PBI 2007 - Participants’ Supply Lists

General Supplies: In addition to the specific class supplies listed below it is a good idea to bring a bone folder, scissors, ruler, triangle or right angle, tape, scalpel or X-acto knife and extra blades, utility knife, small cutting surface, glue stick, tweezers, small awl or needle awl, pencils, pens, and a notebook. Also bring any art media that you might want to use in your classes - watercolors, colored pencils, stamps, etc. Papermakers should bring rubber boots or shoes and water repellent aprons - the weather could be cool and you will want to keep dry as much as possible.

Session I

 Pastepapers Old and New - Michael Burke


10 – 15 sheets of paper you would like to use to make paste paper – white or color

(PBI will supply two types of white paper but you will have the

opportunity to experiment on papers of your choice)


Paint brushes of different sizes

Rubber Rollers

Bubble Wrap


Rubber Stamps

Old Credit Cards

 The Nature of Surface – Ann Marie Kennedy

Something to share with other participants to introduce yourself – images or

examples of artwork or other creative work

Sketchbook or notebook

Papers to test surface applications of dyes an pigments: various thickness and

absorbencies. Try to find unsized (also called waterleaf) papers that have

good wet strength. Sheets of unsized handmade flax paper can be

purchased from the instructor. We will be making paper to use for dyeing

the first day of class, but it will not be dry and ready to use until day two

or three of the workshop.

Brushes – china bristle, watercolor (for brushing on dyes and inks)

Several plastic containers with lids (large yogurt size – 1 liter or 2 quart)

Sharpie Pens – thick and thin

Spray Bottle – plant mister type

Hand Towel

Gloves – Dishwashing type or disposable

Waterproof boots or clogs

Plastic apron


Drawing Materials: charcoal, conte crayon, pastels (oil and chalk), colored inks

(opaque and transparent), pencils

Collage Materials

Natural Dyestuffs and/or pigments to apply to paper

Mould and Deckle for papermaking – 11” X 14” or smaller

 3-D Attachments for Practical and Decorative Purposes – Barbara Korbel





Bone Folder

Awl or Needle Vise

Glue Brush – small

2 Small plastic containers with lids

Knife: Scalpel with #11 blade OR Olfa with snap-off blade OR X-acto with #11

blade – and plenty of extra blades

Paste brush


Self-sealing cutting mat

Small hammer

45º angle


Buttons without shanks – several

1 yd. - Thin, flat ribbon – grosgrain or silk

Small hand drill

Hole Punches

1/4” or 1/2” chisel


Teflon folder

 German Edelpappband (Fine Paper Binding) – Renate Mesmer

A book in sheets (Approximate size: Width – 5”, Height: 7”, Thickness: no

thinner than 3/8” and no thicker than 5/8”). If you do not have a book in sheets,

you can fold plain paper into sections or bring a disbound book (please make sure that all repairs are done – we will not have time to do repairs in class.) When you fold the paper for the textblock, make sure you cut the paper a little bit bigger first, then fold the number of pages (4 or 5, depending in the weight of the paper) into one section. The thickness of the folded section should be approximately 1/16”. Then cut the sections to the exact size on a board cutter.

Covering Paper: Marbled paper, paste paper, or other decorative paper – it should

co-ordinate with the dark red or dark blue leather that PBI will be supplying.

Endpaper: that goes with your covering paper and text block


Scalpel or X-acto knife and extra blades


Bonefolders – different sizes and shapes

Small Teflon folder



2 Paste brushes – your favorite sizes

Cutting mat

1 sheet (8 1/2” X 11”) cardstock – any scrap larger than 4” X 8” is OK


Buttonhole silk: PBI will be supplying white, black, green, red, yellow and blue.

If you prefer another color, please bring it.

 Focus on the Pamphlet – Barbara Tetenbaum

Mechanical pencil

Scissors – sharp

X-acto or Olfa knife and extra blades

Self-healing cutting mat

Ruler with metal edge

Triangle – small

1/2” wide strip of brass or metal (for trimming turn-ins) – available from the

hardware store or hobby store

Art making supplies: colored pencils, watercolors, collage materials, etc.


