For the Financial Year :- 2013-14
Sl No / Items / Details1. / General
a)Name of the Training Institution / Civil Engineering Training Centre S.E.Railway, Kharagpur.
b)Location of the Training Institution (with map in A4 size as Annexure-I) / Map enclosed
c)Complete postal address with PIN code / Civil Engineering Training Centre S.E.Railway, Kharagpur
6th Avenue, Post:- Kharagpur.
Dist. :- West Midnapore – 721302.
d) Details of ISO and other
certifications obtained, if any / Nil
e)Telephone number of the training institution / Railway / DOT/MTNL
(with STD code) / Fax
i)63610 / 03222 223930 / 63598
ii) 63598 / ------/ 03222-223930
f) Web site address of the Institution /
g) Date of setting up / 28/11/2005.
h) Whether recognized by Railway Board (Tick appropriately) / Yes
i)Nominated Training Manager by Railway Board/Railway (Name and Designation) / Sri A. P. Dwibedi
Chief Engineer (Genaral)
S.E.Rly. Gerden Reach.
2. / Details of the In-charge
i)Name / Sri P. N. Mishra
ii)Designation / Principal
iii)Mobile number / 9002081211
iv)Email address /
v)Date (dd/mm/yy) of joining Training Institution / 08/07/2011
vi)Scale of Pay and Grade Pay / Rs. 15600/- to 39100/-
and Grade Pay Rs. 6600/-
3. / a)Objectives of the training Institution / To impart training to the engineering supervisors of P.Way, Works & Bridge category. Also training to the Mate, Keyman, trackman, Gateman and training to the STM (Fitter/MCM) organization.
b)Broad Category of staff being trained (Name five major categories only) / i) Induction SSE & JE(P.Way)
ii)Induction SSE & JE(Works)
iii) Promotional SSE & JE (P.Way)
iv)Promotional JE(Works)
v)Refresher SSE/JE(P.Way & Works) & PWS
4. / Infrastructure
a)Lay Out
i)Total area of the training institution(in Acres) / 5.23 Acres
ii)Total covered area (Sq. Meter) / [1356(Inst.)+1580(Host.)]
= 2936 Sq. Meter.
iii)Total open area (Sq. Meter) / 18214 Sq. Meter.
iv)Lay out Plan / Enclosed as Annexure-II
v)Landscaping / Garden (Tick appropriately) / Yes
vi)Power supply availability (Tick appropriately) / a)Less than 10 hrs. in a day
b)√10-12 hrs. in a day
c)13-18 hrs. in a day.
d)More than 18 hrs. in a day.
vii)Availability of Generator back up / Power Back up for / Office / Class rooms / Hostel / Mess
No / No / No / No
b)Class rooms
i)Area (sq. meter, in ascending order) of class rooms / 9.00M
4.70M / 6.60M
10.05M / 6.60M
10.05M / 6.60M
ii)Number of rooms / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4
iii)Capacity of each class room (in terms of number of trainees) / 16 / 28 / 28 / 28
iv)Average class room capacity / 25 Nos.
c)Number of toilets near class rooms / Gents – 2 Nos.
Ladies – 1No.
d)Hostel Accommodation
i)Room Details / Single Bed / Double Bed / Triple Bed / Dormitory (4 beds and above) / Ladies
ii)Average Area (Sq. meter) of each Room / Nil / 4.45M x 3.50M / Nil / Nil / Nil
iii)Number of rooms / Nil / 33 / Nil / Nil / Nil
iv)Details of toilets (if attached) / No / No / No / No / No
v)If not attached, No / Size of the toilets in hostels / Number / Area (Avg. size in sq. m)
13 / Common toilet
Ground Floor East End, size 14.55M x 4.22M
WC-6 unit, W/Basin-4unit, Bath room-5unit, Urinal-8unit.
Ground Floor West End, size 4.5M x 3.5M
WC- with Bath room-3unit, W/Basin-2unit, Urinal-3unit.
