The Title of Paper, Capitalize First Letters of Main Words (Times New Roman, 14pt, Bold)

The 1st author's last name, first name; Academic affiliation

The 2nd author's last name, first name; Academic affiliation

Abstract (Times New Roman, 10pt, Bold- 2 line space from authors' names)

Type your abstract in (Times New Roman, 10pt) without any indentation. The maximum size of abstract is about 150-200 words.

Keywords: Type your maximum 6 keyword, separated by comma and end of them put dot (Times New Roman, 10pt, Italic).

  1. Introduction (Times New Roman, 13pt, Bold)

Here introduce the paper. The text of paper must be typed by Microsoft Word 2007 in (Times New Roman, 11pt) and indented first line in each paragraph and with 1.15single line spacing. The paragraphs continue from here and are only separated by headings, subheadings, images, tables and formulas. Here follows further instructions for authors.

  1. Main Text (with a line space from the above text)

Please do not alter the formatting and style layouts which have been set up in this template document. As indicated in the template, papers should be prepared in single column format suitable for direct printing onto A4 paper (21 × 29.7 cm) with normal margins of word (2.54 cm of each direction). Do not insert number page, because page numbers will be added separately for the preprints and the Proceedings. Leave a paragraph space between paragraphs.

Figures and tables should be embedded and not supplied separately.To avoid unnecessary errors you are strongly advised to use the ‘spellchecker’ function of MS Word. Follow this order when typing manuscripts: Title, Authors, Affiliations, Abstract, Keywords, Main text (including figures and tables), Acknowledgements, References, Appendix. Collate acknowledgements in a separate section at the end of the article and do not include them on the title page, as a footnote to the title or otherwise.

The section headings are arranged by numbers. The main headings are in (Times New Roman, 13pt, Bold) with paragraph spacing from prior and next lines. The subheadings in 2nd level must be typed in (Times New Roman, 12pt, Bold), 3rd level and more in (Times New Roman, 11pt, Bold). The subheadings must be numbered with its main headings, for example: the 2nd subheading of first main heading is numbered "1.2. Subheading".

The footnotes must be typed in (Times New Roman, 10pt) and single line spacing and left-to-right text direction.

All equations must be typed through "Insert equation" option of MSWord in 11pt and numbered from the first of equation sequentially, for example:


Type the expanded words by footnote formats in its firs reference place for all abbreviation. For example NN[1]


The tables must be created in Left-to-Right Text Direction, in (Times New Roman, 10pt) and single line spacing. The first column of each table must be aligned in left and others must be aligned in center. The cell alignment for whole table is middle. The first column and first row are bold.

Outlines of table must not be shown while internal lines must be drawn. The caption of them is placed above and center in (Times New Roman, 9pt, Bold). You can use the "Insert caption" option of MSWord for that. All tables should be numbered from the first of paper sequentially. The tables must be placed with a line space of main text

Table 1. The average weight of childs in first 2 years of their life

The Average weight of first 6 months (Kg) / The Average weight of second 6 months (Kg)
First year / 8 / 10
Second year / 15 / 18


All images, graphs, models and diagrams shown as figures whichmust be numbered using Arabic numerals. The resolution and quality of figure must be desirable and use the original version. Figure captions must be in (Times New Roman, 9pt, Bold). Captions of a single line must be centred whereas multi-line captions must be justified. Captions with figure numbers must be placed after and centre their associated figures and in paragraph spacing from them.

  1. Conclusion


You must refer to references with a number in [1]. The references must be listed alphabetically based on the 1st author's last name. All of them must be typed in (Times New Roman, 10pt).

Different References:

  • The journal paper:

Last name, First name; (other authors). Year. "Title of paper". The name of journal(Italic), Volume, pages.

  • The conference paper:

Last name, First name; (other authors). Year. "Title of paper". The name of conference(Italic), city or country.

  • Book:

Last name, First name; (other authors). Year. "Title of book". Publisher(Italic). Pages.

  • Thesis:

Last name, First name; Supervisor's last name, first name. Year. "Title of thesis". University (Italic).The educational level.

[1] Neural Network