The purpose of your coming to class is to learn, grow, and mature both academically and personally. Every effort will be made to provide the proper environment for you to do so. This will require cooperative effort on your part and that of your classmates and the teacher.

Each student is expected to accept responsibility for his or her actions and practice respect for classmates and the teacher.

Classroom Rules

1.  Demonstrate respect for everyone in the classroom (teacher and classmates alike). This means no vulgar language, speaking to anyone disrespectfully, or arguing with the teacher or other students.

2.  Arrive to class on time and be in your seat when the bell rings. If there is a warm up on the board or projector, start it as soon as the bell rings. (Note, warm ups may or may not be collected!)

3.  Arrive to class with all necessary materials (textbook, homework, notebook, pens or pencils, etc.). Students ARE NOT permitted to go to their lockers to get forgotten materials! Textbooks must be brought to class everyday!

4.  Students must raise their hands before talking at all times. If you have a question that does not require immediate attention or does not pertain to the lesson please speak to me individually at the beginning or end of class.

Classroom Procedures

Arrive to class on time. Late slips will be given for tardiness. Upon entering the classroom take out your textbook, homework, notebook, and a writing utensil. When the bell rings you are to be in your assigned seat working on the opening activity.

Absence Policy: You are responsible to contact me during or after an absence about any make-up work, quizzes, tests, etc. that you may have missed during an excused absence. Check my website before asking me what was missed. Materials can printed from the website or obtained from the classroom. If you do not do this, you will receive a zero. If you have further questions please ask me.

Please note – an excused absence on a day in which a test is given will result in your taking a different, and more challenging test. Please remember, the Parkland policy is two days for each day absent to make up any work or a zero will be issued.

Demonstrate respect for yourself and others. Name calling, foul language, interrupting the teacher or other students, doing other work in class, talking while anyone else is talking, etc. will not be tolerated. Part of gaining an education is learning to work with others and demonstrate respect for all individuals.

DO NOT throw, toss, shoot, pass, fling, chuck, hurl, pitch, heave, lob, let fly, or some other synonym of “throw” anything in the classroom! This will result in an automatic teacher detention. Consider this your verbal and written warning.

Use the time in between classes to use the lavatory, water fountain, etc. Lavatory passes will be used at a minimum in class. DO NOT ASK IN THE MIDDLE OF CLASS TO USE THE LAVATORY OR GET A DRINK UNLESS IT IS AN ABSOLUTE EMERGENCY! (Please remember: emergencies do not happen on a daily basis).

Absolutely no food or drinks in class. This is non-negotiable.

The bell does not dismiss class. You are expected to work until I say you may pack up and remain seated until I dismiss you. You may not pack up your materials early or choose to do the work at a later time no matter how many study halls you have. When I dismiss you please push in your chair, straighten your desk, and make sure the area around your desk is free from any trash.

Cheating will not be tolerated in any form! This includes copying someone else’s homework, wandering eyes during quizzes and tests, and plagiarism on writings.

If you are found copying someone else’s work both individuals involved will earn a zero for the assignment and it will be dealt with as per the student handbook.

Doing other work in class is not permitted at any time. If you are found doing work from another class I will take it; it will not be returned to you. If you are found copying someone else’s homework from another class both copies will become mine.

Consequences for Inappropriate Behavior/Failure to Follow the Above Rules and


·  First/Second Offense: Verbal Warning

·  Second Offense: Teacher-Assigned Detention

·  Phone call home for all second and subsequent offenses

·  Third and Subsequent Offenses: Teacher-Assigned Detention or Referral to main office

*Depending on the nature and severity of the offense the teacher may

use discretion to bypass any step*

Please ask questions; if you have a question it is likely someone else has the same question. If you need help, please feel free to ask me. I want you to succeed to your highest potential and I want to help you get there.

You may email me at any time at .