First Floor North End, size 11.95M x 2.85M
WC-4 unit, W/Basin-3unit, Bath room-3unit, Urinal-4unit.
e)Model Rooms
i)Number of Model Rooms / 01
ii) Describe layout of each (briefly) / Photo enclosed
vi)Average Area (sq.meter) of model rooms / 6.6M x 10.05M = 66.33 Sq.M
iv) List of equipments in each Model Room (enclose as Annexure III) / List enclosed
f)Library Facilities
i)Available (Tick appropriately) / Yes
If available
ii)Total Number of Books available / 1447
iii)Type of Books
Code and Manuals / Technical / Railway Publications / Others
Number / 447 / 113 / 816 / 41
iv)Number of books in various Languages
English / Hindi / Regional Languages / Others
Number / 1051 / 67 / 04 / 325
v)Library Budget (annual, if any) –Details / Nil
g)Computer Facilities
i)Number of rooms / One
ii)Average Area of each Room (in sq. meter) / 9.00M x 4.70M
= 42.30 Sq.M
iii)Number of Computers / 05
iv)Types of Computer Courses
being run (Major 5 courses) / i)TMS
ii)Microsoft Office Word
iii) Microsoft Office Power Point
iv) Microsoft Office Excel Work sheet.
v) ___
v)Average number of trainees using computer
facilities / month / 50 Nos.
h)Medical facilities
i)Name of Medical Centre :- / Divisional Railway Main Hospital,
S.E.Railway; Kharagpur
ii) Whether in-Campus? / No
iii) If No, Distance from
Training Centre (in Kms) if
located in the same town / Railway Health Centre / Railway Hospital / Other
Public / Private Hospitals
------/ 1 Km. / State Hospital 1Km.
i)Recreational facilities
(Please specify 5 major games) / i) Carom
ii)Table Tennis
iii) Chess
(Please specify 3major games) / i)Volley Ball.
iii) Yoga / PT / Yoga
iv)If Yes, Please specify
timings Morning / Evening / Morning :- 5.30 hrs. to 6.30 hrs.
Evening :- Nil.
j)Messing Facilities
i)Whether Available (Tick appropriately) / Yes
If Available
ii)Method of Running the
Mess (Tick appropriately) / Departmentally / Self
managed by trainees / By contract / Any other (Please specify)
k)Kitchen Facilities (Whether Available) / Yes
i)If available / Area (Sq. meter) / Facilities available
(enclosed in Annexure IV)
5.25M x 5.00M
ii)Dining Hall(Whether Available) / Yes
iii)If available / Area (Sq. meter) / Seating Capacity (in terms of diners who can be served at the same time)
158.37 Sq.M / 60( Self service )
iv)Pantry Room / Yes (2.90M x 1.72M)
v) Dish Washing Area / Yes
If Yes, furnish details of washing Area
- Size in sq. meters
- Type of Detergents /
l)Other Facilities / Bank / ATM / Railway Station / Bus Stand
i)Available with in Campus / No / No / No / No
ii) If not available within
campus, distance from the
training institution (in Km)
in the city. / 1 Km. / 2 Km. / 2 Km. / 3 Km.
5. / Faculty
a)Details of Gazetted faculty / Enclosed in Annexure V
b)Details of Non-Gazetted faculty with their dates of joining the training centre / Enclosed in Annexure VI
c)Grade-wise sanction and on-roll strength of trainers / instructors. / Enclosed in Annexure VII
d)Training of Trainers (TOT) Course
i)Number of trainers who have done TOT course. / 4
ii)Number of trainers who have not done TOT course / 2
e)Details of visiting Faculty (5 Name to be given) who have given
lecture in FY 13-14
Name / Designation / Company /Organization / Date of Visit / Remarks if any
i)Sri P.K.Pandey / Rajbhasa Sahayak / S.E.Rly / 18.06.13 / Lecture on Rajbhasa
ii)Sri S. Das / ISA/GRC / S.E.Rly / 04.07.13 / Lecture on Stores
iii)Dr. J. B. Sahoo / DMO/KGP / S.E.Rly / 23.08.13 / Lecture on First Aid
iv)Sri A.Singh Mehera / APO-I/KGP / S.E.Rly / 05.09.13 / Lecture on Establishment
v)Sri D. K. Das / DTI/Safety/KGP / S.E.Rly / 04.10.13 / Transportation
6. / Details of Disaster Management Training (if applicable)
a)No. of Programmes conducted in FY 2013-14 / 09 Nos.
b)Name of programmes conducted- Separate Annexure VIII, to be attached. / Enclosed in Annexure VIII
c)Average duration of each Programme (in days) / 1 hr 45 min.
d)Total Number of trainees attended Disaster Management Programme in FY 13-14 / 441 Nos.
