Teaching Model: Group Investigation

Subject: Life Sciences

Topic: The world under pressure: how can we help the globe’s environment?

Grade Level: High School (9-12)

Objective: Using group investigation students will search for information from a developing country of choice (a list will be provided for students to choose from) and build up a case of how their chosen country plays, or does not play a role in global warming.

Materials: White board, library, internet (designated sites to look at to reduce work load), magazines, text books and periodicals if necessary.

PHASE 1: Students encounter a (planned) puzzling situation

  • One of the following three images will be presented to the students: 1) the picture of a glacier melting, 2) a graph showing how atmospheric gases have been changing during the last decades and 3) a short video clip of a movie (“The Day after Tomorrow) that exaggerates global warming.

-Why is this happening? Should we worry?

PHASE 2: Students explore reactions to the situation

-Who is responsible for the increase of levels in CO2?

-How can we determine this?

-What factors do you think might be important to consider when taking a stance in this global issue?

PHASE 3: Students formulate study task and organize for study (problem definition, role assignments, etc.)

  • Students will be prompted to structure their learning based on the identified factors that might be linked to global warming.

-What country is the group going to focus?

-What factors will they use to base their case?

-How will the group go about doing the research?

-Delegation of tasks may occur at this point in time.

PHASE 4: Independent and group study

  • Groups are given 1.5 weeks and one class period to do research and gather information that will help them in their case.
  • Individual research will be based on distribution of tasks with in groups.
  • Knowledge is compared in each group to get feedback and keep everyone coordinated.

PHASE 5: Students analyze progress and process

  • In the middle of the week during the time given in class to work in the project, students will evaluate how they are progressing.
  • The group will then present their information to the class in the form of a PowerPoint or poster. Ideally each group member will be in charge of a particular area in their presentation.
  • Evaluation of the investigation will be discussed in class by peers and instructor considering the proposed goal.

PHASE 6: Recycle activity

  • Once feedback is given each group they will re-enter the group investigation cycle to enhance, improve, add or delete any information that will improve the overall project.




Your group has been hired by the Environmental Division of the United Nations (UNEP) to assess the environmental status of a developed and/ or a developing country. Your group will focus exclusively on air, water, forest and biodiversity resources. The information you gather will be presented, by your group, during the 5th Global Environmental Summit taking place on the 2ndweek of December, 2004. Other groups have also been hired, so countries will be assigned by the UNEP officers (Mr. Schmalz and Mr. Jose) during the briefing day. At the end of the summit the groups will discuss and acknowledge what should be the right course of action to be taken towards solving these problems, based on the presented information.

Your assignment

1- Investigate and define the scope of the problems your assigned country is facing regarding each resource. (air, water, forest and biodiversity)

- Determine through investigation the importance and main use of each particular resource for the country. Establish what the main threats or potential threats to this resource exist, and what the main sources for these threats are.

2- Explain any solutions(innovative or already in place) implemented by the country to solve or reduce these problems.

3- Make a visual presentation of the information using the Established PowerPoint template. (Save images, graphs or maps that may help you convey your points)

4- Present to class on due date.

Important dates

NOV 21st(Mon):

-Project briefing, group assemblage and assignment of countries to work with.

DEC 3rd(Fri): (Computer Lab)

-First project draftIN. All the information to be used in the presentation should be ready for the group to summarize and place in the PowerPoint template. You will have this day to work on your presentations.A copy of this information and the sources has to be handed to your instructor.

(Note: Make sure you SAVE your work on one of the group member account and make a backup of the information on another account just in case your group experiences technological problems.)

DEC 8th

-Project Presentations due. Your group will have 10 minutes by the clock to present their work. You will be stopped if you pass this limit. Remember there is only 60 minutes to discuss this issue and it is part of the protocol used by the UNEP not to extend matters beyond this time frame.

(Note: If you can turn your projects IN, one day before the presentation better.)

Countryassigned: (Circle the country assigned to your group)

USA, China, Sweden, Brazil, Democratic Republic of Congo or Cameroon, Madagascar

Members of the Group: ______, ______

______, ______

Group member where project is saved ______

Group member where project was back up______


For each of the resources use the following scheme to guide your research:

USES of ResourceTHREAT to resource and SOURCES of this threatPROBLEMS this may causeSOLUTIONS proposed, implemented or recommended by or to the country.

Details about the assignment

AIR: Group member ______

What are the current air quality problems with this country?

How do you think an increase in human population affects this problem?

Are certain regions of the country more affected than other?

What are the consequences of this problem for the country and for the globe?

What impacts does this have on human life styles?

How can this problem be solved? What are solutions that are now being implemented and how successful are they? What are the proposed solutions, and what are the roadblocks to implanting them?

WATER: Group member ______

What are the current water quality/ quantity problems with this country?

How do you think an increase in human population affects this problem?

Are certain regions of the country more affected than other?

What are the consequences of this problem for the country and for the globe?

What impacts does this have on human life styles?

How can this problem be solved? What are solutions that are now being implemented and how successful are they? What are the proposed solutions, and what are the roadblocks to implanting them?

DEFORESTATION: Group member ______

What problems specific to this country does deforestation present?

What are the main reasons the country has to cut down the forest? (e.g. agriculture, urban development, etc)

How do you think an increase in human population affects the rate of deforestation?

What impacts does this have on human life styles at a local and global level?

How can this problem be solved? What are solutions that are now being implemented and how successful are they? What are the proposed solutions, and what are the roadblocks to implanting them?

BIODIVERISTY: Group member ______

How many species are endangered in this country?

How many species are endemic to this country?

Are certain regions/ land usesof the country affecting biodiversity more than other? How?

What are the consequences of this problem for the country and for the globe?

How do you think an increase in human population affect this problem?

How can this problem be solved? What are solutions that are now being implemented and how successful are they? What are the proposed solutions, and what are the roadblocks to implanting them?


Further Notes and Grades

  • All research will be completed outside the class
  • No written work is to be turned in except your RAW information in the 1st Draft.
  • Your project will be graded on content of the presentation, presentation and group participation.



Class Textbook

Internet sites


  • Dictionary- One look dictionary search-
  • Conservation Online Book:
  • CIA Fact Book:
  • WRI:
  • EPA:
  • Nation Master:
  • Earth 911:


  • EPA (air):
  • NOAA:


  • EPA (water):
  • Natural Resource Defense council:


  • Rain Forest Action Work:
  • GlobalForest Watch:
  • World Rainforest movement:
  • SEDAC- Deforestation:


  • IUCN:
  • Action Bioscience:
  • EPA: