Newham HIVPoint of Care Testing (PoCT) in GP practices and Pharmacies
Pilot Service Specification
Pilot period - September 2010-June 2011
HIV/AIDS remains a Public Health concern in Newham. By the end of 2009, there were 1,359 people reported to be living with HIV/AIDS in the Newham, this represents a prevalence rate of 8.22per 1000 population. Majority of HIV cases are reported amongst the Black African communities who account for 72% of reported cases followed by Men who have sex with Men (MSM)who represent 21% of the total HIV cases in 2009 (HPA, 2010).
Advances in HIV/AIDS treatment and care have significantly improved health outcomes for people living with the virus. However, late diagnosis and undiagnosed HIV present a major problem for HIV related health outcomes. To address the problem of late and undiagnosed HIV, the Chief Medical Officer recommended in 2007 that HIV testing should be offered as routine in all health care settings. Following the CMO letter, in 2008, the British HIV Association (BHIVA) issued new guidelines recommending that HIV testing should be offered routinely to all men and women in general health care settings in places with high HIV prevalence of more than 2 people per 1,000.
All practices are expected to provide essential and those additional services they are contracted to provide to all their patients.
The aim of this service is to contribute to increasing the uptake of HIV testing and reduce late and undiagnosed HIV among Black African HIv communities, and MSM groups that are aged 18years and above by piloting HIV point of care testing(POCT), delivered through GP practices and Pharmacies.
- Recruit GPs and Pharmacies to offer POCT HIV testing
- Strengthen the role and capacity of primary care providers in HIV prevention
- To increase the availability and range of HIV testing.
- Increase the number of people with HIV who are aware of their status
- Increase access to HIV prevention and Sexual Health promotion services
- Normalise HIV testing to reduce HIV related stigmas.
- Ensure all HIV positive individuals have access to treatment and care
- To assess the feasibility and affordability of the routine testing in GP practices and Pharmacies
The HIV POCT activity should be proactively targeted at HIV at risk groups (i.e. Black Africans and MSM as well as Injecting Drug Users and Hepatitis B patients)aged 18 years or older who are unaware of their HIV status
The pilotperiodfor this service is September 2010 to June 2011 and would be delivered through 10 GP practices and 2 Pharmacies in Newham
Participating GP Practices and Pharmacists should offer the test to all new patient registrations and customers aged 18 – 59 years old proactively targeting at least 80% of HIV at risk groups.
The servicewill be availableto both old and new patients and/or customers through routine “opt out” HIV testing either by:
- provider offering/initiating the test or
- patients or customers initiates/requests test
- The HIV test will be carried out through a finger prick blood test
- The POC HIV test will be performed using the INSTI (1 minute) HIV-1/HIV-2 rapid antibody test.
- TheRapid test Kit will be provided by NHS Newhamon completion of the Resources Request Form as set out in Appendix H
- All test results will be give the same day (within 10mins)of the test being carried out
- Patients must be able to engage in pre/ post test discussions and understand the information provided and consent to test.
Each participating GP Practice and Pharmacy will operate the HIV POCT service in accordance with the pathway set out in Appendices A and B respectively and shall implement and adapt protocols set out in BHIVAguidelines for HIV testing (
During the consultation with patient, it is recommended that the following should be discussed by the appropriate professional using relevant resources. Explain the following to patients:
- The importance of HIV testing
- What HIV and AIDS are and the difference between them
- That test is confidential and will be appropriately documented
- What the test involves
- The accuracy of the testing kit
- The possible outcomes of the test
Before performing the test, GP practices and pharmacists should check that:
- The patient is within the age-range and target group
- The relevant forms are completed correctly as set out in Appendices C and D
- A record of each HIV test and result is kept
- A record of each HIV test is recorded on the log sheet provided as set out in Appendix Eand on the EMIS data base using EMIS codes as set out in Appendix F
As soon as the patient agrees to go ahead with the test, the professional should do the following:
- Explain and emphasize confidentiality and reassure the patients that the records are kept secure.
- Ensure that the patient understands what HIV and AIDS are
- Explain the contents of the testing kit
- Explain the meaning of a reactive and a non-reactive result
- Explain the ‘window period’
- Explain availability of other services that may be linked to care and support
- Obtain informed consent
- Discuss any immediate questions and concerns that the patient may have
- Prepare and perform the test
6.21Post test discussion for a HIV non-reactive result
For a post test discussion involving a non-reactive result, the professional should do the following:
- Clearly inform the patient of the result
- Explain and emphasize the ‘window period’ and the need for re-testing
- Discuss general sexual health promotion to reduce risk including the use of condom and assist patient to identify support for risk reduction.
