European Holiday Project: Holiday Guides
Required items to research and discuss for each holiday
1. Slovak National Uprising Day
Origins of Czechoslovakia
Origins of World War II
German “conquest” of Czechoslovakia – Munich Agreement and thereafter
Origins and goals of opposition to German rule
Success/failures of uprising – causes and events
Consequences of uprising
2. Ireland Saint Patrick’s Day
Origins of Ireland
Decline of civilization and rise of Catholic Church on European continent
Survey of Ireland pre-Patrick
Patrick’s conversion of Ireland – methods and events
Consequences for Ireland and Europe/western civilization as a whole
3. Portugal Day
Origins of Portugal
Origins of European-Asian trade – Crusades, Marco Polo, etc.
Italian monopoly on trade (origins and effects)
Henry the Navigator
Portuguese efforts at sailing around Africa
Vasco Da Gama
Impact of Da Gama’s efforts on Portugal and world
4. Liechtenstein National Day
Origins of Liechtenstein
Origins and nature of Holy Roman Empire
Consolidation of Empire vs. independence of Liechtenstein
Napoleon’s effect on HRE and Liechtenstein
Survey of Liechtenstein today
5. Italian Liberation Day
Origins of unified Italy and Victor Emmanuel
Rise and triumph of Mussolini
Mussolini’s relation with Hitler
Origins of WW II
Italy’s military failures in WW II and consequent capture of Mussolini
Hitler saves Mussolini and sets up puppet government
Allied and Italian partisan efforts to free Italy
6. German Unification Day
Origins of unified Germany and survey of First, Second and Third Reichs
Cause of split of Germany post- WW II
Cold War and consequent permanence of split
Perhaps – 1949 Berlin Airlift, 1953 East German Uprising
Contrast Free West Germany vs. Communist East Germany
Cause of decline of communism and fall of the Berlin Wall
Difficulties of unification and consequences
7. French Armistice Day
Origins of WW I
Historic French – German antagonism (Richelieu – 30 Years’ War, Bismarck – Franco- . Prussian War)
Nature of WW I and French impact in particular
How WW I was finally won
Treaty of Frankfurt (1871) vs. Treaty of Versailles (1919)
8. Greek Independence Day
Origins of Greece – overview of glories of past
Conquest of Byzantine Empire by Turks
Life under Turkish rule
Ottoman Turkish Empire – from Scourge to sickman of Europe
Greek independence movement – nationalism movement
Metternich and the Concert of Europe vs. Greek independence
European aid in independence in spite of Metternich
9. Polish Constitution Day
Survey of Poland in 18th century
Enlightenment and its pertinent ideas
Proponents of and obstacles to new constitution
Influence of American and French Revolutions
Reaction of Austria, Prussia and Russia to the new constitution
10. Polish Independence Day
(See above – Polish Constitution Day)
Demise of Poland since 1683 – Battle of Vienna
Partition of Poland
Failure of the Sejm
Life during the period of partition – 1795-1919
Polish independence movements before and during WW I
WW I and independence
Polish independence or not since WW I (esp. WW II and Cold War)
11. Netherlands Liberation Day
Origins of WW II
Reasons for German conquest of Netherlands in WW II
Failed Dutch efforts to thwart conquest
Life under German rule
Efforts to overthrow German rule, the Dutch resistance
Events leading to liberation
12. Spanish Hispanic Day
Origins of European trade with Asia (esp. Crusades and Marco Polo)
Italian domination and monopoly of trade and consequences
Portugal leads the way – Henry the Navigator
Spain unifies under Ferdinand and Isabella
End of Reconquista
Origins of Columbus’s idea of sailing to the west
Spain’s Golden Age
13. United Kingdom Guy Fawkes Day
Origins of split up of Christendom during Reformation
Brief history of Reformation in England from Henry VIII to James I
Persecution of Catholics under Henry VIII, Edward VI, Elizabeth I, and James I
What did persecution involve? James’ promise of improvement unfulfilled – why?
The Gunpowder plot and the conspirators
Consequences of failed plot for Catholics in England – further persecution
14. Italian Republic Day
Origins of unified Italy and Victor Emmanuel
Overview History of the monarchy in Italy – 1870-1945
Rise and triumph of Mussolini and the road to WW II
Italy’s military failures in WW II and consequent defeat
Arguments on either side of the referendum for a republic or monarchy
Analysis of the vote (who was for and against, why?) Fraud in the vote?
