Please complete parts 1-3 of this form, and submit to your Faculty Graduate School Office withsupporting evidence as soon as issues become apparent. Before completing this form, please refer to the guidance on pages 6-8.

The PGR Special Considerations Board considers applications for:

  • an extension to candidature; or
  • a suspension from candidature; or
  • an extension to a Progression Review Report submission deadline or;
  • for special considerations to be applied to work to be assessed

Part 1:YourDetails

a)Your details

Forename / Family/Surname
StudentID / ProgrammeTitle
Is your registration full or part time? (please tick) / Full-time / Part-time
Start date
Please tick here if you are in nominal registration

b) Finance

Are you a sponsored student or in receipt of a studentship? (please tick)* / Yes / No
If yes, please state details here e.g. name of funder(s). If you are requesting an extension of research candidature, please also state your means of financial support during the requested extension period

*Suspending your candidature may have financial implications e.g. to your tuition fees; it may affect your stipend payments or other funding that you receive; you may become liable for additional fee increments in future years of candidature.

c) Visa

Are you an international student on a tier 4 visa? (please tick)* / Yes / No

*Applications to suspend/extend candidature couldaffect your UK immigration status if you are here on a Tier 4 visa. The University is legally required to report certain changes in your circumstances to UK Visas and Immigration, and some of these changes may result in your current visa being curtailed (i.e. shortened or cancelled). If you are considering suspending or extending your studies, you should refer to the VISAS Team website ( ) in the first instance. If you are unable to find the answer to your question on this website, please either use the enquiry form available there, or attend one of the VISAS Team drop-in sessions. Details of the dates and times of the drop-in sessions can also be found on the VISAS Team’s website.

d) Contact details

If you are applying for a suspension of candidature, you must specify your contact details for the period you will be on suspension. It is your responsibility to update your personal details via SUSSED, please ensure that you do this prior to a suspension being implemented on our systems.
Contact email address:
Contact telephone number:
Contact address at which you will reside whilst on suspension:


(a)Period Affected / Date from: / DateTo:
(c)Please list the supporting evidence you have attached (All applications made under this policy must be supported by evidence, see guidance on page 6 for appropriate examples):


Pleaseanswer Question a, and the subsequent relevant question.

a)Please tick the type of request you wish to make (more than one box can be ticked if appropriate):

  • Extension of research candidature (go to Q.3b) – see page 7for further information

  • Suspension from research candidature (go to Q.3c) – see page 7-8 for further information

  • Extension to Progression Review Report submission deadline (go to Q.3d) – see page 8 for further information

  • Special Considerationsto be given to work to be assessed (go to Q.3e) – see page 8 for further information

b)Extension of Research Candidature (see guidance notes on page 7)
Period of extension requested:
c)Suspension of Candidature (see guidance on page 8)
Requested start date of suspension:
Period of suspension requested
d)Extension to Progression Review Report submission deadline
Assessment (e.g. First progression review, Confirmation):
Current submission deadline: / Period of extension requested:
e)Special Considerations(see guidance on page 8)
Assessment (e.g. First progression review, Confirmation):
Outcome sought :

I certify that the information provided here is correct to the best of my knowledge, and I understand that a change in candidature may have financial and/or visa implications.*

Signature: / Date:

*For financial queries please speak to your Faculty Graduate School Office in the first instance. If you are a Tier 4 visa sponsored student, you are strongly advised to seek advice from the Visas Team ( ).

Please submit this form, along with your supporting evidence, to your Faculty Graduate School Office

Part 4: Additional Information – to be completed by Graduate School Office

Have any previous extensions been given? (please tick) / Yes / No
If yes, please detail:
Have any previous suspensions been given?(please tick) / Yes / No
If yes, please detail:
If the student is in nominal registration, please detail the date they transferred to nominal:

Part 5: Special Considerations Board recommendation to the Director of Faculty Graduate School

Where two applications have been made on this form, please record the decisions individually in the separate boxes below

Recommendation for application of: (please tick)
Extension of candidature / Suspension of candidature / Extension to a Progression Review Report Submission Deadline / Special Considerations
Recommendation to the Director of Faculty Graduate School: (please tick)
Recommend approval of application / Recommend rejection of application / Recommendation pending
Comments from panel
Recommendation for application of: (please tick)
Extension of candidature / Suspension of candidature / Extension to a Progression Review Report Submission Deadline / Special Considerations
Recommendation to the Director of Faculty Graduate School: (please tick)
Recommend approval of application / Recommend rejection of application / Recommendation pending
Comments from panel
Signature of Chair of PGR Special Considerations Board/ Other Board member for time critical requests / Date:

