Optional Approved Questions that can be added to theWSU Master Gardener Application
WSU MG Program Coordinators may add any of the questions below to their county application (the State MG Program application template). Questions not on this list may not be added to the State MG Program application template.
- Name you prefer to use (nickname, etc.)
- What name do you want listed on your name badge?
- Date application was received. (would be entered by the office)
- Emergency contact person (Name, Relation, Phone)
- Cell phone number?
- How much previous experience do you have with Extension? Who is the contact person for this previous Extension experience?
- What is your understanding of the MG Program?
- A statement at the top of the application noting that to become a certified MG Volunteer requires a commitment of 60 hours plus a county specified number of continuing education hours.
- Please check the geographical area or areas in which you would be willing to volunteer.
- Please identify any communities/neighborhoods/organizations in the county that you are interested in working with.
- These are the dates (listed) that training classes will be held, can you commit to these class dates and times? If no, please explain.
- How did you learn about the WSU Master Gardener Program?
- Have you been to a WSU MG clinic or demonstration garden?
- Have you previously applied to become a WSU X County Master Gardener? If so, what year?
- Pest Management Recommendations: The term pesticide means a product that kills a pest. That term applies equally to traditional, organic, and Organic Materials Review Institute (OMRI) pesticides. As a WSU-Extension volunteer, you will be expected to provide the public with a full range of information based upon WSU’s Integrated Pest Management (IPM) strategy. IPM includes cultural, physical, varietal resistance, and bio-control as well as labeled pesticides approved by EPA, WSDA, and WSU, when needed. This allows the client to make an informed decision. This policy will be discussed fully during training.
- Do you anticipate any problems recommending chemicals and signing an agreement to that effect? Yes* No
*If you answer “Yes” then you must contact the Master Gardener Coordinator to discuss your concerns. This is a WSU requirement for the protection of WSU and of all volunteers in any program where pesticides (organic, OMRI, or traditional) may be recommended.
Questions that are currently on the template that can be removed by the program coordinator:
- Years of horticulture and gardening experience
- Please describe your horticulture and gardening experience
- List your affiliations related to horticulture
- Training/Education Completed section
Other notes regarding the application:
- Photo release question needs to be on the application.
- Background check information need to be included on the application. Background checks are only ran after the applicant has been selected as a prospective MG.