7. / Training Aids
a)Over Head Projectors / Available (No) / If Available
Number / Nil
b)White Board / Available (No) / If Available
Number / Nil
c)Flip Chart Board / Available (No) / If Available
Number / Nil
d)TV / Projection TV / Available (Yes) / If Available
Number / 1
e)LCD Projector / Available (Yes) / If Available
Number / 2
f)VCR / DVD / CD Player / Only DVD Available (Yes ) / If Available
Number / 1
g)Video Camera /
Digital Camera / Available (Yes) / If Available
Number / 1+1=2
h)Photocopying /
(Resograph) / Available (Yes ) / If Available
Number / 1
i)Digital Scanner / Available (Yes) / If Available
Number / 1
j)PCs (Other than in computer center) / Available (Yes) / If Available
Number / 5
k)Laptops / Available (No) / If Available
Number / Nil
l)Printers / Available (Yes) / If Available
Number / 2
m)Other Photocopying Facilities / Available (Yes) / If Available
Number / 1
n)Public address systems / Available (Yes) / If Available
Number / One set
o)Any other (Please specify)
Xerrox / Available (Yes) / If Available
Number / 1
8. / Capacity Utilization
a)Planned capacity / In terms of trainees seats / In terms of trainee
18942 / 28700
b)Capacity Utilized (including three previous Financial Years) / Year / In terms of trainee seats / In terms of trainee days
13-14 / 18942 / 24312
12-13 / 18612 / 23517
11-12 / 18942 / 13263
10-11 / 18525 / 15376
c)Details of Trainees who have completed the training in FY 13-14 ( Separate Annexure IX to be attached giving Name, Designation, Name of Course attended, No. of days of training)
:- List enclosed
d)Number of one day / two day crash training organized during the year 2013-14 in terms of No:-E(MPP)2003/3/16 Dated:- 10.07.03 (RBE 122/2003) / 03(three) nos. Crash Course training organized for the newly recruited Trackman and total 176nos trainees trained.
9. / Budget utilization
a)Name of Officer Controlling the budget / Sr. DEN(Co-ord.)/KGP
b)Budget (for the current Year and the three preceding financial Years)
Figure in 1000 of Rs. / Year / Allotment / Utilization
2013-14 / 350(RG) / 1212
2012-13 / 2441(FG) / 2570
2011-12 / 1277(FG) / 1443
c)Works Programme (if any) in progress / sanctioned for the training Institution
- Pink Book (List each work) Nil
Item no. / Year of sanction / Nature of works / Anticipated cost in (000 of Rs) / Budget Utilized so far in (000 of Rs) / Progress of work (% complete-on) / Likely Target of completion of work (if not done)
- GM’s LAW Book (List each work) :- Nil
Item no. / Year of sanction / Nature of works / Anticipated cost / Budget Utilized so far / Progress of work / Likely Target of completion of work
10. / Maintenance of the Institution
a)Agency Responsible for
i)Civil Maintenance / Under the control of Sr.DEN(Co)/KGP under Civil Zonal
ii)Electrical Maintenance / Under the control of Sr.DEE(G)/KGP
(Departmentally if break down)
iii)S & T Maintenance / Nil
iv)Sanitation / Departmentally if problem arise through Medical department
b)If done departmentally, details of Staff Available for maintenance = NA
Category / Sanction / On Roll / Vacancy
c)If outsourced, details of maintenance arrangements
i)Name of the maintenance Contractor / M/S Krishna Supplier
ii)Scope of work / For Dasting, Brooming, Mopping of all assets, Washing & Cleaning of all Toilets, Cleaning of open drains and also up rooting of vegetation.
