Thomas Tallis School

Parent Governor Statements – November 2012

Henry Dalton

I have lived in Greenwich for nearly 30 years and have 2 children at Thomas Tallis school – Thomas in year 11 and Emma in year 9.

I run my own small business as a chartered structural engineer and have worked on hundreds of building projects in the London area.

I am interested in being a governor because I want to make a contribution to the local community and help improve the lives of children in Thomas Tallis School.

I am particularly interested in helping students understand the relationship between maths, science, engineering and construction.

Kathleen Loftus

My name is Kathleen Loftus and I'm very interested in taking on the appointment of parent governor. I am a mother of three children aged 14, 11 and 4. My daughter, Frances, is a year 7 student at Thomas Tallis.

I feel I could bring a different perspective to the governing body of the school for several reasons. We are an American family who have been expats for almost 9 years. I have experienced school systems and curricula in several different countries, including the US, France and, of course, Britain. My children attend both independent and state schools, providing me with a knowledge of the dynamics of different school settings.

My work experience has been in marketing in the entertainment and technology fields, although I am currently a full-time parent. I am happy to dedicate my time to helping create the best educational environment for our children as possible. Hopefully, a fresh point-of-view will be a welcome addition to the governing body.

Thank you for your time and consideration.

Karen Malivoire

My name is Karen Malivoire and my daughter, Daisy, has just started Sixth Form at Tallis, having been a student at the school since year 7.

I'd like to join the school governor team as I am very committed to the school and would like to help to steer it through the next stage in its journey.

I have spent the last 20 years as a qualitative researcher, so I am skilled at listening to people, understanding their needs and priorities and translating this into plans and policies. I would hope to bring these skills to the governor team, thus trying to ensure a voice for students, parents and teachers.

I am also experienced in project management and budgeting and believe these skills would also be helpful. I have previously had roles as Chair, Treasurer and Book Shop lead of the Parents Association at Halstow Primary School.

Ian Morris

My children have been attending Thomas Tallis School since September 2004. My eldest daughter left last year and I have a daughter in Year 12 and a son in Year 7. Consequently, I have an understanding of where the school is coming from and an investment in its future. I've had the full range of Thomas Tallis parental experiences - good and not quite so - and I'd say that it can be a fantastic school and it’s the only secondary school in Greenwich that I have ever considered for my children

My own contact with Thomas Tallis goes back to 2006 when I worked briefly in the school as a supply teacher. Since then I taught in a number of other Greenwich secondary and primary schools before becoming a Local Authority school improvement advisor, Ofsted inspector, and lead officer in the field of Special Educational Needs. I am, at present, the Senior Advisor for Special Educational Needs and Inclusion in an inner London borough. I have also been a school governor for over 10 years.

Thomas Tallis School has always had a unique ethos. It is an inclusive, diverse and creative community that has, on occasion, dared to be different. It has a past to be proud of and an exciting future. Student’s exam results are better than ever and the school wants everyone to succeed. Tallis is changing rapidly: as is everything else in education. This places a great deal of responsibility on the governing body which has to play its part in leading the school, appointing new a Headteacher, supporting the staff and holding the school to account - by being a ‘critical friend’ and keeping the children at the centre of the picture.

I feel that I could make a contribution to shaping the school’s future as a parent governor and I would like to do so if given the opportunity.

Victoria Smith

I live locally and have worked for the NHS for 23 years both as a nurse, learning & development facilitator and currently as a Practice Improvement Facilitator in Nursing & Governance. There are tough challenges facing the NHS and I believe there are similarities within Education. Although change is not always welcomed we must look at how to deliver best practice within the constraints of the public sector using innovative ideas and engaging students, staff and parents. I have carried this out within my recent roles by using excellent communication and engagement skills and having strong leadership capabilities.

I have two children and have experienced education in both the independent and state sector. I believe that all students have potential and should be given access to an excellent education and preparation for the world beyond.

I am actively involved in fundraising for a local charity and have organised and supported events for this since it was founded.

I have applied for the role of Parent Governor as I believe that my experience values, passion and commitment are skills that will benefit everyone.

Emma Warren

My background is in journalism, writing for national newspapers and magazines including The Guardian and The Independent, making radio documentaries for the BBC and lecturing in journalism at Goldsmiths and LCC. I now work part-time as senior editorial mentor at LIVE Magazine, which is run by under 24s. I’ve mentored a number of Tallis students in this capacity. I was chair of the PTA at my child’s primary school and I am a Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts (RSA).

I offer hard work and enthusiasm as well as extensive experience in collaboration, mentoring and social media. I have a strong interest in 21st century learning for children from all ends of the ability spectrum. I would love to find ways to get parents and carers better connected to and involved with the school.

Finally, I have the additional benefit of having experienced different aspects of the school over and above having a child here (in Year 10). I’ve volunteered with Friends of Tallis, have given talks to Year 11s on journalism and I’ve worked in a professional capacity with Tallis students to create media including a maths fanzine. I also wrote the full sixth form prospectus in 2008. I think this is a remarkable school and would love to contribute to the Tallis community as a parent governor.