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/ Policies and ProceduresTitle: Code of Conduct
Category ADMINISTRATION / Policy Number 214.0
Division Responsible:
Vice President Finance and Administration Office
The purpose of this Code of Conduct is to ensure that the College Community has an awareness of the principles which define the expected and appropriate conduct.Keyano College expects all members of the College Community to maintain the highest standards of professional and ethical conduct in all aspects of College-related activities. All members of the College Community are expected to share in preserving and enhancing the College’s image and reputation of integrity, credibility, professionalism and honesty.
In exercising their powers and discharging their duties, all members of the College Community shall act honestly and in good faith with a view to the best interests of the College, and shall exercise the care, diligence and skill that a reasonably prudent person would exercise in comparable circumstances. In conducting College business, members of the College Community must respect and comply with the relevant laws and regulations of Alberta and Canada and other jurisdictions in which the College conducts its affairs. In following this Code of Conduct, members of the College Community are expected to seek guidance in any case where there is a question about compliance with either the letter or spirit of College policies and laws.
1)The College Community is defined as all employees, contractors and volunteers who represent the College, including the Keyano College Board of Governors, administration, staff, faculty, students who sit on College committees, contract providers, the Keyano College Foundation Board of Directors, and any Keyano subsidiary Board of Directors.
2)The Investigating Office is the appropriate Director, Dean, Vice President or President conducting the investigation.
- In the event that a supervisor or administrator receives a report of or observes an occurrence of conduct in conflict with this Code of Conduct, that supervisor or administrator shall take such corrective action as he/she may deem appropriate, depending upon the severity of the occurrence and following applicable Collective Agreements or College policy.
- Violations of any provisions of this Code of Conduct may be subject to disciplinary actions. The procedures used will be those required by Collective Agreements (CUPE Association and Faculty Association), Terms and Conditions of Employment (Administrative Group), applicable College policies (i.e., Individual Rights Policy), the College Calendar and Students’ Association policy (students), or Board Governance where applicable.
- In the event that any member of the College Community observes an occurrence of conduct in conflict with this Code of Conduct, he/she has the right and responsibility to report the incident to the appropriate supervisor or administrator without fear of reprisal. Information provided in the reporting context will be kept confidential to the extent permitted by law and the College’s need to properly investigate the situation.
- The College will ensure employees reporting a code of conduct incident are not disadvantaged by doing so.
- The College will safeguard the informant to ensure their protection, provided they are acting in good faith and without malice. Information will be handled confidentially subject to the College’s obligations under Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy legislation.
- The protection offered by this policy is in addition to, but does not replace or modify the individual rights guaranteed by law, contract or codes of professional ethics. Nothing in this policy limits or amends the provisions of collective agreements entered into by the College and its employee groups.
- Disclosures which are determined by the Investigating Office to be outside the scope of this policy will be resolved with reference to the College policies or guidelines which appropriately address them (e.g., those on harassment, fraud or business irregularities,or academic misconduct).
•Board of Governors
•Vice Presidents
•All Staff
Policy 201.0 Conflict of Interest
Policy 210.0 Fraud and Business Irregularities
List of Dates
1)Approved by the Board on September 28th, 2012