Additional File 2: The Scoping Strategy used for Bibliographic Databases
The scoping search strategies for the bibliographic databases are presented with the most recent searches of Cab Abstracts first, followed byScopus and the initial searches of Web of Knowledge last.
3. Cab Abstracts
Dates: Searches were conducted between 06-01-14 and 17-01-14
Resources: Cab Abstracts Archive 1910 – 1972
Cab Abstracts 1972 -1989
Cab Abstracts 1990 – 2013
Search Strategy:
Relevant CABICODES* were selected to conduct searches for documents (listed below). Searches were tested primarily with EECABICODES as a larger number of these codes were identified as relevant to the search strategy (Table 5). The search terms were also applied to chosen UU, KK, CC, PP, LL, and MM CABICODES.
Search terms were selected using the Cab Abstracts Thesaurus, and were chosen according to whether they act as subject headings* in the Cab Abstracts Database. Search terms were selected that were both relevant to the subject area & broad, in order to capture a wide range of documents. In order to broaden the search results, variations of the search terms were also used to search document titles.
The scoping search was conducted using facilities at the British Library, but due to export limitations, the final search was conducted and exported from the Oxford Bodleian Library. This affected the final search results, with a total number of search results at 12,436 when searching at the British Library, and 12,389 when searching at the Oxford Bodleian Library. Such a small discrepancy is likely dueto reassignment and updates on the CAB Abstracts database between the period of conducting the scoping search at the British Library (17-01-14) and exporting the search from the Oxford Bodleian Library (22-01-14).
*CABICODES – are the CAB classification, which allow the database user to search the CAB using letters and numerics. Each CAB classification refers to an area of interest e.g. EE CABICODE refer to documents that are in the subject area of economics.
*Subject Headings act as a descriptor index in Cab Abstracts. They are assigned to every document in the Cab Abstracts database and describe the document’s subject field.
CABI Codes Used:
CC100 Education and Training; CC200 Extension and Advisory Work; CC300 Information and Documentation; CC310 Documentation (Discontinued March 2000); CC400 Collections; CC700 Professions: Practice and Service; CC720 Veterinary Profession (Discontinued March 2000); CC760 Farming as a Profession (Discontinued March 2000); and CC780 Horticulture, Recreation and Amenity Professions (Discontinued March 2000).
EE000 Economics (General) (New June 2002); EE100 Economics (General) (Discontinued June 2002); EE110 Agricultural Economics; EE111 Horticultural Economics (New March 2000); EE112 Forestry Economics (New March 2000); EE113 Aquacultural and Fisheries Economics (New March 2000); EE115 Natural Resource Economics (New March 2000); EE116 Food Economics (New March 2000); EE119 Leisure, Recreation and Tourism Economics (New March 2000); EE120 Policy and Planning; EE125 Aid (New March 2000); EE150 Environmental Economics (Discontinued March 2000); EE160 Land Use and Valuation (Discontinued March 2000); EE165 Structure, Ownership and Tenure; EE200 Farming Systems and Management (Discontinued March 2000); EE300 Cooperatives (Discontinued March 2000); EE350 Rural Industry and Enterprises; EE450 Development Aid, Agencies and Projects (Discontinued March 2000); EE700 Marketing and Distribution; EE800 Investment, Finance and Credit; EE900 Labour and Employment; and EE950 Income and Poverty.
