Labour turnover is an important parameter indicating overall health of an industry or an establishment in terms of wages, industrial relations, working conditions and other welfare facilities provided by the employers to the workers. Labour Turnover measures the extent of change in the work force due to accession or separation during a particular period of time. Higher rate of Labour Turnover indicates lack of stability in the labour force, which is not conducive to the productivity.

High Labour Turnover may adversely affect a business. Not only it is expensive, but lowers productivity and morale also and tends to get worse if not maneuvered properly. Simultaneously looking at it from a different angle, Labour Turnover to a certain extent helps to infuse new ideas, skills and enthusiasm to the labour force. A natural level of Labour Turnover can be a way in which a business can slowly reduce its workforce without having to resort to redundancies.

Generally, following factors could be the cause of a high level of Labour Turnover;

a)Dissatisfaction on account of insufficient wages leading to employees moving to competitors,

b)Low level of motivation from employers’ side and poor morale within the workforce in a specific industry,

c)Recruiting and misplacement of employees resulting in their mobility in search of suitable employment, and

d)A buoyant local labour market offering better and more attractive opportunities to employees.

Comparative statistics relating to the rate of accession and separation in respect of directly employed regular workers during the year 2005 vis-à-vis 2004, their average employment and the percentage of factories reporting labour turnover by States, Industries and Sectors have been presented in Tables 3.1.1. 3.1.2, 3.2.1 and 3.2.2.

3.1Labour Turnover by States

State-wise Labour Turnover among directly employed regular workers is presented in Table 3.1.1. It may be seen from the Table that at all India level, the rate of accession, during the year 2005, was 18.25 per cent as compared to 18.45 per cent during the year 2004. The overall separation rate during the year 2005 was 22.37 per cent as compared to 16.94 per cent during the year 2004. Thus, there was about 4.12 per cent decrease in overall employment during the year 2005 as compared to 1.51 per cent increase during the year 2004. At all India level, 64.20 per cent factories reported Labour Turnover in their units during the year 2005.

The lowest rate of accession during the year 2005 was recorded in Orissa at 1.76 per cent followed by Assam (2.87 per cent), Jharkhand (5.09 per cent) and Kerala (6.24 per cent). The highest rate of accession during the year 2005 was observed in Jammu & Kashmir at 36.25 per cent followed by Uttaranchal (34.87 per cent), Uttar Pradesh (33.97 per cent), Bihar (33.18 per cent), Punjab (32.69 per cent) and Nagaland (31.02 per cent).

The lowest rate of separation during the year was recorded in Orissa at 1.65 per cent, followed by Tripura (2.39 per cent), Assam (3.62 per cent), Kerala (7.44 per cent), Pondicherry (7.96 per cent) and Jharkhand and Chhatisgarh (8.15 per cent each). The highest rate of separation during the year was reported in Punjab at 148.03 per cent, followed by Bihar (39.52 per cent), Uttar Pradesh (29.62 per cent), Delhi (28.79 per cent), Nagaland (27.27 per cent) and Jammu & Kashmir (25.08 per cent). The workers who would come to Punjab year after year are now engaged in jobs back home in National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme, etc. Thus there was very steep increase in separation in the Punjab.

The total Labour Turnover was also highest in Punjab (180.72 per cent) and the lowest in Orissa (3.41 per cent). During the year, 21 States recorded higher accession rates as against 9 States recording higher separation rates at the State level. Strong correlation has been recorded between the accession and separation rates.

3.2Labour Turnover by Industries

Industry-wise Labour Turnover among directly employed regular workers during the year 2005 is given in Table 3.1.2. The highest rate of accession was recorded in the industry group ‘014-Agricultural and animal husbandry service activities, except veterinary activities’ (104.21 per cent) followed by industry groups, ‘142-Mining and quarrying, n.e.c.’ (86.13 per cent), ‘341-Manufacture of motor vehicles’ (46.33 per cent), ‘153-Manufacture of grain mill products, starches and starch products and prepared animal feeds’ (34.29 per cent), ‘181-Manufacture of wearing apparel except fur apparel’ (33.36 per cent) and ‘154-Manufacture of other food products’ (33.14 per cent). The lowest rate of accession at 2.18 per cent was recorded in the industry group ‘272-Manufacture of basic precious and non-ferrous metals’ followed by industry groups ‘232- Manufacture of refined petroleum products’ (4.19 per cent), ‘314-Manufacture of accumulators, primary cells and primary batteries’ (4.69 percent), ‘231-Manufacture of coke oven products’ (5.42 per cent) and ‘241-Manufacture of basic chemicals’ (6.30 per cent).

