APRIL 2007


APRIL 24, 2007



These minutes are not final until confirmed by the Task Group in writing or by vote at a subsequent meeting. Information herein does not constitute a communication or recommendation from the Task Group and shall not be considered as such by any agency.


Call meeting to order & record attendance

The following representatives were in attendance:

NMC Voting Member in Attendance:

Rossella / Andreozzi / Alenia
Dianna / Berube / Pratt & Whitney
Bob / Bodemuller / Ball Aerospace
James / Bratton / Lockheed Martin
Mark / Brown / Braddock Metallurgical
Mark / Cathey / Spirit AeroSystems
Chetan / Daté / Honeywell
John / Haddock / BAE Systems
Ed / Jamieson / Bodycote
Cherif / Khelil / SAFRAN
Quan / Lac / Rolls-Royce, plc
Eric / LeFort / Sonaca
Arne / Logan / Boeing
Michael / McLean / Bombardier
Dave / Michaud / Fountain Plating
Jay / Park / Northrop Grumman
Michel / Pierantoni / Eurocopter
Gus / Rathgeber / Rockwell Collins
Mark / Rechtsteiner / GE Aviation
John / Reid / Bombardier
Chatt / Rhodes / Cessna-Textron
Placido / Rodal / ITP
John / Shurtleff / Vought
David / Soong / Hamilton Sundstrand
Camille / Valmy / Airbus
Jerry / Wahlin / AAA Plating
Kevin / Ward / Goodrich

Other Attendees:

David / Burger / Rockwell Collins
Michael / Coleman / Boeing
Philippe / Gastebois / ASD-PRO
Laurent / Guazzone / SAFRAN
Steve / Pollard / BAE Systems
Norman / Thompson / Bombardier
Laurie / Strom / Honeywell
Larry / Wilson / Lockheed Martin

PRI Staff in Attendance:

John / Barrett
Don / Buehler
Bob / Chalker, SAE
Jennifer / Gallagher
Arshad / Hafeez
EJ / Kegerreis
Joanna / Leigh
Seema / Martin
Lisa / Shultz

1.0Intro, Review Agenda

Chet Daté reviewed the meeting agenda. A motion was made to approve the January 2007 Steering Committee minutes. This motion was seconded and the minutes from the January 2007 Steering Committee meeting were approved.

2.0Open Action Items from Previous Meeting

There was one open action from the January 2007 meeting, Escapes Pilot. Arshad Hafeez provided an update on the status of the pilot program. To date, three escapes have been entered into For more details, please see the attached presentation.

3.0Sub Team Status

  1. Metrics - How did we do in Q4, 2006: MOS Review

Chet Daté reported that the PRI Board of Directors approved the revision to the metrics. Data will not be presented on first pass yield, failed audit or audit-in-process. New metrics will include advisories and audits over 120 days. Major topics included:

  • Auditor consistency will be looked at by NMC.
  • Follow-up audit proposal was reviewed. A definition was presented and revised as follows:
  • Follow-up-audits will now be known as verification of corrective action audits (VCA). A motion was made and seconded to approve the definition as follows:

A supplemental audit to verify that corrective actions have been implemented for a limited number of major findings. It must be linked to a specific main audit. Additional major NCR’sfound during a Follow-Up audit are automatic consideration for failure (Failure Mode TBD).

  • Arshad Hafeez presented information on a PRI Staff pilot to resolve follow-up audits. The project will continue to reduce overall cycle time. There are currently only 2 audits over 120 days and no audits over 150 days.

For more details, please see the attached presentation.

ACTION ITEM – Follow-up audit definition to be implemented into PRI procedures.


Camille Valmy presented the Globalization Sub-Team report. The major discussion point at this meeting was the translation of documents. The team has drafted a change to NOP-002 to ensure accuracy of all translated materials. It reads; “Documents shall be verified and approved by a minimum of two representative members, one for validation/one for approval. For more details, please see the attached presentation.

C.Ethics and Appeals

Kevin Ward reported the Sub-Team completed one appeal, started a second appeal and began developing ground rules to streamline process and dismiss appeals if they are non value added. Incident report reviews will be reduced from 4 times a year to 3 times a year in correlation with the reduction of Nadcap meetings. For more details, please see the attached presentation.

D. Standardization

Mark Rechtsteiner reported the Standardization Sub-Team reviewed inconsistency survey data. Sub-teams were formed and team leads identified: Accreditation/Merit – Kevin Ward; Failure – Laurie Strom; Quorum – Kevin Ward; and Delegation – Stephen Pollard.

The Standardization Sub-Team will be holding a meeting with Task Group Chairs at each meeting beginning with Istanbul. Themeeting will be 4-hours and used for brainstorming, obtain consensus on proposals, etc. The first three topics to be discussed are merit, failure, and quorum and voting. Details will be sent one month prior so Task Group Chairs can be prepared to discuss and resolve key points.

It was proposed NIP 7-03, Submittal of Objective Evidence be revised to require objective evidence for all audits. Currently, objective evidence is required for only minor NCRS for reaccreditations. This item was tabled and is to be taken to the Planning & Operations for discussion/action.

For more details, please see the attached presentation.

