Q3, January – March 2006 – Pahokee Middle/Senior High School
Pre-reading (background knowledge) activity purpose (post on board): Discuss familiar things that will appear in Tangerine by Edward Bloor – Project Read Book
Students will get together in small groups of 2, 3, or 4 for discussion. One student will record and present back to the class. Time – 10 minutes
Media Center Specialist or Teacher will ask students to tell some things they know about each of the following topics:
Group 1 / Group 2 / Group 3 / Group 4Moving / Muck Fires / Legally Blind People / Citrus Growing
Sink Holes / Soccer / Football Players / Football Scholarships
Cold Temperatures Effect on Crops / Treating Siblings Equally / Lightning Strikes / Mosquitoes
Media Center Specialist or Teacher will give a book talk.
Tangerine by Edward Bloor is about a family who moves to Tangerine, Florida because the father took a new job. The older brother, Erik plays football and the younger brother, Paul plays soccer. Paul is visually handicapped and prohibited from playing soccer at his school. A sink hole destroys a large part of the middle school and Paul gets the opportunity to attend another school and join the soccer team. Erik is the football hero – a kicker and the beginning of the book offers hints that there are secrets about Erik in chapters to come.
The author is scheduled to visit our school in early March so everyone in grades 7 – 12 is reading the book.
Homework or class assignment – choose one question and write a 3-5 sentence response:
· Many people say sports help build character in young people. What do you think?
· Do you think Male and Female Athletes should play on the same team?
· Are Males and Female athletes treated differently? Provide examples.
· Should people with visual handicaps be allowed to play sports in public school? Provide reasons to back up your answer.
Tangerine, by Edward Bloor - Vocabulary words and phrases – Discuss and define – Draw a picture on the back to show something that happened in the intro (Pages 1 – 4)
1. Dumpster behind the 7-Eleven ______
2. Hauled it out to the curb ______
3. Swizzle stick ______
4. Evidence ______
5. Magnifying glass ______
6. Something about them fascinated me. ______
7. Receding line of clack mailboxes ______
8. Dinnertime ______
9. Animal predator ______
10. Snarling ______
11. Recognized ______
12. Tilted up my sports goggles ______
13. Clear and detailed ______
14. Passenger window ______
15. Baseball bat ______
16. Impossible speed ______
17. Pedaled as hard as I could ______
18. Glance into my bike mirror ______
19. I scrambled back up ______
20. Ran in absolute terror ______
Tangerine, by Edward Bloor – 8/18 & 8/19 (pages 7 – 16)
1. What did the Florida landscape look like to Paul?
2. Describe what happens after a citrus grower sells land to a developer.
3. What does Mr. Fisher’s boss frequently do? Why?
4. What is the Erik Fisher Football Dream?
5. What did Paul think about the lightning?
6. What are muck fires?
7. What are some indications or signs that your house is on fire?
8. Is there a way to stop a muck fire?
9. Why was Ms. Fisher (Paul’s mom) angry with the Firefighter?
Words and Phrases
1. Perfectly aligned ______
2. Vertically and horizontally ______
3. Industrial park ______
4. Huge bonfire of trees ______
5. Retraced my steps ______
6. Groped around for my glasses ______
7. Portable Phone ______
8. A look of pure puzzlement ______
9. Homeowner’s Association ______
Name ______
August 19, later – August 21 (pages 16 – 27)
1. Describe a vicious thunderstorm ______
2. What are koi? ______
3. Where do the koi live? ______
4. Where do you like to stroll? ______
5. What is the name of the football team Erik will play on? ______
6. On page 20, what does “number two on the depth chart” mean? ______
7. On page 21 it says “Erik was a phony as he needed to be.” Do you agree or disagree that Erik acted like a phony? Provide reasons. ______
8. What are high-tension wires? ______
9. Why was Paul angry at his mom? (hint – look at page 24) ______
10. What things upset Paul’s mom about the move to Florida? ______
Name ______
August 23 - August 28 (pages 27 – 38)