On the other hand, the highest rate of separation at 298.57 per cent was recorded in the industry group ‘210-Manufacture of Paper & Paper products’. It was followed by industry groups ‘014-Agricultural and animal husbandry service activities except veterinary activities’ (100.71 per cent) and ‘142-Mining and quarrying, n.e.c.’ (79.55 per cent). The lowest rate of separation, however, was recorded at 1.80 per cent in industry group, ’272-Manufacture of basic precious and non-ferrous metals’ followed by industry groups ‘232-Manufacture of refined petroleum products’ (5.80 per cent), ‘231-Manufacture of coke oven products’ (7.17 per cent) and ‘152-Manufacture of dairy products (production of raw milk)’ (7.30 percent).

The total labour turnover was highest in industry group ‘210- Manufacture of Paper & Paper products’ at 309.07 percent and lowest in industry group ’272-Manufacture of basic precious and non-ferrous metals’ (3.98 per cent). During the year 2005, 43 industry groups recorded higher accession rates as against 20 industry groups recording higher separation rates at the industry level.

3.3 Labour Turnover in States by Sectors

Table 3.2.1 depicts State-wise and Sector-wise Labour Turnover among directly employed regular workers. It has been observed that at all India level, accession rate was the highest in Private Sector at 19.59 per cent followed by Joint Sector at 9.31 per cent and Public Sector at 7.96 per cent. Separation rate was also highest at 23.98 per cent in Private Sector, followed by Public Sector at 13.83 per cent and Joint Sector at 9.07 per cent.

The highest rate of accession in Public Sector was recorded in Daman & Diu at 166.67 per cent followed by Dadra & Nagar Haveli (127.27 per cent) and lowest in Chhatisgarh at 0.18 per cent. In Joint Sector, the highest rate of accession was reported in Jammu & Kashmir at 60.23 per cent and lowest in Goa at 0.12 per cent. In Private Sector, Jammu & Kashmir reported the highest rate of accession at 37.60 per cent whereas Assam reported lowest rate of accession at 2.65 per cent.

The highest rate of separation in Public Sector was observed in Daman & Diu at 166.67per cent and was lowest in Andhra Pradesh at 2.17 per cent. In Joint Sector, the highest rate of separation was reported in Haryana at 55.46 per cent and lowest in Orissa at 0.31 per cent, whereas in Private Sector, the highest rate of separation was reported in Punjab at 153.98 per cent and lowest in Tripura at 0.91 per cent.

3.4Labour Turnover in Industries by Sectors

Industry-wise and Sector-wise Labour Turnover amongst directly employed regular workers is given in Table 3.2.2. It may be seen from the Table that in Private Sector, the highest rate of accession was recorded at 104.62 per cent in the industry group ‘014-Agricultural and animal husbandry service activities, except veterinary activities’ and the highest rate of separation at 335.91 per cent was observed in ‘210-Manufacture of paper and paper products’. The highest rates of both accession and separation in the Public Sector were reported in the industry group, ‘160-Manufacture of tobacco products’ at 127.27 per cent and 100.00 percent, respectively. In Joint Sector, the highest rate of accession was reported in the industry group ‘154-Manufacture of other food products’ at 84.03 per cent, whereas highest rate of separation was reported in the industry group ‘014-Agricultural and animal husbandry service activities, except veterinary activities’ at 109.33 percent.

Sector-wise lowest rate of accession of 0.25 per cent in the industry group ‘251-Manufacture of rubber products’ in Public Sector, 0.11 per cent in industry group ‘359-Manufacture of transport equipments n.e.c.’ in Joint Sector and 4.69 per cent in industry group ‘314-Manufacture of accumulators, primary cells and primary batteries’ in Private Sector.

In Public Sector, the industry group ‘333-Manufacture of watches and clocks’ recorded lowest separation rate of 1.24 per cent. In Joint Sector, the separation rate was lowest at 0.16 per cent in the industry ‘272-Manufacture of basic precious and non-ferrous metals’, whereas in Private Sector, it was lowest at 6.81 per cent in industry group ‘232-Manufacture of refined petroleum products’.