iii)Contract Value (in Rs) / Rs. 4,45,941/-
iv)Duration of contract / 03(three) years. (Jan’2014 to Dec’2016)
11. / Inspections
i)Number of inspection done in 2013-14 / By SAG officers / By JAG officers / By other officers
2 / ---- / -----
ii)Details of Inspections :-
Designation of the Inspecting Authority / Date of visit / Outcome of the inspection report
(Attach in separate Annexure X)
PCE / 10-09-2013 / Enclosed in Annexure X
CE(G)GRC / 18-02-2014 / ------
12. / Training Methodology (tick appropriately)
Lecture / Discussion / Group Activity / Individual Activity / Collaborative learning
(Yes) / (Yes ) / (Yes) / (Yes) / (No)
Learning / Problem based learning / Case study / Learning Games / Videos
(No) / (Yes) / (Yes) / (No) / (Yes)
Printed Materials / Computer Aided Instruction / Simulators
(Yes) / (Yes) / (No)
13. / Feedback / Evaluation
a)Is there a feedback system in existence / (Yes)
If yes, What is the average rating obtained in respect of the following
Note: A 5 point rating scale (1 being the lowest, 5 being the
highest) is to be used. If not specify the rating scale used (Tick appropriately) / Whether 3 point/7 point/10 point rating scale is used
Parameters / Rating
(10 point rating scale is used)
i)Overall maintenance / 9
ii)Quality of Food in the mess / 10
iii)Overall Quality of Instruction / 10
iv)Overall Participant satisfaction / 9
b)Trainee’s Performance Information (in the various training programmes completed during the year, put together)
Name of Course
(List 5 major courses) / Pass Percentage / % of marks
obtained by the
Toppers / % of marks
obtained by lowest
scoring participant
1st / 2nd / 3rd / Lowest / Second Lowest / Third Lowest
B.No:-01/13 / 100% / 97.2% / 94% / 92.8% / 86.8% / 88.8% / 89.2%
B/No:- 01/13 / 100% / 90% / 88.8% / 88% / 71.6% / 75.6% / 76%
B.No:- 01/13(Spl) / 100% / 94.4% / 94% / 92.4% / 81.2% / 86.4% / 86.8%
B/No:- 02/13 / 100% / 98.4% / 96.4% / 94.8% / 86% / 88.8% / 92.4%
B/No:- 01/13 / 100% / 92.8% / 90% / 84.4% / 72.8% / 78% / 78.8%
c)Pattern of Examination (Where assessment is made)
Name of Course / Type of Examination (written/oral/practical) / If written % of Objective type questions. / Periodicity (End of the course/weekly/others (please specify)
Appr.SE(P.Way) / Written & Oral / 40 % / Phase-I 4 months
Phase-II 2 month
Appr.JE(P.Way) / Written & Oral / 40 % / Phase-I 4 months
Phase-II 2 months
Appr.SE(Works) / Written & Oral / 40 % / Phase-I 3 months
Phase-II 2 month
Appr.JE(Works) / Written & Oral / 40 % / Phase-I 3 months
Phase-II 3 month
Pro.SE(P.Way) / Written & Oral / 40 % / 1½ months
Pro.JE(P.Way) / Written & Oral / 40 % / 2 months
Pro.JE(Works) / Written & Oral / 40 % / 2 months
Pro. PWS / Written & Oral / 40 % / 1½ months
(PW & W) & PWS / Written / 70% / 2 weeks
14. / Details of Publications
“News Letter” / “Annual Report” / Other Technical Publication
Yes / No / Yes / No / Yes / No
Number of Publications / NIL / NIL / NIL
15. / Attach photographs of the following – Day time and Night Photo
(with lights)
a)General Campus with buildings / b)Class rooms and toilets
c)Office rooms and toilets / d)Hostel rooms and toilets
e)Kitchen, Dining Room, Pantry, Utensil Cleaning Area. / f)Recreation Room
g)Recreation Facilities / h)Library Room
i)Model Room / j)Meeting Hall / Conference Hall
k)Auditorium / l)Landscaping (Day Time photo only)
m)Gardens (Day Time photo only) / n)Roads (Day Time photo only)
o)Other Amenities (if any)
16. / Performance Highlights
(please furnished additional details not already covered, if any) / i)A ‘Ballast Testing Laboratory” have been installed in Geo Technical Laboratory of CETC/KGP for quality control as well as better technical knowledge among the trainees.
ii)A buitiful flower garden have been develope in front and inside of Institute. (Enclosed Photograph)
iii)Regular quiz programme is being organized in Aditorium of CETC/KGP. 1st, 2nd and 3rd winer are being awarded by mementos.
iv)Oath Ceremony is being organized at the end of every training.
v)A nice technical seminar have been organize on ‘Rail and Weld Failure’ under the guidance of Principal Chief Engineer /GRC and CE(G)/GRC.
vi)All type of Protection Diagram for Emergency and Work Site have been prepared and displayed in all P.Way class room.
vii)300 nos. of Technical Diary have been arrenge from IPWE, New Delhi and distributed among the trainees.
viii)DATA Base for supervisor of safety category of all four divisions of S.E.Railway have been prepared which has helped to clear the back log of Refresher course training.