1. Is Erik a good football player? Provide details from the book. ______
2. Why did Paul tell his mom to lighten up on page 31? Provide at least two examples.
3. Draw a timeline on the back of this page which illustrates Paul’s first day of school.
4. On page 34, Paul thought, “I was the boy who had not listened….” Tell one similar thing you hear from adults in your life at home or in school. Do you believe the warning is true? Why? ______
5. Compare and contrast Paul’s experience with Ms. Alvarez and Mrs. Hoffman.
Name ______
August 30 - August 31 (pages 38 - 45)
1. As a follow up with the last chapter, look up a solar eclipse of the sun. Try http://www.mreclipse.com/Special/SEprimer.html (links to eye safety on the bottom of the page). Tell 3 facts about an eclipse you learned. What can happen to your eyes if you stare at one?
2. Explain why Arthur will do anything for Erik ______
3. Look for pictures of Tudor houses. What makes a house a Tudor?
4. Paul tells Joey about lightning strikes in their neighborhood.. Do you agree or disagree? Use examples from the text.
Name ______
September 1 (pages 45 – 48)
Words and phrases to define
1. We’re wilting ______
2. Suit yourself ______
3. In a raspy voice ______
4. A scattering of laughter ______
5. I must emphasize ______
6. Restrictions due to insurance ______
7. Calisthenics ______
8. Checked out my goggles ______
9. Rolled wide of the goal ______
10. He seemed genuinely surprised ______
How do you think soccer practice/tryouts went for Paul? Provide a few details.
Name ______
September 5 (pages 49 – 52)
1. Create a timeline of the events of Mike Costello’s death ending with the time the ambulance arrived.
2. Why were Erik and Arthur laughing?
September 6 (pages 52 – 54)
3. What do you think about Erik the next day when he “Calmly, deliberately, …drilled his field goals ….”?
4. Why do you think Paul would feel safer if Erik was the body at the undertakers instead of Mike Costello?
Words and phrases – discuss and define
5. Soccer practice was a colossal drag. ______
6. Clueless toe stubbers ______
7. Urged everybody who knows Joey to send a card to the family ______
8. Mom is determined to call the parents ______
Name ______
September 7 (pages 54 - 60)
Words and phrases
1. She was interrupted by a call ______
2. Down the perimeter road ______
3. This tragic accident is the worse thing ______
4. His loss is a personal loss for me
5. Plant a tree in his memory in our entranceway ______
6. Compare Mrs. Fisher’s reasons to stop afternoon football practice with Coach Warner’s.
Name ______
September 8 (pages 60 - 64)
1. Do you agree or disagree with Coach Walski’s move to kick Paul off the soccer team? Provide examples from the book.
Words and phrases – discuss and define
2. He got even sorrier a few seconds later ______
3. Visually impaired ______
4. Straighten this out ______
September 8. later (pages 64 – 69
5. Obituary in the Tangerine Times
6. I squeezed into my blue suit ______
7. Scared feeling in the pit of my stomach ______
8. White satin interior ______
9. Who was crying uncontrollably ______
10. What was the author’s purpose about including the section on Mike Costello’s public viewing? ______
Name ______
September 9 (pages 69 – 75)
1. Do you agree or disagree with the coach’s decision to hold practice on the day of Mike’s funeral? Provide details for you reasons
2. What is your first impression of the guys from Tangerine Middle School?
Words and Phrases – discuss and define
3. Passed through a turnstile ______
4. Looked like a swinging-ax pendulum ______
5. I was really fascinated as I prowled through the dark, partitioned rooms
September 11 (pages 75 – 82)