KK100 Forests and Forest Trees (Biology and Ecology); KK110 Silviculture and Forest Management; KK120 Forest Mensuration and Management (Discontinued March 2000); KK540 Non-wood Forest Products; and KK600 Agroforestry and Multipurpose Trees; Community, Farm and Social Forestry
LL010 Apiculture; LL020 Sericulture; LL030 Other Invertebrate Culture (Not Aquaculture); LL075 Sport Animals (New March 2000); LL110 Dairy Animals; LL150 Animal Husbandry (Other Products) (Discontinued March 2000); LL180 Animal Husbandry and Production (New March 2000)
MM000 Aquatic Sciences (General); MM110 Fisheries; MM120 Aquaculture (Animals); MM130 Aquaculture (Plants); MM300 Aquatic Biology and Ecology
PP000 Natural Resources (General); PP100 Energy; PP200 Water Resources; PP300 Land Resources; PP320 Wetlands; PP350 Grasslands and Rangelands; PP400 Erosion; Soil and Water Conservation; PP600 Pollution and Degradation; PP700 Biological Resources (General); PP710 Biological Resources (Animal); PP720 Biological Resources (Plant)
UU000 Social Sciences (General); UU450 Community Participation and Development (New March 2000); UU460 Community Development (Discontinued March 2000); UU470 Participation and Self Help (Discontinued March 2000); UU480 Social Structure (Discontinued March 2000); UU485 Social Psychology and Social Anthropology (New March 2000); UU490 Social Psychology and Culture (Discontinued March 2000); UU500 Women; UU700 Tourism and Travel; UU800 Rural Sociology (New March 2000); UU850 Rural Development (New March 2000)
Field tags:cc. = CABICODESsh. = subject headings
id. = identifiersti. = title
Table 5. Scoping Strategy used on the OvidSP Platform to search CAB AbstractsFinal Strings
Total search results: 12,436
(EE000 OR EE100 OR EE110 OR EE111 OR EE112 OR EE113 OR EE115 OR EE116 OR EE199 OR EE120 OR EE160 OR EE200 OR EE300 OR EE350 OR EE450 OR EE900 OR EE950).cc.
(CC100 OR CC200 OR CC300 OR CC310 OR CC400 OR CC700 OR CC760 OR CC780).cc.
(KK100 OR KK110 OR KK120 OR KK400 OR KK540 OR KK600).cc.
(LL010 OR LL020 OR LL030 OR LL075 OR LL110 OR LL150 OR LL180).cc.
(MM000 OR MM110 OR MM120 OR MM130 OR MM300).cc.
(PP000 OR PP100 ORPP200 OR PP300 OR PP350 OR PP400 OR PP600 OR P700 OR PP710 OR PP720).cc.
(UU000 OR UU450 OR UU460 OR UU470 OR UU480 OR UU485 OR UU490OR UU500 OR UU700 OR UU800 OR UU850).cc.
(community development OR community involvementOR economic development OR empowerment OR rural development OR social participation ORdevelopment plans OR development policy ORdevelopment programmesOR development projects OR pilot projectsORdevelopment agencies OR social impact).sh.
(creditOR incentives OR diversification OR employment opportunitiesOR enterprises OR ecotourism ORnature tourism OR sustainable tourism OR tourism impactOR agroforestry OR aquaculture OR beekeeping OR cooperatives OR cultivation OR domestication OR harvesting OR livestock farming OR resource utilization OR tourism).sh.
(livelihoodsORpoverty alleviation).id.
(conservation areas ORnature conservation OR wildlife conservation OR resource conservation ORnational parks OR wildlife parks OR marine parks OR nature reserves ORreserved areas OR protected species ORwildlife managementOR community forestry OR social forestry).sh.
String 2:
(EE000 OR EE100 OR EE110 OR EE111 OR EE112 OR EE113 OR EE115 OR EE116 OR EE199 OR EE120 OR EE160 OR EE200 OR EE300 OR EE350 OR EE450 OR EE900 OR EE950).cc.
(CC100 OR CC200 OR CC300 OR CC310 OR CC400 OR CC700 OR CC760 OR CC780).cc.
(KK100 OR KK110 OR KK120 OR KK400 OR KK540 OR KK600).cc.
(LL010 OR LL020 OR LL030 OR LL075 OR LL110 OR LL150 OR LL180).cc.
(MM000 OR MM110 OR MM120 OR MM130 OR MM300).cc.
(PP000 OR PP100 ORPP200 OR PP300 OR PP350 OR PP400 OR PP600 OR P700 OR PP710 OR PP720).cc.