Examples of your work for introduction

Favorite pamphlet books for show and tell

Session II

 Dimensional Paper – Amanda Degener

Slides/images or examples of your work – this may include sheets of paper,

artwork, or something about your work


Interesting shaped balloons – 1 or 2

Stiff brush – small

Duct Tape

Spray atomizer – small

Sewing needles

Sewing pins

Heavy Duty Thread

Pearlite or vermiculite

Armature matierials such as dowel rods, basketmaking supplies (such as reed),

natural materials from the woods, small bamboo

 Binding Structure and Story – Julie Leonard

Bone Folder

3/4” Glue Brush or 2” Flat bristle brush

1/2” Flat bristle brush

X-acto knife or scalpel and extra blades

Mat or utility knife and extra blades

Metal Triangle – any size

Sewing needles – blunt (harness or tapestry)




Glue Stick

Awl or pin tool


Spring Dividers

Self-healing cutting mat

Micro Spatula

Japanese Hole punch or individual metal punches

Masking Tape/Scotch Tape/ Double-sided tape

Materials and media you normally work with. For instance:

Texts (poems, stories, vignettes)

Images (photos, drawings, etc.)

Collage materials (old papers, maps, photos, catalogs, books, etc.)

Decorative papers/Handmade papers

Rubber stamps

Drawing tools



If you do not have any of the above suggested materials and media or do not have room to bring them, don’t worry, there will be plenty of materials at PBI to work with.

 Luxury In Leather: The Elements of Design Binding – Dominic Riley


Scalpel and blades

Small weight

Metal ruler

Bone folders



Small cutting mat

Small glue brush

Paste brush

Utility knife (eg. Olfa)

New eraser

Fine artist’s brushes

Paring knife and strop

Small clean white towel

Acrylic paints, a few colors


Finishing press (essential, even though it may be difficult to carry, please try to

bring one)

Backing hammer

Backing boards

Leather paring machine (Brockman or Scharf-fix)

Paring (litho) stone

Finishing tools (letters and small decorative tools)

 The Printed Book: Color, Image & Sequence – Pati Scobey

Finishing tools (letters and small decorative tools)

Linoleum/woodcutting tools, in particular a good V-tool set

Recommended: Item # 140371 Flexcut Palm Tools, miniset of 4 tools


406 Airport Industrial Park Rd.

P.O. Box 1686

Parkersburg, WV 26102-1686

Very nice, but pricey: V- Gauges from McClains


15685 SW 116th Ave. PMB 202

King City, OR 97724-2695




Reference books for idea generating, images, poetry to respond to, etc.

Glue Brushes: 1/2” and 1”

Sharpie – fine point

24” metal ruler

Triangle (45/45/90)

Sharp Scissors

X-acto knife and extra blades

Self-healing mat

Glue Stick – archival

Bookbinding awl

Bone Folder

Paint Brushes – variety of sizes

Stenciling Brushes (1 or more) – 9 mm is most versatile

Cheaper varieties available from craft stores, surikomi bake is available from




Sharpening Stone


Soft Rubber Brayers: 2”, 4”, 6”, 8”

Gloves and fingernail brush for clean-up

Drawing Supplies: colored pencils, pens, etc.

Acrylic paints

Inking knives: flexible putty knives from the hardware store

Selection of collage material: both text and image

Printing papers, decorative papers, or book cloth you are fond of using

Hole punch – japanese or other

Glasses that magnify/opti-visor

Brass jigs

Tools (nails) for making marks on linoleum

 Digging Into the Past: The Multi-Quire Wooden-Boarded Codex from Egypt,

AKAThe Lamacraft Model – Pam Spitzmueller

Bone folders


Cutting mat


Small Triangle



Small glue brush

Needles with reasonably large eye

Wax for thread

Cutting tool such as x-acto knife and blades; click knife or Olfa with break off


Metal ruler - millimeter preferable

Rat tail file with small diameter to clear small diameter holes

Small weight

Masking tape

Small files and rasp (coarser) for working bone

Small plastic containers, like film cans, for adhesive and brush washing

C clamp, must open at least 2inches


Sandpaper block

Hand drill or Dremmel (electric) - if you are comfortable using it

Magnifying device as a sewing aid

If you are driving:

Small lying or finishing press

Block plane

Clamp on table light