List of Annexure
Sl. No / Annexure / Description / Reference1. / Annexure - I / Location of the Training Institution
(with map in A4 size). / Item 1(b)
2. / Annexure - II / Lay out Plan / Item 4(a)(iv)
3. / Annexure - III / List of equipments in each Model Room / Item 4(e)(iv)
4. / Annexure - IV / Kitchen Facilities Available / Item 4(j)(iv)
5. / Annexure - V / Details of Gazetted faculty / Item 5(a)
6. / Annexure - VI / Details of Non-Gazetted faculty / Item 5(b)
7. / Annexure - VII / Grade-wise sanction and on-roll strength of trainers/instructors. / Item 5(c)
8. / Annexure - VIII / Details of Disaster Management programmes conducted. / Item 6
9. / Annexure - IX / Details of Trainees who have completed the training / Item 8(c)
10. / Annexure - X / Outcome of Inspection Reports. / Item 11
Annexure – III
List of Equipments in Model Room
Sl. No / Name of the Materials,Tools & Equipments / Sl. No. / Name of the Materials,
Tools & Equipments
1. / Matissa Gauge cum Level / 42. / Cant Board
2. / Sprit Level / 43. / Spanner (Double Headed)
3. / Filler Gauge / 44. / Straight Edge (Wooden)
4. / Joggled Fish Plate / 45. / Staff
a) Ordinary Joggled Fish Plate / 46. / Spanner (Single Headed)
b) Elongated hole / 47. / Ranging Rod
c) With hole / 48. / SEJ Stock Fracture Rail (74cm)
d) Flange cut / 49. / Test Piece Rail for USFD (1.05m & 1.73m)
5. / 60 KG Fish Plate / 50. / Wheel burn Rail 60 KG (62cm)
6. / Junction Fish Plate (90R X 52KG) / 51. / AT weld defect Rail 52KG (16cm)
7. / AC Bearing Plate 52KG / 52. / Battered end Rail 60KG (59.5cm)
8. / AC Bearing Plate 60KG / 53. / Fracture Rail 90R (34.5cm)
9. / Canted Bearing Plate / 54. / AT Weld Rail 52KG (29cm)
10. / Check Rail Bearing Plate / 55. / 90R Rail With canted bearing plate(47cm)
11. / Flat Bearing Plate / 56. / 85BS Rail (77cm)
12. / 52 KG Fish Plate / 57. / 90BS Rail (17.5cm)
13. / LC Bracket (Lug) / 58. / 90R Rail (20cm)
14. / Combination Liners RT 3708 / 59. / 75R Rail (34cm)
15. / GFN Liner RT 3702 / 60. / 52KG Rail (16cm)
16. / GFN Liner RT 3706 / 61. / 60KG Rail (16.5cm)
17. / Metal Liner RT 3742 / 62. / 52kg Rail with canted bearing plate on wooden block
18. / Metal Liner RT 3741 / 63. / Double Headed Rail (76cm)
19. / Metal Liner RT 3740 / 64. / Fractured Rail pieces of different Rail section & sizes
20. / Metal Liner RT 3738 / 65. / Rail closures (small piece)
21. / GFN Liner RT 382 / 66. / 1 mtr. Long fish plate
22. / GFN Liner RT 4619 / 67. / Combination Fish Plate
23. / GFN Liner RT 2053 / a)90R / 52KG
24. / Rubber Pad RT 3703 / b)52KG / 60KG
25. / Rubber Pad RT 3711 / c) 90R / 90BS
26. / “J” Clip / 68. / Spl. Bearing Plate
27. / ERC Flat Toe / 69. / Slide Chair
28. / ERC Round Toe / 70. / 90R Fish Plate
29. / IRN 202 Clip / 71. / Spl. Fish Plate (1 mtr.)