(UU000 OR UU450 OR UU460 OR UU470 OR UU480 OR UU485 OR UU490OR UU500 OR UU700 OR UU800 OR UU850).cc.
(community development OR community involvementOR economic development OR empowerment OR rural development ORsocial participation OR development plan* ORdevelopmentpolic*OR development program* OR development project* OR pilot project*OR development aid OR development agenc* OR social impact).ti.
(creditOR incentive* OR employment opportunitiesOR enterprise*OR ecotourism OR agroforestry OR aquaculture ORbeekeep* OR cooperative*OR cultivation OR domestication OR harvest* OR livestock farm*OR resource utilization OR tourism ORagro forestry OR bee keeping ORdiversif* OR eco tourism OR resource utilisation).ti.
(livelihoodsORpoverty alleviation OR poverty reduction).ti.
(national park* OR wildlife park* OR marine park*ORprotected species OR resource management OR wildlife management OR community forest* OR social forestry OR reserve ORconservation NOT soil conservation).ti.
Topic / Results / Refine
Topic 1 / a) 571,036
b) 80,715
c) 2,894
d) 3,237
e) 3,535
f) 7,913
g) 6,765 / a) (EE000 OR EE100 OR EE110 OR EE111 OR EE112 OR EE113 OR EE115 OR EE116 OR EE119 OR EE120 OR EE125 OR EE160 OR EE165 OR EE200 OR EE300 OR EE350 OR EE450 OR EE700 OR EE900 OR EE950).cc.
b) Add:
AND (community developmentOR community involvement OR economic development OR empowerment ORregional development OR rural development OR social participation).sh.
c) Add:
AND (conservation OR conservation areas OR nature conservation OR on-farm conservation ORwildlife conservation OR resource conservation).sh.
d) Amend:
AND (conservation OR conservation areas OR nature conservation OR on-farm conservation OR wildlife conservation OR resource conservationORnational parks OR wildlife parks OR marine parksOR nature reserves ORreserved areas OR protected species).sh.
e) Amend:
AND (community development OR community involvementOReconomic developmentOR empowerment ORregional developmentOR rural development OR social participationORdevelopment plans ORdevelopment policy OR development programmesOR development projectsORintervention OR pilot projects OR development aid).sh.
f) Amend:
AND (conservation OR conservation areas OR nature conservation ORon-farm conservation OR wildlife conservation OR resource conservationORnational parks OR wildlife parks ORmarine parks OR nature reserves ORreserved areas OR protected species ORenvironmental legislationOR environmental policy ORenvironmental protection ORresource management OR wildlife management).sh.
g) Amend:
AND (community development OR community involvement OR economic developmentOR empowerment OR rural development ORsocial participation OR development plans ORdevelopment policy ORdevelopment programmesOR development projectsORinterventionOR pilot projects OR development aid).sh.
AND (conservation OR conservation areas OR nature conservationORon-farm conservationOR wildlife conservationOR resource conservation ORnational parks OR wildlife parks ORmarine parks OR nature reserves ORreserved areas OR protected speciesORenvironmental legislationORenvironmental policyORenvironmental protectionORresource managementOR wildlife management).sh.
* regional development = where relevant search results are produced, other subject headings are present.
*intervention = low number of search results & not relevant.
* on-farm conservation = low number of search results & not relevant.
* environmental legislation =focused on law, where there are relevant search results other subject headings are present.
* environmental protection = crowds the search results with irrelevant themes such as environmental quality. Where there are relevant search results other subject headings are present.