E.Site Based Enhanced Merit Program

Mike Coleman gave an update on the Site Based Enhanced Merit Program. A histogram was completed and results indicated that less than 50% would be affected. A motion was made to table this project based on the data gathered. The motion was seconded and approved. For more details, please see the attached presentation.

F. Oversight Audit

Jay Park reported they will either use Cessna, Airbus, Goodrich or Task Group observation form for 2007 audit. There are not enough NMC members participating. The NMC members delegate the authority to others in their company and it is important that actual NMC members audit. New members will be reviewed to see if the person has Nadcap experience, audit experience, etc., otherwise they may be rejected. The desktop audit will be completed by the July meeting. For more details, please see the attached presentation.

G.C of C

Jay Park reported a lot of research was conducted and it was very difficult to harmonize so many forms. The Sub-Team will proceed as follows:

1.)Approach TG Chair/SE at P&O to add question or two to each checklist similar to what’s already in other groups (ex. CT).

2.)Add info to audit handbook so auditors will validate if CofC is complete and accurate according to their customer requirements. Only a few need to add to their checklist, several already have this.

Jay requested the proposal be modified to apply to independent processor that provides technical service AND when required by their customer.

ACTION ITEM – C of C Sub-Team to go back and consider how to handle issues and report in July.


Don Buehler reported PRI is making a concerted effort to address all the ramifications of ITAR/EAR/Export Control as it relates to the Nadcap process. There have been a number of Incident Reports written on ITAR related issues and investigations have uncovered a series of issues with ITAR that need to be addressed. Areas have been identified for improvement and auditor instructions have been updated as well as eAuditNet instructions on what to include and what not to when submitting an audit.

It was proposed Primes agree on place for ITAR designation (PO), develop supplier guidance and require/recommend suppliers identify ITAR on supplier generate documents.

It was requested all NMC Members to review the presentation and provide their feedback to Don Buehler. The goal is to incorporate changes as soon as possible.

ACTION ITEM – Julie Rubright to send presentation to all NMC members for review.

ACTION ITEM – NMC Members to review ITAR/EAR presentation and provide feedback/approval to Don Buehler by May 25, 2007.

For more details, please see the attached presentation.

5.0Supplier Support Committee (SSC)

Dave Michaud gave the SSC report. It was requested the NMC charter a team to analyze the 2007 Survey results. The Team is to consist of 2 Primes, 2 Suppliers and 2 PRI Staff (Prime to act as Chairperson. Arne Logan and representative from BAE Systems – Military Air Services will serve as Prime members. Arshad will supply staff support. The new meeting format continued at this meeting, all suppliers were sent an email asking for topic suggestions prior to this meeting – significant consideration given to French supplier responses. The supplier survey was released to all suppliers in April and over 500 responses have been received. For more details, please see the attached presentation.

6.0Future Meetings

Arshad Hafeez presented the schedule and locations for future Nadcap meetings. The February 25-29, 2008, has been finalized and will be held in Rome, Italy. Arshad reviewed how the locations are selected. For more details, please see the attached presentation.

ACTION ITEM – Arshad to review any changes to Primes subscription fees and give update to NMC by mid-May.

7.0New Business

  • Proposal for New Slash Sheet for Chemical Processing

Mark Rechtsteiner reported a proposal for a new slash sheet for cleanliness verification was presented to the Chemical Processing Task Group but was voted down. There are four primes that want to go forward with this. The team will revise their proposal and resubmit for approval of proposal for new slash sheet to Chemical Processing Task Groupin July. NMC members were requested to speak to their Chemical Processing representatives to the proposal approved. For more details, please see the attached presentation.

There was support from NMC that when four or more Primes are interested in adding scope, then the Task Group should accommodate the request. Prime not interested will not be impacted.

  • Nadcap Workshops as Part of Job Description

Mark Rechtsteiner recommended Primes add Nadcap supplier workshops to job descriptions to allow for proper credit of the amount of work/time devoted to Nadcap program. Members were reminded to market the Nadcap program internally and ensure your reps have support to devote time to Nadcap. Members should promote the cost savings of the program (audit cost and corrective action resolutions). Best practices were shared among the group.

  • NUCAP Management Council Request to NMC

Kevin Ward gave a NUCAP update on deviations and presented the user deviation form that was created to ensure all deviations would look the same. This will be presented at the Planning & Operations Meeting. For more details, please see the attached presentation

  • Board of Directors Update

Chet Date reported at the April 17th Board of Directors’ Meeting, the Board approved the merger of the NMC and NESPB. A Strategy Team will be established to replace the NESPB.

Arshad Hafeez reported the Board has been reviewing the Business Strategy of PRI through 2015. Items of interest included: audits will stabilize due to merit, global infrastructure, supplier development, eQuaLearn Centers, proposal from Monterrey Tech & Mexican State Government to provide funding for aerospace supplier development, eAuditNet next generation, regional auditor base, and the association for cost effective quality solutions.

  • Other

Kevin Ward requested a Task Group Chair succession planning update from the Task Groups. This will be added to the Planning & Operations agenda.

Jerry Wahlin suggested the NMC ask why some Task Groups do not have Supplier Voting Members to the NMC. This will be added to the Planning & Operations agenda.

8.0 Adjourn

The meeting was adjourned at 5:30pm.

Minutes prepared by:



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