30. / M.S.Bracket for stretcher Bar / 72. / Screw clamp
31. / Plate Screw / 75. / Fish plate for Block joint (52KG)
32. / Rail Screw / 76. / Lug for MS stretcher bar
33. / M.S.Cotter / 77. / Fish Bolt
34. / Two Way Keys / 78. / Loose Jaw
35. / Hook Bolts / 79. / Modified Loose Jaw
36. / Spl. Pendrol Clip (old) / 80. / CST-11 Plate (CI) 52KG
37. / Rail Anchor / 81. / Stretcher Bar
38. / Single Shunk Spike / 82. / CST-9 Tie bar 1404(M)61
39. / Liner for “J” Clip RT 3506 / 83. / Mack Switch Protector
40. / Dog Spikes / 84. / Bearing Plate (different types)
41. / Rail Cap / 85. / MSM Anchor
Sl. No / Name of the Materials,Tools & Equipments / Sl. No. / Name of the Materials,
Tools & Equipments
86. / Components of Insulated Joints incl. fiber, end post, bushes, etc with stand. / 131. / Wire Basket
87. / Bridge Rubber Pad / 132. / Survey Chain
88. / Long Rubber Pad RT 8476 / 133. / Embedded Type rail thermometer
89. / “T” Anchor / 134. / Viseur –Mire Box
90. / CI Block T-3602 / 135. / Spring Setting Device
91. / Combination Fish Plate (NG) / 136. / Bridge Channel Sleeper (ordy. & insulator)
92. / Spherical Washer / 137. / Model for Girder Bridge
93. / Fish Plate 85 lbs / 138. / Gate Lamp
94. / Angular Fish Plate / 139. / Model for Bridge(Rupnarayan)
95. / Joices Fish Plate with rail / 140. / H.S.Lamp
96. / Fish Plate 75 lbs / 141. / Model for Push Trolly
97. / Temping Tools (U/S) / 142. / Inspection Kits
98. / Rack Iron Ballast / 143. / Paint Testing Equipment
99. / Rail Jumper / 144. / Rail Profile Welding Grinder
100. / Case for Gang Chart / 145. / Weld Trimmer with Generator
101. / Case for Gang Dairy / 146. / Rail Hole Drilling Machine
102. / Clamp for Banner Flag / 147. / Hydraulic Rail Bender
103. / Auger / 148. / Heavy duty ERC Extractor
104. / Box Spanner / 149. / SRT M/C with complete set (USFD)
105. / Ball Pin Hammer / 150. / VIB USFD M/C (incl. Probe)
106. / Phowrah / 151. / Toe Load Testing Device
107. / Pick Axe / 152. / Hydraulic sleeper spacer
108. / Beater Steel / 153. / Rail thermometer.
109. / Shovel / 154. / Model FOB RNTL
110. / Basula
111. / Shovel (Round Nose U/S)
112. / Chisel
113. / Punch With Handle
114. / Hammer Spiking
115. / Track Aligner
116. / Cotter Splitting Device
117. / Axe
118. / Square (Metal)
119. / Rail Tongue
120. / Wooden Mallet
121. / Rammer
122. / Crow Bar (Clawed)
123. / Crow Bar (Pin)
124. / Chamfering Tools
125. / Hydraulic Jack
126. / Canne a boul (wooden)
127. / Canne a boul (metal)
128. / Cotney
129. / Pan Iron Motor
130. / Rail sling
List of Equipments in Geo-Technical Laboratory
Sl. No / Name of the Materials,Tools & Equipments / Sl. No. / Name of the Materials,
Tools & Equipments
1. / 4mm dia. GI Pipe / 48. / Guide Pipe assembly fitted with a driving one side having standard ‘A’ drilled Rod thread open the drive weight 75mm.
2. / 4¨x4¨x2¨ GI Tea
3. / 15mm Br. Full way Valve
4. / 20mm Br. Full way Valve / 49. / Liquid limit device with STM case grange grooving tools and gauge block hand operated.
5. / 3¨x1½¨ GIR Socket
6. / 1½¨ GI Union / 50. / Test series time series frame (sieve) 850MC 20mm
7. / 4¨ dia. MS Clamp / 51. / Mechanical Shaker AC-20V
8. / ⅝¨x2.5¨ MS Nut bolts / 52. / Test series core series (sieve) Brass frame without joint pump head sq. hole.
9. / 1¨ GI Bend
10. / 1¨x1¨x1¨ GI Tea / 53. / Sieve shaker, Motorised with built in digital timer.
11. / 1¨ GI Elbow / 54. / Ordinary Oven (Electrical Plated)
12. / 1¨ GI Socket / 55. / Wire Basket Perforated (Electroplated or Plastic coated)
13. / 1¨x ¾¨ GI Elbow / 56. / Balance Physical 1kg x 0.01gm double door case and weight in 200gm to 1mg with extra weight of 200gms, 20gms, 2gm, 200mg, 20mg.