6. Describe what happened with the sinkhole.
7. What might you do if our school had a sink hole?
Name ______
September 11, later (pages 82 – 84)
Words and Phrases – discuss and define
1. Live footage shot by a helicopter ______
2. How small the crater was ______
3. Fifty yards ______
4. Minor injuries ______
5. Overnight for observation ______
6. Portable 19 rescue brigade ______
7. Geologist ______
8. Underground cavern ______
9. Everything on the surface above it collapsed ______
10. Massive damage ______
11. Angry and agitated ______
12. She’s hysterical ______
September 12 (pages 84 & 85)
13. The field of portables was declared a disaster area. Describe something you know about that could be called a disaster area. ______
Name ______
September 14 (pages 85 – 87)
1. Tell the reasons why Mr. Fisher was made the new Director of Civil Engineering for Tangerine County.
Do you agree? ______
Why or why not?______
September 15 (pages 87 – 92)
2. What school choice might you make after attending the emergency relocation plan meeting? ______
3. How do you feel about Paul’s comment’s to his father, “Football season and soccer season happen at the same time, Dad. It’s OK with me if you can’t pay attention to both……”
Name ______
September 18 (pages 95 – 103)
Words and phrases – discuss and define
1. Take two ______
2. Menacing-looking gangs ______
3. First impression ______
4. It was pretty much downhill after that ______
5. It was eerie ______
6. Cafetorium ______
7. Disinfectant smell ______
8. Start the scrimmage ______
9. A vintage green one ______
10. Plaid work shirt ______
11. A panicked feeling ______
12. Closed my eyes in despair ______
Use your own thoughts to answer this question after reading up through page 103.
Do you think Paul will be happy at Tangerine Middle School? Why?
Name ______
September 19 (pages 103 - 109)
1. Why did the soccer players give Paul a hard time during lunch?
______2. The coach stopped the combatants - Tino and Victor. Why were they fighting?
______3. Why did Paul relive everything that happened at lunchtime and at practice on the way home from school?
______September 20 (pages 109 – 113)
1. Now what do you think about Joey and his brother’s shoes?
______Words and phrases – discuss and define
2. Accelerating, braking, and sliding through the mud ______
3. Driven around from the perimeter road
Name ______
September 22 (pages 113 - 121)
1. Why are sports like war? Use examples from the text to support your personal thoughts and reasons.
2. The coach tells them, “There’s no way this team can beat you. You can only beat yourselves.” Explain.
3. What was Victor essentially saying when he told Paul, “If you’re a War Eagle, then you’re a War Eagle. You got brothers to back you up…..”
Name ______
September 23 (pages 123 - 129)
Words and phrases – discuss in small groups and define
1. They were milling around both end zones ______
2. They gestured back to the others ______
3. Like they were pantomiming
4. A squadron of police cruisers ______
5. A soggy cheer ______
What do you think about?
Antoine’s pulling the ball away (page 127) and the events that followed ______
September 26 (pages 129 – 137)
Describe something that happened in the Tangerine soccer game that impressed you ______
Name ______
September 27 – October 3 (pages 137 - 151)
1. What kind of inappropriate questions does Paul’s mom ask?
2. What kind of information do you think the newspaper should print about Tangerine Middle’s soccer team?
3. Why are Paul and Joey not getting along?
4. Describe the Golden Dawn tangerine.
5. Should Paul stay with his science group? Why or why not?
Name ______
October 4 - November 4 (pages 151 - 171)
Words and phrases – discuss in small groups and define
1. Down in an alcove ______
2. Fax modem and web navigator
3. Spewing insecticide ______
4. Quonset hut ______
5. Genius at horticulture ______
Provide complete answers:
6. What do lightning rods do?
7. Name and describe at least 3 troubles the Lake Windsor Downs Homeowners Association is facing.
What goes on in Tomas Cruz Groves/Nursery?
How is Paul getting along with his soccer team?
Name ______
November 5 – 10 (pages 171 - 194)
1. What is Mr. Donnelly’s agenda?
2. What rules would you make for teams who cannot play in bad weather?
3. What event memorable for you from the Lake Windsor/Tangerine soccer game and why?
4. Predict what might happen in Part 3