Table 3.1.1

Labour Turnover Amongst Directly Employed Regular Workers by States during the Year 2005


Sl. State Percentage Average Percentage of Labour Turnover

No. of No. of During the Year

Factories Workers ------

Reporting During 2005 2004

Labour the ------

Turnover Year Acc. Sep. Acc. Sep.


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8


1 Jammu & Kashmir 78.67 11175 36.25 25.08 34.03 24.92

2 Himachal Pradesh 88.87 38813 30.83 23.52 17.22 12.00

3 Punjab 92.01 258128 32.69 148.03 40.92 35.73

4 Chandigarh 86.23 6505 22.34 21.28 33.22 29.05

5 Uttaranchal 85.53 28165 34.87 22.88 32.55 25.82

6 Haryana 82.64 168134 29.04 23.78 27.72 23.59

7 Delhi 80.33 89023 29.00 28.79 33.92 31.79

8 Rajasthan 79.25 177541 17.10 16.74 18.21 17.59

9 Uttar Pradesh 72.36 292452 33.97 29.62 35.23 31.52

10 Bihar 54.31 22354 33.18 39.52 15.55 12.38

11 Nagaland 40.30 935 31.02 27.27 39.32 41.45

12 Manipur 48.15 473 7.40 14.38 0.00 4.02

13 Tripura 40.00 2719 15.08 2.39 1.91 1.53

14 Assam 22.20 40942 2.87 3.62 5.81 7.83

15 West Bengal 43.73 309776 9.80 10.78 5.22 8.81

16 Jharkhand 63.50 106506 5.09 8.15 5.21 7.71

17 Orissa 47.96 232204 1.76 1.65 5.58 4.81

18 Chhattisgarh 43.33 48307 6.57 8.15 4.73 6.92

19 Madhya Pradesh 73.19 117125 15.42 15.70 14.21 14.54

20 Gujarat 69.37 447967 20.28 17.30 18.08 16.69

21 Daman & Diu 79.43 47121 15.82 12.62 10.69 7.76

22 D & Nagar Haveli 71.11 32264 14.18 9.38 20.18 18.77

23 Maharashtra 63.33 671099 21.61 18.71 20.06 19.58

24 Andhra Pradesh 30.98 262075 10.30 9.09 9.05 8.37

25 Karnataka 69.59 418696 24.55 20.11 26.87 21.10

26 Goa 79.84 20113 21.88 21.14 20.85 15.55

27 Kerala 55.14 247906 6.24 7.44 6.63 7.07

28 Tamil Nadu 63.44 779511 13.86 11.44 14.13 12.38

29 Pondicherry 63.24 23717 10.47 7.96 11.59 10.47

30 A & N Islands 87.50 175 18.86 12.57 38.93 46.56


All India 64.20 4901922 18.25 22.37 18.45 16.94

Public 66.85 243924 7.96 13.83 8.90 13.47

Joint 73.41 364059 9.31 9.07 14.41 17.62

Private 64.10 4293939 19.59 23.98 19.30 17.13


Note: Acc. = Accession, Sep. = Separation.

Table 3.1.2

Labour Turnover Amongst Directly Employed Regular Workers by Industries (3-Digit Level of NIC-2004) during the Year 2005


Sl. NIC Code Percentage Average Percentage of Labour Turnover

No. of No. of During the Year

Factories Workers ------

Reporting During 2005 2004

Labour the ------

Turnover Year Acc. Sep. Acc. Sep.