Topic 2 / a) 571,036
b) 14,782
c) 1,481
d) 1,114
e) 2,783
f) 5,499
g) 5,945 / a) (EE000 OR EE100 OR EE110 OR EE111 OR EE112 OR EE113 OR EE115 OR EE116 OR EE199 OR EE120 OR EE160 OR EE200 OR EE300 OR EE350 OR EE450 OR EE900 OR EE950).cc.
b) Add:
(compensation OR credit OR incentives OR subsidies).sh
c) Add:
AND (conservation OR conservation areas OR nature conservation OR on-farm conservation ORwildlife conservation OR resource conservation ORnational parks OR wildlife parks ORmarine parks OR nature reserves ORreserved areas OR protected species OR environmental legislation ORenvironmental policy OR environmental protection OR resource management OR wildlife management).sh.
d) Amend:
AND (compensationOR credit OR incentives ORsubsidiesORdiversification OR employment opportunitiesOR enterprises).sh.
e) Amend:
AND (credit OR incentives OR diversification ORemployment opportunitiesOR enterprises ORecotourism ORnature tourism OR sustainable tourism ORtourism impact).sh.
f) Amend:
AND (credit OR incentives OR diversification OR employment opportunitiesOR enterprises ORecotourism OR nature tourismORsustainable tourism OR tourism impactORagroforestry OR aquaculture OR animal production OR beekeeping OR cooperatives OR cultivation OR domestication OR game farmingOR harvesting OR improvement grants OR livestock farmingOR loans ORmollusc culture OR resource utilization).sh.
g) Amend:
AND (credit OR incentives ORdiversification OR employment opportunitiesOR enterprises OR ecotourism OR nature tourism OR sustainable tourism OR tourism impactOR agroforestry OR aquaculture ORanimal productionOR beekeeping OR cooperatives ORcultivation OR domestication ORgame farmingOR harvesting ORimprovement grantsOR livestock farmingORloansORmollusc cultureOR resource utilizationOR tourism).sh.
* compensation= narrow subject heading, these search results are captured through searching for (incentives).sh.
* subsides = low number of search results, and not relevant.
* game farming = low number of search results & where search results relevant other subject headings are present.
* improvement grants= no search results.
* loans = no search results.
* mollusc culture = no search results.
Topic 3 / a) 571,036
b) 8,754
c) 1,122
d) 1,121 / a) (EE000 OR EE100 OR EE110 OR EE111 OR EE112 OR EE113 OR EE115 OR EE116 OR EE199 OR EE120 OR EE160 OR EE200 OR EE300 OR EE350 OR EE450 OR EE900 OR EE950).cc.
b) Add:
AND (livelihoods OR poverty alleviation OR poverty reduction).id.
c) Add:
AND (conservation OR conservation areas OR nature conservationOR wildlife conservationORresource conservation OR national parks OR wildlife parks ORmarine parks OR nature reserves ORreserved areas OR protected species ORenvironmental policy ORresource management OR wildlife management).sh.
d) Amend:
AND (livelihoods OR poverty alleviationORpoverty reduction).id.
*poverty reduction = produces few & irrelevant search results.
Topic 3 / a) 11,758
g) 10,198 / a) Combine topics 1g OR 2g OR 3c
(EE000 OR EE100 OR EE110 OR EE111 OR EE112 OR EE113 OR EE115 OR EE116 OR EE199 OR EE120 OR EE160 OR EE200 OR EE300 OR EE350 OR EE450 OR EE900 OR EE950).cc.
AND (community development OR community involvementOR economic developmentOR empowerment OR rural development ORsocial participation OR development plans OR development policy ORdevelopment programmesOR development projects ORpilot projects OR development aid).sh.
OR (credit OR incentives OR diversification OR employment opportunitiesOR enterprises OR ecotourism OR nature tourism ORsustainable tourism OR tourism impactOR agroforestry OR aquaculture OR beekeeping OR cooperatives OR cultivation OR domestication OR harvesting OR livestock farming OR resource utilization OR tourism).sh.
OR (livelihoods OR poverty alleviation).id.
