COM 2600, COM 3210

Grammar Review Notes: Sentence Fragments (frag)

A sentence fragment is a sentence error in which a word group lacks a subject or a verb and that does not express a complete thought.

Common Types:

  1. “Dependent-word” fragments. Word groups that feature dependent clauses begin with the words listed below. Such clauses cannot stand alone. They depend on another statement to complete the thought.

A short list of dependent words:
after / If, even if /

when, whenever

although, though / Since / where, wherever
as / that, so that / whether
because, because of / Unless / which, whichever
before / Until / while
even though / what, whatever / who
How / whose

Sample Error 1: Tim told everyone in the room to be quiet. Because his favorite show was on.

CORRECTION: Tim told everyone in the room to be quiet because his favorite show was on.

CORRECTION 2: Because his favorite show was on, Tim told everyone in the room to be quiet.

  1. “-ing” and “to” fragments. When an –ing word appears at or near the start of a group of words, a fragment may result. Likewise, when to appears at or near the start of a group of words, a fragment sometimes results.

Sample Error 2: Marble-sized hailstones fell from the sky. Flattening the young plants in the cornfield. A year’s work was lost in an hour.

CORRECTION: Marble-sized hailstones fell from the sky, flattening the young plants in the cornfield. A year’s work was lost in an hour.

Sample Error 3: To get to the nearest bus station from here. You have to walk three blocks out of your way. The sidewalk is torn up because of construction work.

CORRECTION: To get to the nearest bus station from here, you have to walk three blocks out of your way. The sidewalk is torn up because of construction work.

  1. Added-detail Fragments. Added-detail fragments lack a subject and a verb. They often begin with one of the following words or word groups:

also / especially / except / for example / including / such as

Sample Error 4: Before a race, she eats starchy foods. Such as bread and pasta. They provide quick energy.

CORRECTION: Before a race, she eats starchy foods, such as bread and pasta. They provide quick energy.

  1. Missing-Subject Fragments. Missing-Subject fragments have a word-group that lack a subject.

Sample Error 4: Alicia loved getting presents. But hated writing thank-you notes.

CORRECTION: Alicia loved getting presents but hated writing thank-you notes.

CORRECTION 2: Alicia loved getting presents, but she hated writing thank-you notes.

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