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8


1 014 68.92 25279 104.21 100.71 105.70 94.63

2 142 78.38 2631 86.13 79.55 92.73 99.25

3 151 58.26 62001 26.08 22.84 24.66 21.15

4 152 52.56 43785 8.57 7.30 7.79 7.99

5 153 41.83 90902 34.29 30.27 39.16 33.43

6 154 65.83 402416 33.14 30.77 34.14 34.56

7 155 57.17 37581 10.71 9.78 9.01 9.41

8 160 52.02 124779 8.73 15.09 8.89 10.52

9 171 74.33 743171 13.38 12.83 11.91 12.55

10 172 68.88 94782 16.56 12.20 17.42 13.65

11 173 79.35 108668 16.67 12.54 19.35 14.40

12 181 87.48 387130 33.36 24.98 36.37 27.00

13 182 80.00 2370 27.68 15.19 126.20 87.16

14 191 72.28 32065 20.95 16.29 16.08 17.18

15 192 83.20 57982 21.73 21.60 27.63 24.56

16 201 39.86 6217 12.59 13.56 12.14 14.75

17 202 63.70 25849 16.51 15.58 14.73 17.08

18 210 69.23 105167 10.50 298.57 9.59 10.18

19 221 69.57 24411 6.78 11.09 5.85 7.79

20 222 64.56 49882 13.24 11.24 11.45 12.03

21 223 83.33 1197 19.63 16.54 17.47 16.18

22 231 60.93 17758 5.42 7.17 4.96 5.38

23 232 49.55 21901 4.19 5.80 3.84 5.76

24 241 56.92 97294 6.30 9.11 6.83 8.79

25 242 66.68 263015 12.31 12.43 12.48 12.51

26 243 81.82 19353 11.05 9.64 8.78 10.13

27 251 62.14 77385 21.71 18.87 17.57 18.30

28 252 65.31 107294 16.78 13.61 15.19 13.81

29 261 63.34 23793 15.48 13.67 11.48 10.82

30 269 56.92 166138 18.38 18.46 16.68 16.71

31 271 72.97 240834 7.88 8.02 7.61 7.75

32 272 67.15 216366 2.18 1.80 8.52 9.73

33 273 68.57 59586 13.89 12.31 17.36 14.63

Table 3.1.2 Concld.


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8


34 281 61.24 41606 16.08 13.89 14.40 11.81

35 289 68.48 129839 20.28 17.00 19.37 17.09

36 291 66.88 109367 12.19 10.17 11.75 10.34

37 292 69.18 114279 14.05 11.46 17.06 13.60

38 293 57.50 15399 14.47 14.46 17.48 19.05

39 300 83.97 11222 27.18 16.70 21.42 14.89

40 311 62.33 40587 13.01 9.91 10.43 8.74

41 312 70.58 35693 19.23 14.97 12.52 12.89

42 313 63.26 18032 9.79 8.67 9.56 11.21

43 314 55.98 8940 4.69 7.83 10.60 10.14

44 315 72.78 17006 13.17 10.07 17.12 11.72

45 319 67.96 18907 18.49 12.03 15.08 12.50

46 321 75.66 28477 18.72 9.85 15.23 12.43

47 322 80.00 11391 14.11 15.54 11.90 10.97

48 323 70.85 15559 29.02 31.10 25.33 17.01

49 331 73.65 27415 17.30 13.20 14.32 13.78

50 332 78.33 4263 17.92 11.03 17.42 8.79

51 333 72.59 10098 10.10 13.19 10.45 13.69

52 341 63.64 54764 46.33 38.04 40.05 33.12

53 342 55.77 6603 10.62 12.93 18.20 10.26

54 343 75.22 126632 17.47 12.88 16.67 12.49

55 351 70.00 7789 14.88 15.95 29.09 47.43

56 352 69.17 11756 7.65 8.80 8.21 10.04

57 353 75.00 2234 11.46 12.22 7.06 8.21

58 359 80.25 85978 15.79 14.63 19.98 16.85

59 361 58.46 18629 31.47 22.46 18.31 11.98

60 369 77.60 105460 26.41 20.37 25.67 21.75

61 371 72.73 251 6.37 7.57 5.88 8.04

62 372 45.24 473 13.11 13.95 24.43 14.12

63 400 53.17 84294 14.81 11.79 13.86 10.85


All India 64.20 4901922 18.25 22.37 18.45 16.94

Public 66.85 243924 7.96 13.83 8.90 13.47

Joint 73.41 364059 9.31 9.07 14.41 17.62

Private 64.10 4293939 19.59 23.98 19.30 17.13


Table 3.2.1

Labour Turnover Amongst Directly Employed Regular Workers in States by Sectors during the Year 2005