AND (conservation OR conservation areas ORnature conservation OR wildlife conservation ORresource conservation OR national parks ORwildlife parks OR marine parks ORnature reserves OR reserved areas ORprotected speciesOR environmental policy ORresource management OR wildlife management).sh.
b) Amend CABICODES to:
(CC100 OR CC200 OR CC300 OR CC310 OR CC400 OR CC700 OR CC760 OR CC780)
c) Amend CABICODES to:
(KK100 OR KK110 OR KK120 OR KK400 OR KK540 OR KK600)
d) Amend CABICODES to:
(LL010 OR LL020 OR LL030 OR LL075 OR LL110 OR LL150 OR LL180)
e) Amend CABICODES to:
(MM000 OR MM110 OR MM120 OR MM130 OR MM300)
f) Amend CABICODES to:
(PP000 OR PP100 OR PP200 ORPP300 OR PP350 OR PP400 OR PP600 OR P700 OR PP710 OR PP720)
g) Amend CABICODESto:
(UU000 OR UU450 ORUU460 OR UU470 OR UU480 OR UU485 OR UU490 OR UU500 OR UU700 OR UU800 OR UU850)
Topic 4 / a)12,244
b)11,704 / a) (Take learning from scoping in topic 3):
(EE000 OR EE100 OR EE110 OR EE111 OR EE112 OR EE113 OR EE115 OR EE116 OR EE199 OR EE120 OR EE160 OR EE200 OR EE300 OR EE350 OR EE450 OR EE900 OR EE950).cc.
AND (community development OR community involvementOR economic development OR empowerment OR rural development ORsocial participation OR development plans ORdevelopment policyOR development programmesORdevelopment projects OR pilot projectsORdevelopment aid ORdevelopment agencies).sh.
OR (credit OR incentives OR diversification OR employment opportunitiesOR enterprises OR ecotourism ORnature tourism OR sustainable tourism ORtourism impactOR agroforestry OR aquaculture OR beekeeping OR cooperatives OR cultivation OR domestication OR harvesting OR livestock farming OR resource utilization OR tourism).sh.
OR (livelihoods OR poverty alleviation).id.
AND (conservationORconservation areas OR nature conservationORwildlife conservation OR resource conservation ORnational parks OR wildlife parks OR marine parks OR nature reserves ORreserved areas OR protected species OR environmental policy ORresource management OR wildlife managementORsocial forestry OR community forestry OR protection forests ORforestry development).sh.
AND (conservation areas OR nature conservation ORwildlife conservation OR resource conservation ORnational parks OR wildlife parks OR marine parks OR nature reserves OR reserved areas OR protected speciesORenvironmental policy OR resource management OR wildlife managementORsocial forestry OR community forestryORprotection forestsORforestry development).sh.
* conservation = crowds the search results with documents on agrarian reform and soil conservation. Where there are relevant documents other subject headings are present such as conservation areas OR nature conservation.
* protection forests = produces few search results & where there are relevant search results other subject headings are present.
* forestry development) = search results are focused on themes of economic development, & where there are relevant search results other subject headings are present.
Topic 5 / a) 6,245
b) 1,142 / a) (Take learning from scoping in topic 3 & 4. Highlighted terms produce a large number of search results, & researcher uncertain about the relevance):
(EE000 OR EE100 OR EE110 OR EE111 OR EE112 OR EE113 OR EE115 OR EE116 OR EE199 OR EE120 OR EE160 OR EE200 OR EE300 OR EE350 OR EE450 OR EE900 OR EE950).cc.
AND (community development OR community involvementOReconomic development OR empowerment OR rural development ORsocial participation OR development plans OR development policy ORdevelopment programmesOR development projects OR pilot projectsOR development aid ORdevelopment agencies).sh.
OR (credit OR incentives OR diversification OR employment opportunitiesOR enterprises OR ecotourism ORnature tourism OR sustainable tourismOR tourism impactOR agroforestry OR aquaculture OR beekeeping OR cooperatives OR cultivation OR domestication OR harvesting OR livestock farming ORresource utilizationOR tourism).sh.
OR (livelihoods OR poverty alleviation).id.
AND (environmental policy OR resource management)
b) Amend:
(EE000 OR EE100 OR EE110 OR EE111 OR EE112 OR EE113 OR EE115 OR EE116 OR EE199 OR EE120 OR EE160 OR EE200 OR EE300 OR EE350 OR EE450 OR EE900 OR EE950).cc.