14. / ¾¨ x ¾¨ x ¾¨ GI Tea
15. / ¾¨ GI Elbow
16. / ¾¨ x ¾¨ x ½¨ GI Tea / 57. / Pan Balance 1gm to 20Kg. capacity.
17. / ¾¨ GI Bend / 58. / Sieve Brass Frame 20cm dia x 10mm. = 01
Sieve Brass Frame 20cm dia x 4.75mm. = 01
Sieve Brass Frame 20cm dia x 2.00mm. = 01
Sieve Brass Frame 20cm dia x 600 micron.= 01
Sieve Brass Frame 20cm dia x 425 micron. = 01
Sieve Brass Frame 20cm dia x 212 micron.= 01
Sieve Brass Frame 20cm dia x 75 micron. =01
18. / ¾¨ x ½¨ GI Socket
19. / ¾¨ GI Nipple
20. / ½¨ x ½¨ x ½¨ GI Tea
21. / ½¨ GI Socket
22. / ½¨ GI Elbow
23. / ½¨ GI Bend Short
24. / ½¨ PTMT Bib tap / 59. / Los Angeles Abrasion Testing Machine with counter.
25. / ½¨ CP Gravity Tap / 60. / Impact Test Apparatus complete as per IS:2386 Part 4
= 03 nos.
26. / ¾¨ GI Plug
27. / PTMT Connector / 61. / Stop Watch ‘Mechanical’ 1/5 sec.
28. / PVC Basin washout pipe / 62. / Sieve G.I. Frame 30cm dia x 1.7mm. =01
Sieve G.I. Frame 30cm dia x 2.36mm. =01
Sieve G.I. Frame 30cm dia x 12.5mm. =01
Sieve G.I. Frame 30cm dia x 25mm. =01
Sieve G.I. Frame 30cm dia x 40mm. = 02 nos.
Sieve G.I. Frame 30cm dia x 50mm. =01
29. / PVC Basin water Nipple
30. / ½¨ dia. GI Pipe(R) 0.40 mtr.
31. / Urinal Nipple (PVC)
32. / Poly Ball Cock ½¨
33. / GI Check nut 1½¨
34. / 1½¨ GI Flange / 63. / Pan and cover for 30cm dia sieve
Pan and cover for 20cm dia sieve
35. / Optical Square
36. / Hardson Compression testing machine 100T (160x250mm) Hand operated / 64. / Adapter for 30cm dia sieve
65. / Sieve G.I. Frame 30cm dia x 4.75mm. = 01
Sieve G.I. Frame 30cm dia x 10mm = 01.
Sieve Brass Frame 20cm dia x 2.36mm. = 01
Sieve Brass Frame 20cm dia x 1.18mm = 01
Sieve Brass Frame 20cm dia x 300 micron = 01
Sieve Brass Frame 20cm dia x 150 micron = 01
37. / LANX’ Cone 60.8mm 60º Angle
38. / LANX’ Compaction Apparatus IS 2720
39. / Soil Test Apparatus Complete with accessories Srl. No:- 91181
40. / Sample Extractor for 38mm dia. for collecting Un-disturbed Sample.
66. / Core Cutter
41. / Compaction Mould cum Metal 150mm dia. x 127.3mm length volume 2256cc complete with collar and base flame / 67. / Liquid limit device motorized with casagrande grooving
Tools and gauge block (suitable for operation on 50Hz,
Single phase AC supply.
42. / Rammer 4.8Kg x 450mm Cant Rolled fall for compaction test. / 68. / Mould, Cast Iron, for 150mm cube ISI Certification mark.
69. / Compaction Test Apparatus for Heavy Compaction.
43. / Drive weight 63.5 Kg (CI) / 70. / Slump Test Apparatus with testing rod and base plate.
44. / ‘A’ Drill Rod 1.5mm long / 71. / Sand Pouring Cylinder Apparatus, 100mm dia.
45. / Aluminium Container / 72. / Vicat Apparatus with ISI certification mark, IS: 5513
fitted with aluminium box.
46. / Frying Pan (Aluminium)
47. / Tripod with built in ladder made of steel pipe 63mm dia. approx with pulley without rope. / 73. / Speedy Moisture Meter, Range 0-50% (Gauge DIV : 1%) with digital weighting balance
74. / Electronic Balance, Capacity 3200g x 0.01g
75. / Electronic Balance, Capacity 20Kg x 2g
Annexure –IV