- End post test discussion session
6.22Post test discussion for a HIV reactive result
For a post test discussion involving a reactive result, the professional should do the following:
- Clearly inform the patient of the result
- Discuss and identify sources of support
- Discuss general sexual health promotion to reduce risk including the use of condom and assist patients to identify support for risk reduction
- Provide referrals to needed HIV-related services
- Discuss disclosure and partner referral
- End post test discussion session
After performing the test and informing patients of test results, GP practices and pharmacists should ensure that:
- The relevant forms have been completed correctly
- Referral forms for confirmatory tests have been completed as set out in Appendix G
- Patients are referred to appropriate HIV-related services
- A record of each HIV test, result and referral is recorded appropriately
The total expected activity for the pilot periodfor all participating GP Practices and Pharmacist is 2000 rapid tests. For each participating GP Practice and Pharmacy, the expected activity will be between 180-200 HIV rapid testsfor the pilot period.Any activity above target must be agreed with NHS Newham.
Payments will be made to participating GP Practices and Pharmacies on a monthly basis according to activity following submission of a log sheet and invoice (Appendix E& I))and subject to:
- The patient being within the age range and who are within target group
- The form being correctly completed to include the first part of postcode,
The pilot caries two payments based on test undertaken and an additional enhancement payment for a reactive result. Each participating GP Practise and Pharmacist will be paid £35.00 for each rapid test carried out and an additional £35.00 for a reactive result.
7.1 Information required on invoice:
- Name of Project
- Mailing address of the billing GP practice/ Pharmacy
- Date of Service (invoice period)
- Invoice date
- Invoice number
- Activity description (including number of tests with results)
- Amount
- VAT if indicated
- Bank
- Name of Bank
- Account Number
- Sort Code
- Address to mail invoice(s)
All invoices should be sent to the following address, marked for the attention of: Wendy Hachmöller.NewhamPCT, 5C5 Payables 6735, Phoenix House, Topcliffe Lane, WakefieldWF3 1WE.
The HIV community projects officer,(Frances Makinwa) will send out monthly reports to participating GP practices and pharmacists. This report will contain the number of tests that have been undertaken by the different participants under this pilot scheme and what the positivity rates are if appropriate.
The pilot will be monitored and evaluated in order to asses the feasibility and affordability of the routine testing in GP practices and Pharmacies. Using 2009 HIV testing figures as a baseline the success of the project will be measured by the following:
- Increase in the number of HIV tests in GP practices
- Number of people taking the HIV tests in Pharmacies
- Increase in the number of patients referrals to HIV related services
- Increase in the number of people re-testing after at least 3months
All interested GP Practices and Pharmacists who wish to participate in this HIV POCT pilot scheme must be able to demonstrate appropriate clinical competence by having undertaken suitable education and training.
All interested GP Practices and Pharmacists are required attend training sessions run by NHS Newham or an appointed agent before delivery of the service.
The pilot will comply with NHSNewham clinical governance requirements. Clinical support and supervisionwill be provided by NUHT specialist HIV clinical services (Greenway Centre).
All reactive tests should be confirmed using an approved confirmatory test at appropriate HIV care centres as set out in Appendix J.
The pilot will be accountable to:
- NHS Newham ( Board/PEC)
- Newham Sexual Health Strategy Group
- Pilot Steering group
- North East London HIV and Sexual Health Clinical Network (NELNET)
- Inner North East London HIV prevention Group
Initial training will be provided by the GUM service, Public Health and Clinical nurse specialist (CNS) with support from the HIV testing provider (INSTI)
Regular training updates will also be provided and individual support will be provided to GPs and Pharmacies as required.
The service provider will not assign the whole or any part of the Agreement or sub-contract the supply of services without the consent of NHS Newham
The services may be varied if:
Proposals to vary the service may be initiated by either party. A variation to the service will require three month’s written notice unless both parties agree otherwise.
Under the terms of this agreement the PCT will suspend the contract if for any reason service provision or patient safety is compromised in any way. The contract will be suspended pending the outcome of a full and transparent investigation, following which the agreement will either terminate or be reinstated.
It is the wish of both parties that this Agreement shall not interfere with or impede the goodwill that has existed between the parties prior to the Agreement.
In the event or any disagreement or dispute between the parties they will use their best endeavour to reach a resolution without resort to conciliation or arbitration.
In the event or the parties being unable to reach a resolution jointly they will jointly agree the name of a conciliator. Only in the event of conciliation proving unsuccessful will they resort to arbitration. In such event either party may give notice that they wish to refer the disagreement or dispute to an Arbitrator. Should the parties fail to agree the nomination of a named individual or individuals as Arbitrator either party may apply to FHSAA to determine the dispute or settle the difference. Any reference to arbitration under this clause shall be deemed to be a reference to arbitration within the meaning of the Arbitration Acts 1950 and 1979.
Neither the Contractor nor NHS Newham will be liable for delay or failure to perform the obligations of this Agreement if this delay or failure results from circumstances beyond their reasonable control including but not limited to: Acts of God, Government Act or Direction, Explosion or Civil Commotion or Industrial Dispute.