AND (community development ORcommunity involvementOReconomic development OR empowerment OR rural development OR social participation OR development plans OR development policy ORdevelopment programmesOR development projects OR pilot projectsOR development aid ORdevelopment agencies).sh.
OR (credit OR incentives OR diversification OR employment opportunitiesOR enterprises OR ecotourism ORnature tourism ORsustainable tourism OR tourism impactOR agroforestry OR aquaculture OR beekeeping OR cooperatives ORcultivation ORdomestication OR harvesting ORlivestock farming OR resource utilization OR tourism).sh.
AND (environmental policy OR resource management)
AND (case studies OR evaluation OR projects).sh.
Note: remove move(environmental policyORresource management).sh.
* environmental policy = search results focus broadly on environmental planning, management and policy, & cover many themes such as food security, conflict & climate change. Where there are relevant search results other subject headings are present.
* resource management = search results focus broadly on natural resources management & cover many themes such as food security, resilience and tenure. Where there are relevant search results other subject headings are present.
Topic 6 / a)11,242
/ a)
(EE000 OR EE100 OR EE110 OR EE111 OR EE112 OR EE113 OR EE115 OR EE116 OR EE199 OR EE120 OR EE160 OR EE200 OR EE300 OR EE350 OR EE450 OR EE900 OR EE950).cc.
OR (CC100 OR CC200 OR CC300 OR CC310 OR CC400 OR CC700 OR CC760 OR CC780).cc.
OR (KK100 OR KK110 OR KK120 OR KK400 OR KK540 OR KK600).cc.
OR(LL010 OR LL020 OR LL030 OR LL075 OR LL110 OR LL150 OR LL180).cc.
OR (MM000 OR MM110 OR MM120 OR MM130 OR MM300).cc.
OR(PP000 OR PP100 ORPP200 OR PP300 OR PP350 OR PP400 OR PP600 OR P700 OR PP710 OR PP720).cc.
OR (UU000 OR UU450 OR UU460 OR UU470 OR UU480 OR UU485 OR UU490OR UU500 OR UU700 OR UU800 OR UU850).cc.
AND (community development OR community involvementOR economic development OR empowerment OR rural development ORsocial participation OR development plans OR development policy ORdevelopment programmesOR development projects ORpilot projectsOR development aid OR development agencies ORsocial impact).sh.
OR (credit OR incentives OR diversification OR employment opportunitiesOR enterprises ORecotourism ORnature tourism OR sustainable tourism OR tourism impactOR agroforestry OR aquaculture OR beekeeping OR cooperatives OR cultivation OR domestication OR harvesting OR livestock farming ORresource utilizationOR tourism).sh.
OR (livelihoods ORpoverty alleviation).id.
AND (conservation areas ORnature conservation OR wildlife conservation ORresource conservation OR national parks OR wildlife parks OR marine parks OR nature reserves ORreserved areas OR protected speciesORwildlife management OR community forestry OR social forestry).sh.
Topic 7 / a) 365
b) 1,833
c)2,279 / a)
(EE000 OR EE100 OR EE110 OR EE111 OR EE112 OR EE113 OR EE115 OR EE116 OR EE199 OR EE120 OR EE160 OR EE200 OR EE300 OR EE350 OR EE450 OR EE900 OR EE950).cc.
OR (CC100 OR CC200 OR CC300 OR CC310 OR CC400 OR CC700 OR CC760 OR CC780).cc.
OR (KK100 OR KK110 OR KK120 OR KK400 OR KK540 OR KK600).cc.
OR(LL010 OR LL020 OR LL030 OR LL075 OR LL110 OR LL150 OR LL180).cc.
OR (MM000 OR MM110 OR MM120 OR MM130 OR MM300).cc.
OR(PP000 OR PP100 ORPP200 OR PP300 OR PP350 OR PP400 OR PP600 OR P700 OR PP710 OR PP720).cc.