Part 6: Director of Faculty Graduate School

Where two applications have been made on this form, please record the decisions individually in the separate boxes below

The recommendation for mitigation has been: (please tick)
Approved / Rejected
Record any comments here, including rationale for any rejection of recommendations:
Signature of Director of Faculty Graduate School/
nominated deputy / Date:
The recommendation for mitigation has been: (please tick)
Approved / Rejected
Record any comments here, including rationale for any rejection of recommendations:
Signature of Director of Faculty Graduate School/
nominated deputy / Date:

Please return this form to the Faculty Graduate School Office

Guidance on submitting a Special Considerations Request

As a PGR student, you can apply for Special Consideration under the RegulationsGoverningSpecialConsiderations for Research Degree Programmes,where there are exceptional circumstances outside of your control which have or will negatively affect your research candidature; including your performance in a recent or upcoming Progression Review or final viva voce examination; or your ability to meet a deadline for submission of a Progression Review Report or final thesis. Note that this form can only be used for the research phase of doctoral programmes, and does not cover taught assessed components of research degrees. To make an application in relation to a taught component of your research degree, please follow the procedure as set out in your course handbook. PGR students can make an application for:

  1. An extension to candidature;
  2. A suspension from candidature;
  3. An extension to a Progression Review Report submission deadline;
  4. For Special Considerations to be applied to work to be assessed

Further guidance on extensions, suspensions, and application of special considerations to work to be assessed, can be found on pages 7 – 8.

Submission of an application

An application to the PGR Special Considerations Board (via your Faculty Graduate School Office) must be made as soon as issues become apparent, but not normally more than five working days after any assessment or deadline which may have been affected by exceptional circumstances.

Examples of circumstances which may be accepted

The following is a non-exhaustive list of examples that the University would commonly regard as falling within the definition of exceptional circumstances outside of a student’s control:

  • Bereavement – death of a close relative/friend/significant other (of a nature which, in an employment context, would have led to an absence in accordance with the compassionate leave)
  • Serious short-term illness or accident (of a nature which, in an employment context, would have led to an absence of sick leave)
  • Significant adverse personal/family circumstances
  • A significant failure of due process by the University
  • Other significant exceptional factors for which there is evidence of stress caused

Examples of circumstances which are likely to be rejected

The following is a non-exhaustive list of circumstances unlikely to be regarded as falling within the definition of exceptional circumstances outside of a student’s control:

  • If there is a clear case that circumstances relied on were foreseeable or preventable
  • Holidays
  • Personal computer/printer problems
  • Poor practice e.g. no back-up of electronic documents
  • Claims that students were unaware of the dates of submission or examination
  • Poor time management

Supporting evidence

Applications must be supported by evidence appropriate to the circumstances described. Applications will not be considered if appropriate evidence has not been submitted. The following is a non-exhaustive list of evidence that may be used to support a request:

  • Certificate/letter from a GP or other recognised Health Professional. If you make an application for suspension on grounds of ill health, you may be required to provide certification that you are fit to return to your studies.
  • Letter of support/explanation from supervisor
  • Letter of support/explanation from a support service in the University
  • Letter of support/explanation from third party
  • Correspondence from employer
  • Death certificate – whilst a death certificate is obviously definitive proof of bereavement, the University must ensure sensitivity when dealing with such cases and should not insist on the provision of a certificate.

It is the student’s responsibility to provide supporting documentation in English. Any translation must be undertaken by an accredited translator.

Long term conditions

The Special Considerations process is not designed to offer support to students with long-term health conditions. Support and reasonable adjustments of this nature should be obtained via the University’s Enabling Services. This does not mean however that a student’s Special Considerations will automatically be rejected if their circumstances relate to a long-term condition. Students may have had a recent diagnosis or suffered from an acute flare up or worsening of a long-term condition, in which case the Faculty will need to obtain information from Enabling Services to establish whether the student is receiving appropriate support for their condition and/or acute flare ups of that condition.

If the student is not receiving support, then a referral should be made to Enabling Services. Should the student choose not to take up an appointment or support offered, this is likely to be taken into account should future Special Consideration requests be made on the same basis.

Where to go for support

Sourcesofadviceandguidanceinclude your Supervisor, your Director of the Faculty Graduate School, theUnion Southampton Advice Centre, EnablingServices, and Student Services.