This document comprise the agreement to provide HIV Point of Care Testing Service concluded between NHS Newham and
Named Practice/ Pharmacy: ......
Signed: ……………………………………………….. On behalf of the Practice/ Pharmacy
Please print Name:………………………………… Position: ...... …
Signed: ……………………………………………….. On behalf of the NHS Newham
Please print Name:………………………………… Position: ...... …
Appendix A
Appendix B
Appendix C
Date of attendance:Patient Sticker:
Is patient happy to have venous sample and wait 2-3d for result?
If yes then consider not proceeding with rapid test
Reason for test: MSM with high risk activity (and partners of)
IVDU who have shared equipment (and partners of)
From endemic area (and partners of)
UPSI with known HIV+
CSW with high risk activity
Pre PEP in those with previous high risk exposure
Very anxious
Patient wants test
Patient understands what HIV is
Patient understands confidentiality of test
Patient is aware of the benefits of testing (access to treatment, better prognosis if earlier diagnosis, prevention of transmission to others)
Patient is aware that a venous sample is best if there is a risk of recent infection
Patient is aware that a venous sample also allows us to check for syphilis, hep b/c
Patient is aware that the test is very accurate
Patient is aware that a false positive/reactive result is most likely in those at low risk of HIV
Procedure for testing discussed
Patient is aware that a result will be available during the next minute after blood sampling
Patient understands that a reactive result will need to be confirmed with a venous sample- and that this result will be available within 2-3days
Patient has been recommended to have STI screening at this visit pre rapid test
Patient gives verbal consent to proceed with rapid test
Staff signature / Print Name / Designation / Date
Appendix D
Point-of-care testing Pilot – Patient Information
Please fill in this form so that we can make up a set of notes for you. If you have any difficulties completing this form, we will be happy to assist.
Date………………/…………….../……………Details Male Female
Date of Birth………………………………………………
Post Code (optional) …………………………………….
Would you like to have :
An HIV Test Yes No
Please sign below to give consent for the HIV test.
Patient’s Signature………………………………….…..
Date……………………………………………………... / Country of birth......
Please tick the group which you feel describes your ethnic group best
Ethnic Origin / Description / Please tick one
A / English, Scottish, Welsh
B / Irish
C1 / Greek/Greek Cypriot
C2 / Turkish/Turkish Cypriot
C3 / Eastern European
C4 / Other White European
C5 / Orthodox Jewish
C6 / Jewish
CX / Other White/Mixed White
D / White & Mixed Caribbean
E / White & Black African
F / White & Asian
G / Other Mixed
H / Indian (incl British)
J / Pakistani (incl British)
K / Bangladeshi ( incl British)
L / Other Asian
M / Caribbean
N1 / Somali
N2 / African (except Somali)
P1 / Black British
PX / Other Black
R / Chinese
S1 / Arab or Middle East
S2 / Kurdish
S3 / Vietnamese
S4 / Traveller
SX / Any Other Group
All information that you give us will be treated in the strictest confidence.
If you have a query, please ask. Thank you.
GP Pilot HIV testWH/April/2010
Appendix E
Sex F/M / Age / Ethnic Origin(codes) / Patient demonstrated understanding
Y/N / Consent given
Y/N / Kit reference / Test Result / Venous Sample Y/N / Referral
Y/N / Date & Time / Staff Name
Result = Negative, Reactive, Void or Indeterminate
If Void, retest with a different kit number
GP Pilot HIV testWH/April/2010
Appendix F
Reactive Rapid HIV Antibody Test / EMISNQRE117
Non-reactive Rapid HIV Antibody Test / EMISNQNO26
Indeterminate Rapid HIV Antibody Test / EMISNQIN61
Invalid Rapid HIV Antibody Test / EMISNQIN62
HIV prevention Advice / EMISHI1
Appendix G
Please complete and fax to 020 7363 8316 (voice: 020 7363 8400)
DATE: ………………………. GENDER: Male Female (is the patient pregnant YES / NO)
FULL ADDRESS...... ………………………………………………………………………………
...... ……………………………………………………………………………….
HOME:...... MOBILE:......
PREFERRED METHOD OF CONTACT:………………………………………………………………………………………………….
REFERRED BY:…………………………………………………. ROLE:………………………………………………….
…………………………………………………………………………………………POST CODE:……………………….
CONTACT NUMBER OF REFERRER:……………………………………………………………………………………...
DATE OF HIV POSITIVE TEST RESULT (if not today): …………………………………………………………………..
ANY RELEVANT INFORMATION:……………………………………………………………………………………………
Please advise the patient that they will be contacted within 24 hours (or by end of next working day if referred on Friday) by clinic staff. If they have not been contacted, please ask them to call 020 7363 8008 or 020 7363 8474.
For any referral queries, call one of the above numbers or bleep the HIV Clinical Nurse Specialist on
020 7476 4000, bleep 297.
GP Pilot HIV testWH/April/2010