Policy Submission Number: Initial

Agency Name:

Policy Implementation Date:

Policy Revision Date(s):

Policy Title: Sexual Offender Registry Check

REQUIREMENTS FOR USE OF THIS TEMPLATE: At a minimum, you must fill in the blanks on this form. You may modify the content to meet standards used by your program. This template meets the minimum qualifications for a required policy. Providers remain responsible for reading, understanding and ensuring that this document conforms to current requirements. DELETE THIS HIGHLIGHTED SECTION TO BEGIN MODIFYING THIS FORM.

Policy Statement: [insert Provider Name] will follow the procedures established by Department of Emergency Services and Public Protection Division of State Police.

Purpose Statement: [insert Provider Name] to document a review of the State of Connecticut Registry of Sex Offenders for all employees who will have direct and ongoing contact individuals and families who receive services or supports from the Department. Such review and documentation shall be completed before an offer of employment is extended.

Definitions: [Insert if applicable]


  1. Prior to an offer of employment for a position that directly interacts with individuals served by the department; [insert Provider Name]will conduct a review of the Registry of Sex Offenders.
  2. All personnel files for new employees will indicate that the review and verification was performed. Administrative files for employees must contain formal verification that the individual is not listed on the registry.
  3. If, upon review, a job applicant is on the Registry of Sex Offenders and [insert Provider Name]maintains an interest in hiring the individual, a description of the process, at a minimum, will include the following components:
  1. [insert Provider Name] will review the nature of the conviction. This process should adhere to the steps outlined in the Criminal History Background Verification standard.
  2. If after careful consideration of the crime and its relationship to the job, [insert Provider Name]continues its interest in the applicant, the Executive Director or designee will evaluate:

1)The potential for harm to the health or safety of individuals served.

2)The applicant’s participation in rehabilitation efforts, any patterns of recidivism and the length of time since the conviction or release from a correctional facility.

A decision to hire the applicant with a history of a sexual offense must be approved in writing by the Executive Director or designee. The administrative file must document the rationale for approval and must note any special restrictions or requirements for supervision necessary to assure the safety of individuals served.

Policy and Procedure Reference Material: [Insert if applicable]

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