OR (UU000 OR UU450 OR UU460 OR UU470 OR UU480 OR UU485 OR UU490OR UU500 OR UU700 OR UU800 OR UU850).cc.
AND (community development OR community involvementOR economic development OR empowerment ORrural development ORsocial participation OR development plans ORdevelopment policy OR development programmesOR development projects OR pilot projectsORdevelopment agenciesOR social impact).ti.
OR (credit OR incentives OR diversification OR employment opportunitiesOR enterprises ORecotourism OR nature tourism ORsustainable tourism OR tourism impactOR agroforestry OR aquaculture OR beekeeping OR cooperatives OR cultivation OR domestication OR harvesting ORlivestock farming OR resource utilization OR tourism).ti.
OR (livelihoods ORpoverty alleviation OR poverty reduction).ti.
AND (conservation areas OR nature conservation ORwildlife conservation OR resource conservation OR national parks ORwildlife parks OR marine parks OR nature reserves ORreserved areas OR protected speciesORwildlife management OR community forestry OR social forestry).ti.
b) Amend:
(community development OR community involvementOR economic development OR empowerment OR rural developmentOR social participation ORdevelopment plans OR development policy OR development programmesOR development projects OR pilot projectsOR development aid ORdevelopment agenciesOR social impactOR development program).ti.
OR (credit OR incentives ORdiversificationOR employment opportunitiesOR enterprises OR ecotourism ORnature tourismorsustainable tourismORtourism impactOR agroforestry OR aquaculture OR beekeeping OR cooperatives OR cultivation OR domestication OR harvesting ORlivestock farming OR resource utilization OR tourism ORagro forestryORbee keepingORdiversif* OR eco tourismOR resource utilisation).ti.
OR (livelihoods ORpoverty alleviation OR poverty reduction).ti.
AND (conservation areasORnature conservationORwildlife conservationORresource conservationOR national parks ORwildlife parks OR marine parksORnature reservesORreserved areasOR protected speciesOR resource management OR wildlife managementOR community forestry OR social forestryOR reserveOR conservation).ti.
c) Amend:
(community development OR community involvementOR economic development OR empowerment OR rural development ORsocial participation OR development plan* ORdevelopmentpolic* ORdevelopment program* OR development project* OR pilot project*OR development aid OR development agenc* OR social impact).ti.
OR (credit OR incentive* ORdiversificationOR employment opportunitiesOR enterprise*OR ecotourism ORnature tourismORsustainable tourismORtourism impactOR agroforestry OR aquaculture ORbeekeep* OR cooperative*OR cultivation OR domestication OR harvest* ORlivestock farm*OR resource utilization OR tourism ORagro forestry OR bee keeping ORdiversif* OR eco tourism OR resource utilisation).ti.
OR (livelihoods ORpoverty alleviation OR poverty reduction).ti.
AND (conservation areasORnature conservationORwildlife conservationORresource conservationORnational park* OR wildlife park* OR marine park*ORnature reservesORreserved areasORprotected species OR resource management OR wildlife management OR community forest* OR social forestry OR reserve conservation NOT soil conservation).ti.
4. Scopus
Date: 29/11/13 – 03/12/13
Resources: Scopus 1960 -2014
Search Strategy:
Table 6 details the scoping strategy used in Scopus. Search terms included synonyms of alternative livelihoods, examples of specific types of alternative livelihood interventions (beekeeping OR cane rat farming), and terms related to biodiversity conservation. Search terms focus on the population and intervention elements that construct the research question. Further terms were added to the table in an iterative process, as searches were conducted and more terms were identified from the literature. Additionally, search terms were also identified during a brainstorming exercise at a review team meeting held on the 26th November 2013.
The scoping search used the appropriate advanced search features including inverted brackets {} to search phrases, proximity searches (W/n), and wildcard searches (*). Searches were conducted across document titles, abstracts and keywords (TITLE-ABS-KEY). The scoping strategy included 12 subject areas and excluded18 irrelevant subject areas (listed below).