15. Ukraine Victory Day
Origins of WW II
Soviet-German non-aggression pact of 1939
Causes and failure of German invasion of Soviet Union (Operation Barbarossa)
Impact of WW II on Ukraine in particular
3 Fronts leading to downfall of German war effort
16. Swedish National Day
Origins of Sweden
Kalmar Union
Stockholm Bloodbath
Swedish War of Liberation
Gustav Vasa’s role and reign
Instrument of Government – 1809 – how it came about
Napoleonic Wars
17. Ukrainian Independence Day
Origins of Russia and Ukraine
History of Ukrainian independence – back and forth between Poland and Russia
Ukrainian independence efforts during WW I and Russian Revolution of 1917
Life under Soviet rule – esp. starvation of Ukrainians in 1920s and 1930s
Rise and fall of Cold War and USSR’s demise leading to Ukraine’s independence
18. Norway Syttende Mai
Origins of Norway, Denmark and Sweden
Kalmar Union
Napoleon and nationalism and Denmark’s alliance with France
Switch from Denmark to Sweden
Celebrations of 17 May lead to crackdowns on Norwegian nationalism
Life under Swedish rule in 19th century and slow progression to independence
19. Northern Ireland Orangemen’s Day
Ireland and England and their relations since 1170
Reformation in England and failed effort to impose Anglican Church in Ireland
Persecution of Catholics in Ireland
Battle between king and Parliament in 17th century England
Deposition of King James II – Glorious Revolution and the ascension of William and Mary
Why James found support in Ireland
War between William III and James II leading to the Battle of the Boyne
Treaty of Limerick and consequences for Ireland’s Catholics and Protestants
Three storylines: Ireland vs. England, King vs. Parliament, Catholic vs. Protestant/Anglican
20. Croatian Statehood Day
Origins of Croatia and its development over the years under Turks, Austrians
Creation of Yugoslavia after WW I
Independence movements during Cold War 1945-1991
Dissolution of Yugoslavia after the Cold War
War of independence – nature of war and brutalities
21. Ireland Easter Rising
Origins of Ireland and England and their relations since 1170
Reformation in England and failed effort to impose Anglican Church in Ireland
Persecution of Catholics in Ireland
Multiple wars of independence throughout Irish history
Slow progression toward political rights in Ireland in 1800s
WW I and its importance to the Rising
Failure of rising and treatment of its leaders
Consequences – eventual Irish Free State and independence
22. USSR/Russian October Revolution
Brief overview of Russia under the czars
Karl Marx and communism in general
Problems in Russia pre-revolution making it ripe for revolution = economic distress, WW I
Russo-Japanese War of 1905
Earlier revolutions – 1905, February Revolution, etc.
Gregory Rasputin, Vladimir Lenin
Events of revolution
Consequences – millions of dead under Lenin and especially Stalin
Cold War
23. Greek Ochi Day
Origins of WW II
Hitler-Mussolini relations before and early in WW II
Objectives of Hitler, objectives of Mussolini
Events surrounding the “No”
Greco-Italian War
Impact on WW II – delay of Operation Barbarossa, the German invasion of Soviet Union
Impact on WW II in general
24. Scotland Bannockburn Day
Origins of Scotland and England – differences especially that made them separate
Origins of English domination of Scotland
1st War of Scottish Independence
William Wallace
Early stages of nation-states and nationalism
Rise of Robert the Bruce
Consequences of the battle – 10 years of war led to independence. Turning point?
Edward the Bruce leads fight for independence in Ireland after the battle
Brief overview of relations of Scotland and England since (Stuart monarchs, Act of Union)
25. Austrian National Day
Origins of Austria from time of Holy Roman Empire
Split of Austria from Germany after 7 Weeks’ War
The Anschluss of 1938
WW II and Austria’s role
Partition and occupation after WW II
Cold War
Comparison/contrast of Germany and Austria post WW II
Cold War impact
Cause of Austria’ liberation from Soviet occupation
26. Swiss National Day
Swiss origins in Holy Roman Empire
Overview of nature of HRE
Cause of split of Swiss cantons from HRE
Events leading to consolidation of Swiss cantons into unified state
Overview of Swiss relations with HRE and other surrounding nations since
27. East German Uprising Day
Origins of unified Germany and survey of First, Second and Third Reichs
Cause of split of Germany post- WW II
Cold War and consequent permanence of split
Perhaps – 1949 Berlin Airlift
Contrast Free West Germany vs. Communist East Germany
Poor economic conditions in East Germany and why
Goals of Uprising and consequences of its failure
28. Russia Day of Unity
Origins of Russia and Poland
History of conflict between Russia and Poland, territorial conflicts
Religious disputes between Russia and Poland
Events surrounding the eviction of Poland in 1612
29. Portugal Republic Day
30. Iceland Republic Day
Origin settlements of Iceland
Exchange of Iceland among Scandinavian countries throughout the centuries
31. Lithuanian Independence Day
Origins of Russia and Lithuania
History of Lithuanian independence – back and forth between Poland and Russia
Lithuanian independence efforts during WW I and Russian Revolution of 1917
Life under Soviet rule
Rise and fall of Cold War and USSR’s demise leading to Lithuania’s independence
32. Denmark Constitution Day
33. Hungary Revolution and Day of the Republic
Hungary from WWI to WWII
Soviet influence post-WWII – Iron Curtain
The Cold War
Conditions under communist rule and causes of the uprising
Events of the uprising of 1956
Consequences of the uprising’s failure
Brief mention of the end of the Cold War and the proclamation of the republic in 1989
32. France Joan of Arc Day
History of England’s claims to France prior to Hundred Years’ War
Causes of Hundred Years’ War
Progress of Hundred Years’ War up to time of Joan of Arc
Joan’s messengers and mission
Joan’s actions toward the king and in the war
Joan’s trial and death
Impact of Joan upon the war
End of and results of Hundred Years’ War