Registration Information

First Name ______MI____ Last Name______

Nickname to appear on Badge______

Twitter User Name ______

Home Address______


Home Phone______Employer______

Position (Please choose one)
____Classroom Teacher
____Technology Integration
____ Staff Developer
____ Computer Resource Teacher
____Computer Assistant / ____Building Administrator
____District Administrator
____Computer Coordinator
____Independent Consultant
____Company Representative

____Director of Technology


Work Address______City ______

State______Zip______Phone______Fax ______


____I do not wish my e-mail to be shared

Checks and Purchase Orders should be sent to:


8 Airport Park Boulevard

Latham, NY 12110

*New to 2017 – 4 full days of conference programming!

Conference Registration (Does not include Pre-Con Workshop sessions)

____Full Conference- 4 Days ($349)

____Single Day- Saturday ($175)

____Single Day- Sunday ($175)

____Single Day- Monday ($175)

____Single Day- Tuesday ($175)

____Presenter Only- Full Conference ($155)

Registration Total: ______

Hands-On Sessions (Saturday and Sunday, in addition to conference fee)

*please include codes of workshop you are registering for (next page).

______8 hours of Pre-conference Workshops ($100)

______6 hours of Pre-conference Workshops ($75)

______4 hours of Pre-conference Workshops ($65)

______2 hours of Pre-conference Workshops ($35)

Hands-On Total: ______

______Maker Faire- Saturday

Meals - All Meals are included in conference pricing. Please select the meals you plan on attending:

_____ Saturday Opening Reception ____Sunday Banquet

____Monday Breakfast _____Monday Lunch

____Tuesday Breakfast _____Tuesday Lunch

Dietary Restrictions:______

Upgrade to Premium Membership ($50): ______

Total (Include Hands-On, Conference, Membership) Grand Total: ______

Payment Information

Credit Card : Visa MC American Express Discover

Check #______Purchase Order # ______

Credit Card #______

Exp. Date______CVC #: ______

Name on Credit Card: ______

Saturday November 18th 2 Hour Workshops11:45am – 1:45pm

SATPM1Designing and Teaching a Blended or Online Moddle Courses

SATPM2Virtual and Augmented Reality

SATPM4Connected Toys for Connected Learning

SATPM5The Art of Screencasting - Keys to Flipped Learning

SATPM6It's All About "YOU"! - A Crash Course in Personalized Learning

SATPM7Fostering Global Awareness and Background Knowledge Creation with Google

SATPM8Hacking the System - 21st Century Students for a Global Society

SATPM9Caution Ahead! Students Take the Wheel

SATPM10BreakIN so they can BREAKOUT!

SATPM11One to one on 1:1

Saturday November 18th2 Hour Workshop2:15pm – 4:15pm NEW TIME

SATPM3Microsoft Office 360

Saturday November 18th 4 Hour Workshops11:45am – 3:45pm

SATPM12Engaging and Creative Mobile Video Production

Sunday November 19th2 Hour Workshops7:45am – 9:45am

SUNAM1Self- Motivated Learners: 20Time & Genius Hour

SUNAM2Implementing, Managing and Motivating in the Coding Classroom

SUNAM3Strategic Planning and K8 CS and STE{A}M Scope and Sequence Exploration

SUNAM4Lights, Camera, LEARN

SUMAM5Learn Your Apps ABC's - A Look at the Best Apps Across the Alphabet for your Classroom

Sunday November 19th 2 Hour Workshops10:15am – 12:15pm

SUNAM6Amping Up the Chrome Browser: Apps, Extensions and Add-Ons

SUNAM7Online Learning & Virtual Interaction, Apps and Websites

SUNAM8Virtual/Augmented Reality for Everyday Classrooms

SUNAM9Create a Digital Classroom with Google Classroom!

SUNAM10A Road Worth Driving: Benefits of Student-centered MakerEd

Sunday November 19th 2 Hour Workshops12:45pm – 2:45pm

SUMPM11Embodied Leadership - A Somatic Approach

SUNPM12Data Driven Story Telling

SUNPM13Life After SmartBoards - Why Interactive Flat Panels are the next Big Thingt!

SUMPM14Digital Breakouts: Another Way to Gear Up Instruction

Sunday November 19th 4 Hour Workshops8:00am – 12:00pm

SUNAM15Deep Dive into Coding Instruction - Launch a Coding Program

SUNAM16HACKing a Makerspace: A Hands-On Exploration of Making to Think

SUNAM17The Raspberry Pi and the Internet of Things

Sunday November 19th 4 Hour Workshops12:30pm – 4:30pm

SUNPM18The Changing Role of the Technology Leader

SUNPM19Can You Breakout???

SUMPM20Coding Skills from Scratch

SUMPM21The Certified BrainPOP Educator Workshop - FREE