Sl. State Percentage of Accession Percentage of Separation

No. by Sectors by Sectors


Pub. Joint Pvt. Overall Pub. Joint Pvt. Overall


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10


1 Jammu & Kashmir 22.13 60.23 37.60 36.25 25.75 3.41 25.19 25.08

2 Himachal Pradesh 5.90 44.02 31.47 30.83 5.90 28.36 24.05 23.52

3 Punjab 14.49 42.65 32.93 32.69 28.98 43.39 153.98 148.03

4 Chandigarh 2.33 - 23.02 22.34 5.58 - 21.81 21.28

5 Uttaranchal 100.15 1.14 33.57 34.87 93.15 2.47 18.34 22.88

6 Haryana 20.24 53.20 28.55 29.04 14.59 55.46 23.11 23.78

7 Delhi - - 29.02 29.00 40.00 - 28.81 28.79

8 Rajasthan 9.05 4.44 17.85 17.10 21.47 10.72 16.74 16.74

9 Uttar Pradesh 54.74 37.07 32.36 33.97 60.05 41.42 26.75 29.62

10 Bihar - 24.07 36.40 33.18 24.03 25.70 41.54 39.52

11 Nagaland - - 32.44 31.02 - - 28.52 27.27

12 Manipur - - 9.02 7.40 - 2.53 17.01 14.38

13 Tripura - - 26.78 15.08 38.71 3.37 0.91 2.39

14 Assam 3.45 4.95 2.65 2.87 5.55 7.23 3.12 3.62

15 West Bengal 0.67 2.46 11.51 9.80 4.51 3.83 12.00 10.78

16 Jharkhand 0.74 4.13 10.04 5.09 5.65 7.87 10.82 8.15

17 Orissa 1.01 0.21 10.33 1.76 4.61 0.31 8.78 1.65

18 Chhattisgarh 0.18 16.77 9.85 6.57 8.72 1.68 8.13 8.15

19 Madhya Pradesh 4.10 4.87 16.67 15.42 19.57 9.86 16.10 15.70

20 Gujarat 2.05 2.59 20.62 20.28 21.21 3.64 17.38 17.30

21 Daman & Diu 166.67 22.77 15.78 15.82 166.67 1.49 12.66 12.62

22 D & Nagar Haveli 127.27 - 14.14 14.18 100.00 - 9.34 9.38

23 Maharashtra 6.05 36.71 21.16 21.61 15.28 28.04 18.27 18.71

24 Andhra Pradesh 1.38 9.88 11.03 10.30 2.17 9.56 9.62 9.09

25 Karnataka 9.02 35.60 24.53 24.55 29.34 27.64 19.67 20.11

26 Goa - 0.12 23.15 21.88 3.45 0.59 22.30 21.14

27 Kerala 2.31 3.49 6.95 6.24 5.53 4.96 7.86 7.44

28 Tamil Nadu 9.26 0.77 14.09 13.86 12.25 3.98 11.50 11.44

29 Pondicherry 1.55 - 11.07 10.47 3.38 - 8.27 7.96

30 A & N Islands - 1.10 38.10 18.86 - 3.30 22.62 12.57


All India 7.96 9.31 19.59 18.25 13.83 9.07 23.98 22.37


Table 3.2.2

Labour Turnover Amongst Directly Employed Regular Workers in Industries (3-Digit Level of NIC-2004) by Sectors during the Year 2005


