCCA. We could use 1 to 2 volunteers to help with the table. This event is expected to draw more than 700 bikers and potentially raise more than $40,000.00 for local youth programs. Participants will be able to pick from routes that range from 4, 8, 12, 25, 55, 75 or 100 miles. This could be an excellent opportunity for the FCCA to make additional connections in the community.
There is a ride planned for Thursday, May 16th from the Newberry Trail parking lot adjacent to Lawe Street to the K-Roo restaurant for dinner. If you’re interested, please meet in the parking lot and be ready to leave by 5:45.
Bike to work week is fast approaching. The week of May 12th through the 18th will feature a number of rides including Bike to church, school, etc.
Our next meet is scheduled for Tuesday, May 21st at Copper Rock at 7:00pm.
Minutes taken and submitted by DB, Secretary.