Guidance on Request for Extension of Research Candidature

Before applying for an extension of candidature please read the following important information:

The time limits for research candidature are clearly stated in the University Regulations for the awards of MPhil and PhD, and Integrated PhD in Named Subjects. Full and part-time candidates for the PhD programme are allowed four and seven years respectively (for those starting their studies from 2003/04 onwards). Extensions are governed paragraphs 25 and 26 of the Regulations for the degrees of Master of Philosophy and Doctor of Philosophy.

In a well-managed research environment, issues should be dealt with as they arise through formal and informal progress monitoring. Ongoing oversight of a student by their supervisory team and the Faculty Graduate School Directorate should ensure that there is no need for an extension to candidature on academic grounds. However, extensions of candidature may be requested in exceptional or unforeseen circumstances. Such circumstances must be demonstrated in each case. Due regard should also be given to limits or conditions placed on extensions by Research Councils or sponsors and any penalty which may apply if funded students extend their study period. Students should also note that extensions of research candidature do not constitute an extension to funding.

Duration of extension period

a)The first extension granted will normally be for up tosix months

b)Up to a total of 18 months extension time will normally be allowed

Supervision during an extension period

a)Candidates in part or full-time enrolment should continue to receive supervision during an extension;

b)Candidates in nominal registration should not receive supervision during an extension, however the student should be monitored in order to ensure progress is being made in the writing up of their thesis

Monitoring of students during an extension period

Progress should be monitored on a regular basis by the supervisory team.

Guidance on Request for Suspension of Research Candidature

Before applying for a suspension of candidature please read the following important information:

Suspensions are governed by Paragraphs 23 and 24 of the Regulations for the degrees of Master of Philosophy and Doctor of Philosophy in Section V of the University Calendar. In general, suspensions are permitted in extenuating circumstances and should not be granted as a matter of course. The maximum period of suspension should be stipulated in accordance with University regulations (Section IVof the University Calendar), which state that suspensions covering periods of greater than 24 months continuously will normally be granted only under the most exceptional circumstances. Students unable or unwilling to return to study after 24 months in suspension may be recommended for termination of programme.

In the case of Research Council or sponsor-funded research students, due regard should be given to Research Council or sponsor rules governing suspension. Periods of temporary suspension shall not count towards the maximum period of study. On returning from suspension a research student who intends to submit his/her thesis must give the required two months' notice using theIntention to Submitform. TheIntention to Submitform may only be submitted by a research student in active registration.

Suspended students should not receive supervision and normally should not have access to services. However, where a Faculty/Accredited Institution judges that there is a need access to services can be granted on an individual student basis through the student administration system.

Towards the end of an approved period of suspension, the student is expected to contact the Faculty Graduate School Office to confirm their intention to return to study or, exceptionally, to request a further period of suspension. Failure to contact the Faculty, and /or failure to return by the agreed date will result in the student being deemed withdrawn. If you make an application for suspension on grounds of ill health, you may be required to provide certification that you are fit to return to your studies.

It is your responsibility to ensure that you keep your contact details up to date on SUSSED. Please ensure that you do this prior to the implementation of a suspension on our systems.

Guidance on extension to a Progression Review Report deadline

Extensions to a Progression Review Report deadlines apply for one Progression Review only. Subsequent Progression Reviews are expected to take place within the timescales as set out in the Code of Practice for Research Candidature and Supervision, and your Faculty Handbook. Extensions to later Progression Reviews will need to be considered as a separate application at the appropriate time.

Guidance on Special Considerations to be applied to assessed work

The application of Special Considerations to assessed work can be made where there are exceptional circumstances outside of a student’s control that may have a negative effect upon:

  • Work submitted for a Progression Review, or in exceptional cases, a final thesis
  • Performance in a Progression Review, or in exceptional cases, the final viva voce examination

A request for Special Considerations to be applied to assessed work should be made as soon as issues become apparent, but not normally more than five working days after any assessment or deadline which may have been affected by exceptional circumstances.

Where reasonable, any Special Considerations Request in respect of a viva voce should be initiated prior to the examination. Where possible, accompanying evidence should be submitted prior to the examination. Only in exceptional circumstances may a scheduled viva voce examination be rescheduled as a result of a Special Considerations Request.


If it can be demonstrated that there were exceptional circumstances outside of a student’s control either in the preparation of a piece of assessed work, or during an assessment, a recommendation may be made to the Director of the Faculty Graduate School to:

  • Disregard a Progression Review Report and/or Progression Review Meeting and allow an additional attempt in accordance with the relevant progression regulations following this disregard
  • Disregard a viva voce examination and allow an additional attempt in accordance with the relevant examination regulations following this disregard.