Sl. NIC Code Percentage of Accession Percentage of Separation

No. by Sectors by Sectors


Pub. Joint Pvt. Overall Pub. Joint Pvt. Overall


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10


1 014 60.98 48.67 104.62 104.21 60.98 109.33 100.72 100.71

2 142 - - 86.13 86.13 - - 79.55 79.55

3 151 1.52 5.40 26.89 26.08 11.32 20.23 23.10 22.84

4 152 5.11 4.39 11.21 8.57 6.26 4.20 8.69 7.30

5 153 9.48 16.12 35.02 34.29 13.72 11.44 30.95 30.27

6 154 51.38 84.03 27.11 33.14 52.18 72.21 25.31 30.77

7 155 9.87 49.29 10.52 10.71 6.29 18.48 9.88 9.78

8 160 127.27 32.02 8.63 8.73 100.00 35.77 15.00 15.09

9 171 3.81 8.46 14.17 13.38 19.72 12.20 12.42 12.83

10 172 0.43 11.03 17.06 16.56 3.19 12.81 12.37 12.20

11 173 16.67 - 16.67 16.67 17.18 - 12.52 12.54

12 181 76.58 14.63 33.35 33.36 60.81 10.11 24.98 24.98

13 182 - - 27.68 27.68 - - 15.19 15.19

14 191 - - 20.95 20.95 - - 16.29 16.29

15 192 - - 21.75 21.73 - - 21.62 21.60

16 201 - - 12.60 12.59 - - 13.57 13.56

17 202 0.94 14.06 16.83 16.51 1.89 11.28 15.91 15.58

18 210 1.51 3.10 11.49 10.50 2.63 5.68 335.91 298.57

19 221 - 5.42 6.85 6.78 5.88 9.09 11.17 11.09

20 222 1.99 0.92 13.82 13.24 5.45 3.67 11.55 11.24

21 223 - - 19.63 19.63 - - 16.54 16.54

22 231 1.34 3.58 9.02 5.42 4.05 2.07 10.15 7.17

23 232 2.67 2.89 7.06 4.19 8.38 2.75 6.81 5.80

24 241 2.23 4.08 7.01 6.30 5.40 6.06 9.85 9.11

25 242 3.13 4.67 12.56 12.31 7.97 6.54 12.57 12.43

26 243 - - 11.38 11.05 - 2.14 9.86 9.64

27 251 0.25 16.86 22.29 21.71 3.12 9.88 19.31 18.87

28 252 - 37.22 16.70 16.78 - 29.82 13.55 13.61

29 261 - - 15.48 15.48 - - 13.67 13.67

30 269 4.79 13.13 18.88 18.38 10.40 14.39 18.77 18.46

31 271 0.68 2.54 15.39 7.88 5.77 4.25 11.16 8.02

32 272 0.58 0.24 12.40 2.18 2.49 0.16 10.28 1.80

33 273 3.09 0.68 14.37 13.89 13.53 3.09 12.45 12.31

34 281 16.12 0.91 18.07 16.08 20.63 4.51 14.84 13.89

35 289 4.66 1.53 20.47 20.28 9.24 7.14 17.09 17.00

Table 3.2.2 Concld.


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10


36 291 0.33 0.49 12.74 12.19 1.73 1.63 10.56 10.17

37 292 1.74 7.03 14.68 14.05 7.16 5.04 11.77 11.46

38 293 - 2.07 14.59 14.47 - 6.90 14.53 14.46

39 300 0.78 - 28.12 27.18 1.29 - 17.25 16.70

40 311 2.49 1.35 17.33 13.01 17.03 3.97 11.60 9.91

41 312 0.95 2.07 20.09 19.23 2.62 2.54 15.58 14.97

42 313 - 8.70 9.82 9.79 - 4.35 8.80 8.67

43 314 - - 4.69 4.69 22.22 - 7.82 7.83

44 315 - 6.12 13.33 13.17 - 7.98 10.11 10.07

45 319 - 3.08 18.84 18.49 7.92 3.08 12.14 12.03

46 321 4.41 - 20.00 18.72 4.12 2.75 10.34 9.85

47 322 3.32 0.36 17.82 14.11 3.48 6.47 18.70 15.54

48 323 - - 29.66 29.02 - - 31.79 31.10

49 331 4.39 7.62 17.44 17.30 9.65 5.71 13.26 13.20

50 332 - - 17.92 17.92 - - 11.03 11.03

51 333 0.76 - 11.99 10.10 1.24 - 15.61 13.19

52 341 - 16.46 49.14 46.33 11.54 19.38 39.80 38.04

53 342 - - 11.09 10.62 - - 13.51 12.93

54 343 14.49 2.64 17.55 17.47 21.74 1.25 12.94 12.88

55 351 0.86 - 31.08 14.88 2.73 - 31.22 15.95

56 352 0.63 1.67 11.14 7.65 5.48 1.52 11.21 8.80

57 353 1.40 - 23.43 11.46 3.80 - 22.25 12.22

58 359 - 0.11 16.18 15.79 5.19 2.62 14.91 14.63

59 361 2.54 - 32.03 31.47 4.24 - 22.82 22.46

60 369 - - 26.41 26.41 - - 20.37 20.37

61 371 - - 14.55 6.37 - 1.42 15.45 7.57

62 372 - - 13.11 13.11 - - 13.95 13.95

63 400 1.99 11.34 15.44 14.81 6.53 3.61 12.14 11.79


All India 7.96 9.31 19.59 18.25 13.83 9.07 23.98 22.37
